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Madden NFL 13


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I'm thinking stat line as well, making sure its all relatively close to realistic numbers.

This has come around mainly because I ended up rushing Adrian Peterson over forty times in my last match, totalled 450 yards and 8 rushing TDs. I think that might just be a tad overkill.

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On defense, you generally want to pick your play once the offense has picked theirs, so you can see what formation you're lining up against. 4 WRs is generally a strong indication of a pass play, and you'll need a nickel or dime to cover them all, otherwise you're putting linebackers on receivers and helping the offense out. Likewise, a 2 TE set with a FB or a single receiver is a good formation to run from. You can generally use Gameflow or Ask Madden to come up with a sensible suggestion.

Good advice, helped me a bit so far actually. Though I don't use Gameflow as much any more as it get's me going for some right random plays at times no matter what the situation is.

Mine came on Friday but I've been busy all weekend so only got to finally start this up today. Rusty as hell, shows that I haven't played much Madden for a while. So far the passing is the one I'm struggling the most with, at first I was performing terrible at it, though after a couple of games I'm finding my feet a little and improving. Struggling a bit to score many touchdowns, think I've only managed about four in three/four games so far, sure I'll eventually improve on that though. Throwing way too many interceptions, something I need to work on, too careless at times.

Started a career with the Steelers of course, only one pre season game in so far much loving it. The only problem I've ever had with career mode in Madden is the trades, draft and cutting, because I'm honestly clueless when it comes to that. Is it a good idea to simulate through the likes of that or is that risky?

Loving the feel of it so far though, having a blast.

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Glad I could help.

My only real issue with Gameflow is that it doesn't have a broad enough scope. It just picks the same 3 or 4 pass plays and probably fewer than that for runs (on the Bears playbook at least, it only ever seems to suggest one play action). I'd like to have seen them add a little play art preview, or at least a text line giving the formation the play was from as well.

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Got to say I much prefer the conventional three box playcall, a lot more variety and it doesn't ever feel like I'm on autopilot like gameflow does.

Hoping I will get a good stint in on the game tomorrow evening, so far in fragmented goes I've managed to get through pre-season with a perfect record, only myself and the 49ers managed that although one win was in OT and was fairly lucky when the Titans 2nd string QB threw a poor interception right at the start of the added period.

My main problem, somewhat realistically, is going to be "am I wasting Kevin Kolb leaving him on the bench and is there an over-reliance on Larry Fitzgerald when using him for damn near every pass play".

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The thing I dislike about Gameflow the far most is the thing's tendency to do boneheaded moves in stupid situations.

Like it tells me to do a run play on 3rd and 14th whilst there is no ghost of a chance for me to get into field goal range or even first down barring a complete miracle.

Or wanting me to do a Play Action on 3rd and long even though the Ai knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am going to pass it anyway, leaving me open for a sack.

That's why I hardly ever use the Ask Madden function either, it tends to come up with stupid ideas in stupid situations.

I rather select my own through ''play type'', it was challenging at first but you tend to find and create your own playbook inside the playbook with plays you like. After a while you will find that nice I-Form pass that you can also audible out of quickly and safely or that 4 wide set that is effective as a draw play.

Once I started to use ''play type'' the game got a lot more fun for me and a lot more hands on too, I still make boneheaded moves but I got quite a few go-to plays that I try to use often. Be it draw plays, slant plays or a long gain play...

I can suggest using ''Play Type'' to everyone, I am not a NFL savant, heck I am pretty unknowledgeable about the sport in terms of plays. But it gives you a lot of freedom to pick the general type of play you want to run (Quick Pass, Standard, Inside handoff, FB Run etc etc.) It has become unmissable for me.

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Yeah the game flow could definitely use tweaking. It tries to do things more based on your coaching tendencies which is a little better at least. As in a team like the Jags will be more run heavy, or some teams that are aggressive will blitz more. Still that makes some problems. It will call all out blitzes when they send 3-4 wides. Which is why you always want to see how many wide outs they are bringing before picking a play. Like said it picks runs when it doesn't make sense. 3rd and 14? Run up the middle. 3rd and 6? Cutback run. Then when it's 3rd and short it wants you to pass.

I don't think fixing Gameflow is very high on priorities though. As others also said it also seems to just call the same plays. I hate the cutback runs and it calls them often. Same pass plays too.

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Sometimes I throw on third and short to stop them jamming the box <_< It's worth a punt a game if it goes wrong if it means that you don't get stuffed repeatedly late by seven and eight man fronts with no respect for your air game.

Third and short is almost guaranteed for me to try a HB Draw. If they jam the line I will audible into a passing play and I will have WR's already present.

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Sometimes I throw on third and short to stop them jamming the box dry.gif It's worth a punt a game if it goes wrong if it means that you don't get stuffed repeatedly late by seven and eight man fronts with no respect for your air game.

Third and short is almost guaranteed for me to try a HB Draw. If they jam the line I will audible into a passing play and I will have WR's already present.

Bingo. If my O-Line is good enough (Falcons have been a solid example out of the box), I'll play action and usually have one receiver doing a curl, one going deep, and one running a quick out. If it's a blitz, the back and the O-line can handle it while I get man coverage. If not, the receiver on the curl route will be turning back in right as my drop back finishes. Great five-to-seven yard pickup.

Thanks to the Hot Routes being moved to the D-Pad, I've reverted back to my Peyton Manning ways. Short Girl is absolutely sick of hearing "Ohio" at this point.

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Sometimes I throw on third and short to stop them jamming the box dry.gif It's worth a punt a game if it goes wrong if it means that you don't get stuffed repeatedly late by seven and eight man fronts with no respect for your air game.

Third and short is almost guaranteed for me to try a HB Draw. If they jam the line I will audible into a passing play and I will have WR's already present.

Bingo. If my O-Line is good enough (Falcons have been a solid example out of the box), I'll play action and usually have one receiver doing a curl, one going deep, and one running a quick out. If it's a blitz, the back and the O-line can handle it while I get man coverage. If not, the receiver on the curl route will be turning back in right as my drop back finishes. Great five-to-seven yard pickup.

Thanks to the Hot Routes being moved to the D-Pad, I've reverted back to my Peyton Manning ways. Short Girl is absolutely sick of hearing "Ohio" at this point.

See, I don't get how people find it easier on the D-Pad. Hitting Y has always been so much quicker and more responsive for me.

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The old pre-play controls are so much easier I find. Although they seem to have removed the quick spotlight receiver? Even with the old controls I have to press like three buttons to spotlight a WR whereas before I used to be able to just push LT & the button of the player I'm spotlighting. I just don't have the time to spotlight a receiver now, especially if I want to make other pre-snap adjustments, too.

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I don't know if anyone's playing Ultimate Team, but I need a quarterback. Kevin Kolb is the drizzling shits, and I only have Joe Webb backing him up. I'd be willing to part with a tailback (I have Ryan Matthews 87 or Arian Foster 85). I also have receivers, though I'd need one back (Antonio Brown 85, Sidney Rice 84 Randy Moss 84), or linebackers (Bart Scott 87, Rolando McClain 85). All have 10+ games left on contract.

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