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Good Scary Movies

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I checked out The Human Centipede last night. Thought it'd be a dull movie clinging on one single thing (viz. the centipede), yet oh wow was I surprised by its originality and actually compelling story. Sure, there were some extremely cheesy moments here and there, but those parts provide comedy if taken as such. Scary and very disturbing film.

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Most of the big horror franchises are big today because they started out with a very small budget and had to come with a more psychological approach to horror. So really watching the original Halloween, Scream or the original Saw might positively surprise you as much as a movie like "Night of the Living Dead" still is able to stand strong today even in black and white and without exploding heads. Maybe even Nightmare on Elmstreet, but that already was a bit bloodier.

There also is this great kind of "horror" movie inspired by religion. I think most of them are from the 80s or 70s... Rosemaries Baby, Omen, The Exorcist and so on.

Or maybe something more SciFie Themed like Alien or Bodysnatchers (which has a ton of good reinterpretations like "The Broken" or "The Children" or if you want a more mainstream approach "Invasion" )

I also enjoyed "The Descent" a lot. It´s not strictly speaking a horror movie, but it´s scary. It´s about a bunch of girls getting lost while cave climbing and slowly going insane down in the dark.

I also always enjoyed the TV Shows that were essentially a bunch of paranormal/horror ones shots. Talls from the crypt, masters of horror, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone ect. It´s cool because they got the short movies benefit of not streching cool ideas into 90+ Minutes and the one shot benefit of "anything can happen because people don´t have a lead they expect in every story".


Jacob's Ladder


The "Siltent Hill" Movie is pretty much the only good Videogame adaption ever.

The Thing (notthe 2011 Version though, 1982)

The Ring (or it´s japans counterparts "Ringu" if you are in for a very slow pace)


Yeah, this needs to be enough for now. SPAMSPAMSPAM.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Alien is fucking awesome but I wouldn't say it holds up as a legit scare. I agree it leaves you with memories and atmosphere, but on scares alone, it doesn't quite manage it. Kind of like The Exorcist. They're great films, but I wouldn't say they're big scare-fests, but they might leave more of an impression in terms of story.

If you've never seen Alien, the group dinner is definitely a big scare.

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Alien is fucking awesome but I wouldn't say it holds up as a legit scare. I agree it leaves you with memories and atmosphere, but on scares alone, it doesn't quite manage it. Kind of like The Exorcist. They're great films, but I wouldn't say they're big scare-fests, but they might leave more of an impression in terms of story.

If you've never seen Alien, the group dinner is definitely a big scare.

Part of me thinks that as it was so iconic though it's lost part of it's impact. If you manage to go in completely fresh on it I think it can still do it but it must be hard to be unaware of most of the set piece scares that got me first time I saw it these days.

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I think Alien holds up better as a purely scary movie than stuff like Halloween and Friday. The characters of the latter have become so iconic that you cheer for them because you want to see the sweet kills. In Alien, yeah, the stomach burst scene has lost its impact because it is iconic and has been parodied relentlessly, but the air shaft scene? Still terrifying.

Different horror movies hold up for different reasons though.

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If you like your horror with some comedy Cockneys Vs Zombies was far better than I expected.

Also see Blood On The Highway for horror comedy.

As said earlier, the [rec] series was good.

As I said earlier, Dread is amazing.

The Cabin In The Woods is awesome.

Audition has pretty much the best build-up to an ending you'll find in any movie ever.

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Just caught Lake Mungo. Really enjoyed it and very creepy. The documentary style is also a great spin on found footage style.

Yeah watched this last week too. Saw it mentioned in this thread and it seemed the most interesting out of all the ones listed. Not scary in the traditional way but wow was it creepy. I just felt unnerved watching it the whole way. Very well done.

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I love the horror genre... Slashers are aight and fun for what they are. Movies that really creep me out though are fewer and further in between. I've enjoyed these though.

Paranormal Activity series

The Strangers - Still one of the creepiest movies I had seen. Made me uncomfortable to be home.

Insidious - A film that truely scared me. I was alone, in my new appartment... But it still scared me. I was glad it was over.

Sinister - Just came out and it is by far the most uncomfortable movie I have ever seen. I truely hated the anticipation in this movie, and genuinly did not want to see what was coming next. First movie that made me cover my eyes and jump...

Some olides that were fun were -

Jeepers Creepers

Darkness Falls

Saw series - my favorite horror franchise

Hostel series

Turistas - very gory though

Jeepers Creepers, Saw and Hostel are oldies? Are you eight?

I've only seen a brief scene from Jacob's Ladder. Now that looks like it would mess with my mind a bit.

Jacob's Ladder is one of my all-time favourite movies. Haven't seen in years, but it fucking terrifies me. Really hits a couple of my key fears. But really, it's one of the best psychological "what the fuck is happening? What is real?" movies I've ever seen.

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