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Good Scary Movies

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I love the horror genre... Slashers are aight and fun for what they are. Movies that really creep me out though are fewer and further in between. I've enjoyed these though.

Paranormal Activity series

The Strangers - Still one of the creepiest movies I had seen. Made me uncomfortable to be home.

Insidious - A film that truely scared me. I was alone, in my new appartment... But it still scared me. I was glad it was over.

Sinister - Just came out and it is by far the most uncomfortable movie I have ever seen. I truely hated the anticipation in this movie, and genuinly did not want to see what was coming next. First movie that made me cover my eyes and jump...

Some olides that were fun were -

Jeepers Creepers

Darkness Falls

Saw series - my favorite horror franchise

Hostel series

Turistas - very gory though

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Alien is fucking awesome but I wouldn't say it holds up as a legit scare. I agree it leaves you with memories and atmosphere, but on scares alone, it doesn't quite manage it. Kind of like The Exorcist. They're great films, but I wouldn't say they're big scare-fests, but they might leave more of an impression in terms of story.

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Haven't seen Paranormal Activity 3 or 4, but am going to watch both soon, however, the first two movies were good, so that's a good series for me. Also, I agree with the statement on all the older Halloween/Michael Myers movies whichever you want to call them, not the Rob Zombie versions, they're too 21st Century, imo. But those are two good scary movies/series in my opinion. Also, I Know What You Did Last Summer and Scream

...what does that even mean?

I can't really explain what he means exactly, but I get it. Take a slasher from the 80s and one from today. They could do everything the same, but the way movies are made today make things seem less gritty, less realistic, and less sincere (if that makes any sense). Slasher films today all look and feel the exact same. Movies from the 80s and 90s all had similar plots and stuff, but they all had a unique look and feel to them.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I meant. The newer ones are all the same, thus, they are a bit boring and a touch predictable. The 80s and 90s were similar, but were a bit more unpredictable and had more of a scare-factor to them I guess you could call it, mainly because of their unique look and feel to each movie, the ones now don't have that factor

Edited by ChrisO
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The original The Ring if you don't mind watching Japanese horror, It's the scariest movie I've ever watched and I still can't bring myself to watch it for a fourth time. I watched it when it first came out and I was seven, meaning that I didn't think about anything else for a few weeks that year, all I did was cry and could not be left alone.

The US remake is pretty good, too, but it's nothing compared to what those crazy Japs did.

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Slightly off topic, but I like the prequel to The Thing. Mary Elizabeth Winstead is a great lead and the films plenty fun. It's a lot like what Predators is to Predator. It doesn't touch the original, but if you don't go into it expecting that, there's plenty of fun to be had. Alien won't make anyone scare nowadays, but it's a god damn wonderful film. So much love for that franchise. Same with The Shining really, though parts of that still creep me out. (The woman in the bathroom!)

Also I warn you now that taking suggestions from Zero on horror films is like taking suggestions on drugs from a heroin junky. The guy likes his horror scary.

Grave Encounters freaked the crap out of me. I think I'd hold that up as scarier than Paranormal Activity (definitely freakier at times) if it didn't fall apart with the piss poor special effects later on and the final ten minutes or so.

The hands out of the wall! Oh man. Everything before that was freaky, but man the piss poor special effects just made me laugh. And then the stuff with the ghost doctor and all that... It kind of fell apart for me there. I didn't really want to know what it was, haunted asylum was good enough for me.

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Look, I didn't mind the new The Thing because it was pretty much the 1980s The Thing, and the performances were pretty good. But Predators is terrible. Stop telling people that!

Outside of Laurence Fishburne giving the most phoned in performance of all time, there wasn't anything that awful. It's a fine mindless action film. I mean I have no real desire to watch it again, but I enjoyed it whilst I watched it.

And yeah, after AVP Requiem, it was a god send. Speaking of AVP, I actually half like the original. The directing is god awful and I found most of the characters outside of Weyland boring, but there's some really fun ideas thrown around and it's awesome to see the mythology of both franchises blended. And man it was just good to get more of Bishop, it really fleshed out his character. Just a shame they fucked up literally everything else.

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Man, Laurence Fishburne WAS really bad in that, wasn't he?

It was beyond shocking. I've never seen a performance so phoned in that I've actually thought that WHILST watching him. Usually it's something that you don't really think until after the scene, but this was like... whilst he was talking.

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Just read the wiki on Insidious and it's the sort of film that would freak me out.

Insidious is excellent and terrifying until the final act, where it completely falls apart. Still worth seeing though.

Freddy vs. Jason is just an awesome movie. I know people hate it, but I think it's ultimate fan service.

And The Thing remake isn't that bad... I shouldn't have included it with Nightmare and Friday. It just struck me as a movie made by legitimate fans of the original who were so terrified of pissing people off with a remake, that they went for a prequel, but really just made a premake. It's way too safe, but there are some great creepy moments.

The US version of The Ring scared me way more than Ringu. Ringu did nothing for me, but I still have a hard time making it to the closet scene in The Ring.

Also I warn you now that taking suggestions from Zero on horror films is like taking suggestions on drugs from a heroin junky. The guy likes his horror scary.

I have some weird definitions of scary though, some of the things that scare me do nothing for other people. The first time I ever saw Blair Witch, I didn't sleep for two days, then it got that major backlash for being "boring."

And I can't believe I forgot to mention [Rec] in my suggestions. GREAT scares and Quarantine (the American remake) is fun too, even if it is pretty much the same movie. [Rec]2 is good too, but stay far, far away from [Rec]3 and Quarantine 2.

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