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Tropes vs Women in Videogames


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As far as i understand she feels harassed by everything that dos not is an opinion that agrees with her. Thats classic modern feminism in a nutshell for you, it´s lobbyism for women at whatever cost and not the search for true equally (e.g. make unloading a container full of goods easy enough so every girl can do it just as much as the men that right now are ruining their body at minimum wage) or accepting the fact that men and women are different.
Sure there has been a lot of shit that was set right by the classic movement and sure there are still things/places in the world that need significant work. But there is also the fact that suicide rates when it comes to men are through the roof.

The highest suicide rate is among men aged 30-44, in men aged 45 to 59 suicide has increased significantly between 2007 and 2011, and in 2011 more men under 35 died from suicide in the UK than road accidents, murder and HIV/Aids combined.


If you get vilified just because you are a man. Small Blue once told me about how male teachers in the uk can´t even hug a child anymore because everyone is being scared to be called a rapeist based on that.

It´s simply out of balance. You are the macho asshole rapeist because you have a penis. If you follow non of your natural desires, get depressed and kill yourself you are ok. Otherwise. Evil.

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Honestly, my issue with the video was that the title gives away what really happened - she assumed that her hypothesis was true, and ignored any facts counter to that point.

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As far as i understand she feels harassed by everything that dos not is an opinion that agrees with her. Thats classic modern feminism in a nutshell for you, it´s lobbyism for women at whatever cost and not the search for true equally (e.g. make unloading a container full of goods easy enough so every girl can do it just as much as the men that right now are ruining their body at minimum wage) or accepting the fact that men and women are different.

Sure there has been a lot of shit that was set right by the classic movement and sure there are still things/places in the world that need significant work. But there is also the fact that suicide rates when it comes to men are through the roof.

The highest suicide rate is among men aged 30-44, in men aged 45 to 59 suicide has increased significantly between 2007 and 2011, and in 2011 more men under 35 died from suicide in the UK than road accidents, murder and HIV/Aids combined.


If you get vilified just because you are a man. Small Blue once told me about how male teachers in the uk can´t even hug a child anymore because everyone is being scared to be called a rapeist based on that.

It´s simply out of balance. You are the macho asshole rapeist because you have a penis. If you follow non of your natural desires, get depressed and kill yourself you are ok. Otherwise. Evil.

I don't even know why I'm rising to this cavalcade of bullshit, but I'm sick of reading this "men are so oppressed" bullshit all over the internet. I have been involved in feminist discourse for years, I'm friends with any number of self-identifying feminists, and the majority of my friends would agree with the principles of feminism because, frankly, why the fuck wouldn't you?

It's a flawed doctrine - not because of this "political correctness gone mad" privileged bollocks of white males insisting that they are somehow being excluded/marginalised (spoiler: you're fucking not), but because it often excludes other factors, ignoring women of colour, and transgender people.

However, I have never in my life met a self-identifying feminist who fits the "HATES ALL MEN" stereotype. Maybe they're out there, but on the whole, it's an invention of men afraid of being emasculated.

Now, more specifically to your post - as specific as I can manage to get considering it's an ill-formed mess of irrelevant points - how is the rising suicide rate in men in any way related to feminism? Are you really trying to argue that the suicide rate in men is higher because "boo hoo, men are so oppressed"? Or that feminism is somehow "okay" with the idea of male suicide, or even implicitly encouraging it? Fuck you.

As for "male teachers can't even hug children any more!" - neither can female teachers. But, of course, that doesn't fit your "men are such an oppressed minority! :(" narrative, so let's just leave that out, yeah? I could talk at length about my problems with this, but it's not a gender-specific issue, so it's utterly irrelevant to whatever point your stumbling towards.

How often in your life do you feel you're being "vilified"? That you're being perceived as a "macho asshole rapist"? Because I don't find, in my life, that it comes up all that often, if ever. You know what I do see? Women being blamed for being rape victims, because of how they dress, or because they had the audacity to get drunk around men, rather than men being blamed for having the audacity to get drunk and rape.

Step into the real world for once, stop blaming feminism for why girls don't like you and accept that it might be because you're just a cunt. Yes, I appreciate the implicit irony in my choice of wording. Cunt.

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You should work with the more female social workers dealing with family violence. Because yeah, they do often hate men. Which is fair enough if 99% of what you deal with is horrible men. But to say it doesn't exist doesn't gel with real life either. If we readily accept that there are men out there who think of women as inferior/sex toy/slaves then it's a disservice to women to pretend that some won't hate all men because of it.

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I'm sure Skummy could do this himself but this...

You should work with the more female social workers dealing with family violence. Because yeah, they do often hate men. Which is fair enough if 99% of what you deal with is horrible men. But to say it doesn't exist doesn't gel with real life either. If we readily accept that there are men out there who think of women as inferior/sex toy/slaves then it's a disservice to women to pretend that some won't hate all men because of it.

And then this...

Step into the real world for once, stop blaming feminism for why girls don't like you and accept that it might be because you're just a cunt.

Also in regards to this...

It´s simply out of balance. You are the macho asshole rapeist because you have a penis. If you follow non of your natural desires, get depressed and kill yourself you are ok. Otherwise. Evil.

I'm dating a feminist at the moment. I presume she doesn't think I'm a 'macho asshole rapeist', or at least it hasn't come up, and I definately have a penis. She seems okay with my penis though. I'm not really sure what my natural desires are meant to be but I haven't changed my behaviour at all. Nor have I killed myself. Or maybe I have. Oooh, spooky. She also hasn't told me I'm evil, which again, I feel might have come up over dinner or something.

I'm a feminist but that's not to say I haven't disagreed with some of the feminist critics in my field. I have. I don't however think that female teachers can touch children and male ones can't because I've worked in a child care situation and so I actually know that what you said there is odd and mental. I also know that that's something completely different. I'm genuinely a bit disturbed that anyone thinks feminism is causing men to die (which is essentially what you're trying to say with the suicide bit). Like really disturbed that anyone would try and put that across. In a post-post modern world I could probably find some more sensible reasons.

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We could have true gender equality--not just among men and women but among people of color and LGBTQ types--if Skummy would just stop being so concerned about his health and the planet and just tuck into a goddamn brisket.

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