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What's your favourite genre?


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Since Niner has no taste in video games (except for the ones I like). I thought I'd ask the question - what's your favourite genre of video games?

I myself prefer RPG's. Whether it be western or eastern, pure RPG or hybrid shooter, something with genuine impactful decisions or something with a more linear store, I get engrossed in them. Never been quite sure why I prefer them over others, I think it probably has something to do with the idea that story is such an important element to most modern RPGs, and I'm a big fan of story-based entertainment.

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Since Niner has no taste in video games (except for the ones I like).

Personal abuse is banned. :/

Me? I like my sports games and management types mainly. I will play any sort of game if I like it, but the sense of building something yourself to compete against others is a good feeling and reason why I play games.

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RPGs. Mostly jRPGs. Modern RPGs aren't bad either, though. I mostly prefer the tactical ones like Disgaea, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.

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Strategy/simulation/4X type games probably. But I play and enjoy nearly all types of games. JRPGS are the exception, way too similar to actual work for me to enjoy with the grinding and quite often I will grow tired of grinding and quit playing for a few months, switch it back on and have no idea what the fuck is going on and remember none of the plot.

Strangely I've never felt much attachment to any character in a proper RPG besides Alice in the first Phantasy Star.

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I'd struggle to come up with a good answer.

RPGs and platformers are practically the only games I buy, and cover most of my all-time favourites, so it'd probably between those two. But then there are so many RPGs I find absolutely tiresome, and platformers that are god-awful, that I'd probably struggle to say that I love the genre overall.

Similarly, in PC gaming, I love strategy games - not that I've really played any newer than Tiberian Sun, though. I used to play the crap out of Starcraft, Age Of Empires, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon, Civilisation 2, Sim City 3000...that's the stuff I loved. But I don't have the patience for it any more, and haven't played any games within that genre in so long, that it probably wouldn't be accurate to say that either.

So I'm going to come completely out of left-field and say Point & Click Adventure Games. Secret Of Monkey Island was one of the first games I really loved, and that series remains one of my favourites to this day, and I'm currently trying to play through three point 'n' clicks at once. They're about the only games I'm all but guaranteed to love.

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Point and clicks have a history of being brilliant. I've rarely been disappointed when I've played one. They're especially good when they mix in a bit of humour - hence why the first two Monkey Island games and Day of the Tentacle are three of my favourite games from over the years (also Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and Beneath a Steel Sky).

Hmm. I like definitely like strategy games (such as the Total War series, Europa Universalis, Sim City, UFO/XCom, Theme Hospital etc) and sports management if I care about the sport (Football Manager, Pro Cycling Manager, International Cricket Captain).

I also really like any game that tries to do something differently, even if it's not quite up to what it promises (see Black & White, Afrika and Republic: The Revolution). One of my favourite PS3 games is still Heavy Rain which was utterly compelling to play through,

But to pick a favourite....nggggh.


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I like open world games like GTA, RDR and LA Noire and stuff, I like them because they are immersive but also quite easy - I am shit games. I quite like sports games. I love games with a historical basis. I don't like FPS games, I find them a bit dull. I don't have much time for fantasy based games either, although Skyrim was okay I guess. I like Rock Band. :/

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I used to be high on Western RPGs, like Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Fallout, those kind of games. I have tried getting into JRPGs too but I just... I just don't like them; Final Fantasy, Zelda and all those games just don't appeal to me at all. Except Demon's Souls. But I guess that isn't really a JRPG, more like a Western RPG made in Japan. Recently though, since I have sort of gravitated away from constant gaming, I really enjoy platform-based games or indie games more; simple games with strong work put into them. Like Binding Of Isaac or FTL: Faster Than Light.

I am not big on sandbox games although I like Batman: Arkham [insert place here] but then I guess that isn't strictly a sandbox game. Is it? I don't know.

I want to like strategy games but I just can't find the time for them and that annoys me a bit.

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While I love action adventure games, and platforming games and sports games....my one true gaming love will always be RPGs.

Any type of RPG really. Classic Final Fantasy style JRPG, modern western RPGs like Skyrim or Mass Effect, and everything in between. Love'em! My current RPG addiction? Persona 4.

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