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2012 NFL Season


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Hah they read the exact rule on this on ESPN, and the offensive player can't steal it when the defensive player had it first. Explaining in detail how it was an INT. Simultaneous catch does not come into play if the defender has it first and retains possession.

Even if you forget about the horrible calls or non calls that is an INT.

I guess they'll be fining more and more players for there comments with how this is going. If only they'd use their BS fine money to get the real refs back.

Edited by mystikz
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Yep. And the real refs wouldn't have had the debacle that the fake ones did tonight. In this game they would have either called the interception, or had the quick thinking to throw a flag for interference when the play ended the way it did. They never call offensive pass interference on a play like that since it's usually not caught, and there's usually a ton of shoving on top of it. But that one was callable.

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"Because of the LFL's perception it is that much more critical for us to hire officiating crews that are competent, not only for the credibility of our game but to keep our athletes safer. Due to several on-field incompetent officiating we chose to part ways with with a couple crews which apparently are now officiating in the NFL. We have a lot of respect for our officials but we felt the officiating was not in line with our expectations.

We have not made public comment to date because we felt it was not our place to do so. However in light of tonight's event, we felt it was only fair that NFL fans knew the truth as to who are officiating these games"

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Watching the opening segment of RAW with Brad Maddox, Paul Heyman and CM Punk is so much funnier after watching the end of this football game.

Here's one more thing nobody is mentioning, the horrible roughing the passer call that negated a Green Bay interception in the 4th quarter.

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Vikings punter, and frequent poster to Deadspin.com, Chris Kluwe on the end of tonights game, and the replacement refs in general

From: Chris Kluwe

To: Tommy Craggs, Stefan Fatsis, Drew Magary

So when we first started talking, I thought it would be fun to poke at the replacement refs a bit, maybe illustrate that they weren't prepared to operate on the level the NFL requires. But never in my worst nightmares did I imagine we'd see what just happened on Monday Night Football. The outcome of a regular-season NFL game, one of 16 in the season, was determined by the replacement refs, and they got it irrevocably wrong.

I'm speaking, of course, of the game that just concluded between the Seahawks and the Packers, a game that came down to the very last play, and a game which illustrated beyond a doubt that the replacement officials simply are not qualified for the NFL. Like I've said before, it's not due to lack of effort or desire, but simply due to a lack of ability. Just like we wouldn't expect a high school player to keep pace with Ray Lewis, it's unfair to think the replacements can handle the pressure and intensity of a stage that they've never been on.

Let's be clear: We're past the preseason now. These games really matter, and the Packers just lost one that counts for real, one that by all rights they should have won. As a divisional rival, it pains me to say this, but the Packers got royally horsebuggered on that last play, and this could have serious implications down the road when it comes to playoff seeds and homefield advantage.

One of the main points Commissioner Goodell has always harped on is protecting the shield: not letting anything tarnish the brand of the NFL. Commissioner, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but right now the shield is tarnishing faster than a sailor's virtue in a two-dollar whorehouse. Players see it; coaches see it; fans see it. These refs are not fit to stand in for the men you've locked out for what is increasingly looking like nothing more than simple greed—attempting to squeeze blood from a stone simply because you can. The NFL is America's No. 1 sport in part because everyone watching it knows that the players determine the outcome of a game, not the refs. As of right now, you're hurting business by putting a product out on the field that challenges that belief.

We all know that the regular refs sometimes get calls wrong, but never this egregiously, never this overtly. Sure, they may miss a pass interference or a holding call, but they always mark off the right yardage, and there's a trust that they'll get the vast majority of the calls right. Right now, there's no trust for the replacement refs. We've seen them make mistake after mistake, and it'll only get worse as players and coaches continue to push the envelope to see what they can get away with (extra timeouts are pretty awesome, not gonna lie).

As a player, as someone whose paycheck relies on the fans' interest and their consumption of this game, I'm asking you to do what's best for the NFL and get the regular refs back on the field. It may sting your pride, and that of the owners who employ you, but at the end of the day this is a business, and a very successful one at that. I'm asking you: Please don't risk alienating your customers over something that should never have been an issue in the first place. Bring the regular refs back before it gets even worse.

Chris Kluwe is a punter for the Vikings. Follow him on Twitter, @ChrisWarcraft.


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