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2012 NCAA College Football Thread

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And yet again, ND is exposed.

This is a damn joke. It's sickening we even get this crap in the NT game.

I really hope the NCAA wakes up and realizes that absolutely ZERO special exception should be made for ND. Grow up, get in a conference and quit wasting everyone's time.

I want to puke.

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And yet again, ND is exposed.

This is a damn joke. It's sickening we even get this crap in the NT game.

I really hope the NCAA wakes up and realizes that absolutely ZERO special exception should be made for ND. Grow up, get in a conference and quit wasting everyone's time.

I want to puke.

You're taking the piss, right? Notre Dame has the schedule and the record to belong here. They're not showing it on the field on this occasion, but to imply or outright state that they've not earned this is the real damn joke. This is an embarrassment of a post.

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They played exactly 2 teams that were better than just "good." One of those teams was beaten by the 3 teams they played that were better than just "good." They struggled mightily with teams that were terrible this year. Their offense has been disjointed all season and isn't, at all, a NT contending offense. They've ridden defense, luck, and catching breaks with the way their schedule has panned out this year. I was never, ever sold on them this year. I never bought into them and I never once believed they were anywhere near as good as their 12-0 record.

I mean, it's not like they've ever done this befoooooo - oh wait they have: see 2000 season and 2001 Fiesta Bowl

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And yet again, ND is exposed.

This is a damn joke. It's sickening we even get this crap in the NT game.

I really hope the NCAA wakes up and realizes that absolutely ZERO special exception should be made for ND. Grow up, get in a conference and quit wasting everyone's time.

I want to puke.

You're taking the piss, right? Notre Dame has the schedule and the record to belong here. They're not showing it on the field on this occasion, but to imply or outright state that they've not earned this is the real damn joke. This is an embarrassment of a post.

Wait, you can't be serious right?

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None of that means anything though. You're just listing off reasons you don't like them. They played their schedule, beat everyone - EVEN when they didn't play well. Something that no team not named Ohio State did.

You can't just reel off these facts once a team is down 35 and claim that they don't deserve to be there, Nostradamus. A team is not judged on how many teams they almost didn't beat. They beat everyone, except Bama now obviously. They beat three decent teams who had disappointing years in both Michigans and USC.

You want to talk about special status being granted - the NT game is decided by schedules. Bama only played three teams that you put in the category of Oklahoma and Stanford That's a whole one extra (A&M, LSU and Georgia). They also played Michigan, so that's a wash - they played an awful Arkansas team, and Ole Miss who I (reluctantly) put on a level with Michigan State and USC. Bama played an FCS school. They played Auburn, who played like an FCS school this year.

You're talking about special status being granted to Notre Dame, but in this season you're just demonstrably wrong. You're stuck in 2001, who are sick of you. Look at this season. Notre Dame's SOS was ranked 1st overall preseason by Phil Steele, to Bama's 28th. Sagarin's ratings prior to bowl week has Notre Dame's schedule 8 places higher than Alabama's. They played a real schedule, and beat everyone. Bama got to play an FCS school and Auburn. And had a loss. Yes, they're curbstomping ND in this one-on-one matchup - but again, it's just laughable to me to say that they should not have played in this game. They earned it. It turns out they've earned the right to be taken out behind the woodshed - but again, they DID earn it.

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Well, I won't be watching Mike & Mike In The Morning for the next week or so, because Mike Golic will get no cheese to go with his whine.

However, I look forward to Texas A&M representing the SEC in the NT game next season.

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HttK once you wake up and smell the coffee please come talk again. In the NFL does it matter how crap or good you do as long as you win? HELL NO. So tell me why that should matter for college? Please do yourself a favor and think before you reply so you can say your answer is more current and not just hatred reshilled out like normal. I'm gladly willing to admit that Notre Dame was the lesser team and expected it, but they played with heart all season and did what was required to get there, so you cant give anything aside of hatred since they went perfect and your precious Bama was in only because Ohio State has a bowl ban. I have no ill wll towards Bama really, but alot of the SEC diehards are terrible honestly with discussing anything outside of their conference in football.

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None of that means anything though. You're just listing off reasons you don't like them. They played their schedule, beat everyone - EVEN when they didn't play well. Something that no team not named Ohio State did.

You can't just reel off these facts once a team is down 35 and claim that they don't deserve to be there, Nostradamus. A team is not judged on how many teams they almost didn't beat. They beat everyone, except Bama now obviously. They beat three decent teams who had disappointing years in both Michigans and USC.

You want to talk about special status being granted - the NT game is decided by schedules. Bama only played three teams that you put in the category of Oklahoma and Stanford That's a whole one extra (A&M, LSU and Georgia). They also played Michigan, so that's a wash - they played an awful Arkansas team, and Ole Miss who I (reluctantly) put on a level with Michigan State and USC. Bama played an FCS school. They played Auburn, who played like an FCS school this year.

