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EWB's Favorite Movie of 2012: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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Wow, I really haven't seen many new movies in the past year.

1. Django Unchained

2. The Dark Knight Rises

3. The Avengers

4. Flight

5. Looper

6. American Reunion

7. Project X, I guess?

And I really can't think of any other movies I've seen, to be honest. Damn.

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Oh man I forgot I started this! Right. So I'll start tallying votes for this after I finish the Bond theme thing. So y'all have about four to five days.

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I suppose I'm at a good enough point where I can finish my list. I still haven't seen a couple of movies that could make the list but I just can't be bothered before the deadline. Still, this was a tremendous year for film and I had a hard enough time as it was.
1. The Raid: Redemption
2. The Avengers
3. Argo
4. Django Unchained
5. Safety Not Gauranteed
6. Lawless
7. Killing Them Softly
8. 21 Jump Street
9. The Dark Knight Rises
10. Seven Psychopaths
Honorable Mention:
The Amazing Spider-Man
End of Watch
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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3. You don't need to tell me you've edited your list up until I post saying that voting is closed, because that's when I'll start tallying everything.


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Let's see if I have seen enough movies:

1. The Avengers

2. The Dark Knight Rises

3. Dredd

4. Skyfall

5. The Expendables 2

6. American Reunion

7. 21 Jump Street

8. The Amazing Spider-man


10. The Hunger Games

Haven't seen: Argo, Django Unchained, The Master etc. yet. (N)

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1. Killing Them Softly

2. Looper

3. Argo

4. The Master

5. The Dark Knight Rises

6. Skyfall

7. Seven Psychopaths

8. Silver Linings Playbook

9. The Avengers

10. Django Unchained

Movies I didn't get to see that I'm disappointed about: This Is 40, Wreck-It Ralph, The Imposter, Searching for Sugar Man

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I missed a lot of movies, but my top 5 would have probably been at least close to what it is if I'd seen more stuff:

1. Haywire

2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower

3. Moonrise Kingdom

4. Indie Game: The Movie

5. Dredd

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