You're talking about special status being granted to Notre Dame, but in this season you're just demonstrably wrong. You're stuck in 2001, who are sick of you. Look at this season. Notre Dame's SOS was ranked 1st overall preseason by Phil Steele, to Bama's 28th. Sagarin's ratings prior to bowl week has Notre Dame's schedule 8 places higher than Alabama's. They played a real schedule, and beat everyone. Bama got to play an FCS school and Auburn. And had a loss. Yes, they're curbstomping ND in this one-on-one matchup - but again, it's just laughable to me to say that they should not have played in this game. They earned it. It turns out they've earned the right to be taken out behind the woodshed - but again, they DID earn it.

I was asked if I was being serious, and I answered with the same things I've been saying all year about Notre Dame. Not once did I believe them. Not once. I stated all year that they had no depth, didn't have the level of athletes, etc. This isn't anything new. There's nothing about being 35 down and me popping in the thread. The reason it took that long is because I didn't even start watching the game until the middle of the 2nd quarter because I knew the game was going to be a joke. Nostradamus indeed.

I put my pre-season thoughts out there for a reason. You can go back and look at my thoughts on Notre Dame. Again, this opinion of them was before the season started. Was I wrong about what they were able to accomplish ? Absolutely. Was I wrong about them simply not being on the level of the "real" teams in college football ? No. They aren't, plain and simple. Yes with their special case in the BCS they were able to play their way into the NT game. That doesn't change the fact that that ND team didn't belong on the field with 'Bama last night. Please, actually understand what I'm saying there rather than just rolling your eyes and pushing back to the "they did what they were supposed to in order to get there" bit. That's not what I'm talking about.

There's nothing demonstrably wrong about saying ND is granted special status. They are every year. They have a special set of circumstances with the BCS. That's a fact.

I'm VERY aware of Steele/Sagarin and what they say about ND. Steele/Sagarin are the two biggest resources I use. However, pre-season means what exactly ? ND's #1 schedule sure didn't turn out that way. Bama's, even with the FSC school (which I've reamed the entire SEC for, for forever) is still rated higher than ND's by Sagarin. In fact, of his top 10 only Oregon had a worse schedule strength. Sagarin also has that Ole Miss team you reluctantly put on the level of USC/Mich State, 9 and 10 spots ahead of them both respectively. Are you forgetting that 2-10 BC team that ND got to play in November (just like Bama played the FSC school in November) ? FIVE of the teams on the schedule for ND were .500 or worse before the bowl games (Purdue/MichSt/Pitt/BC/WF). They played 3 of those in the last 4 weeks to end the season.

I pay attention the college football (all encompassing that is) probably more than most (if not all) on this board. That doesn't make me an expert, or make my opinions any more "right" than any of you. However, I'm not simply stating things because I don't like ND. Hell, I hate Bama just as much. I state things based on what I've seen all year. Again, I was never sold on ND. I've always pointed out their special BCS case as a joke. I'm not stuck in 2001. ND is stuck in 1988. History repeats itself yeah ? ND had a decent year and was fluffed up in 2001. They got their special exception requirements met to make the BCS. They got torched. FFW to 2012 ... same thing. That's simply fact.

HttK once you wake up and smell the coffee please come talk again. In the NFL does it matter how crap or good you do as long as you win? HELL NO. So tell me why that should matter for college? Please do yourself a favor and think before you reply so you can say your answer is more current and not just hatred reshilled out like normal. I'm gladly willing to admit that Notre Dame was the lesser team and expected it, but they played with heart all season and did what was required to get there, so you cant give anything aside of hatred since they went perfect and your precious Bama was in only because Ohio State has a bowl ban. I have no ill wll towards Bama really, but alot of the SEC diehards are terrible honestly with discussing anything outside of their conference in football.

Please, you want to tell me to come and talk again when I wake up ? You're talking about my precious Bama ... and want to infer I'm an SEC guy ? I guess If I need to sit down and have some coffee, you need to go back and get a grip on the stances of the people you want to call out.

Actually, in the BCS it does matter how crap or good you do.

I'm not spouting hatred. If that were the case I'd be on about the SEC getting in again. Well, at least Bama since of the SEC teams I only think they're 3rd at best given the results in conference this year. Guess what, there were plenty of teams that played with heart this year (I'd guess all of them honestly). So what ? Yeah, they did what they were required to do to get there. However, those requirements are a special case. THAT is part of what I was saying was a joke. You can insert any other team for ND, and if they had the same special case for BCS inclusion I'd be all over them as well (such as BYU now that they're indy again).

Actually someone did some figuring on OSU: http://www.waitingfornextyear.com/2012/11/if-eligible-would-ohio-state-be-on-the-verge-of-a-bcs-championship-appearance/

and after Bama's win over UGA in the SEC Title game they likely wouldn't have made the jump given that a win over NEB wouldn't have been as big.

What's more current than using the results and what I watched this year ?

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