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The N7 Dragons - FIFA 18 Xbox One Pro Club

King Ellis

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Div 3, the A team (+ Jimmy) strikes again.

A proper free kick this time http://xboxclips.com/video.php?uid=2533274799053261&gamertag=Ample%20Salty&vid=bdf64f0a-2030-4519-8a9f-7b7141bb504b

And going by the accomplishment, I should be able to set a stance and get that achievement. Nice.

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The N7 Dragons Story - Chapter 4.1: Season 13/14


N7 Dragons training ground

N7 Dragons icon and club COO, CEO, President and any other job title you can think of Gary Priest was looking out of the window in his office, surveying one of the training pitches just before his lads were due to go practice ahead of the start of their life in Division 3. After a stumbling start to their latest attempts to reach Division 1, yo-yoing back and forth between the middle of the pyramid, they find themselves at their highest point, with the coveted Division 1 title getting closer.

But even though they had worked wonders to get this far, he knew that it was going to be tougher than ever to clinch the grand prize. Though they may not have their own cemetery like Corinthians (not yet at least), the departed members of the N7 Dragons would always be close to the hearts of the Dragons faithful. Priest lowered his eyes to a picture on his windowsill, the boys celebrating one of their previous Division 1 titles, Adam Dawson holding the trophy aloft. Priest lifted the picture to get a better look at it, smiling slightly as he tenderly placed a hand on it.

"It's not right, you know, what you're thinking of doing."

The voice and the clattering of the picture being dropped by Priest in surprise shattered the emotional silence in the room. Priest spun round to see a man dressed in mechanics overalls and a straw hat sat in the corner of the room, nursing a bottle of Budweiser.

"A Priest should know better than anyone that it ain't right."

"Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my office?"

The man ignored this line of questioning, picking himself up and walking over to Priest's desk.

"I came to talk you out of it. You just need to...accept that your player is dead and not try and bring him back."

"What on Earth are you talking about?"

"I know you're thinking of putting him there, the Indian Burial Ground behind your training pitches there. It's how you bought this place so cheaply, isn't it? You're thinking if you bury him there, he'll come back alive. Sometimes, dead is better."

"Indian bur...WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT?!"

"It's been tried before, what you're thinking of. Socrates, at Garforth Town in 04. But he wasn't the same. What comes out of the ground ain't the thing you put in. The Americans knew that. That's why they stopped using it when the NASL went sour after Pele, Beckenbauer and Eusebio."

The man heads for the door but turns to Priest one final time.

"Don't bury Dawson at the Indian Burial Ground, Mr Priest. Sometimes...dead is better."

It was just past 2am when the N7 Dragons squad pulled up outside the cemetery, Gary Priest at the wheel of the minibus with the likes of Dan, Summers, Larz, Ellis and utility player 'Afro Man' crammed in.

"I'm still ne' happy with this, midnight training isn't in mah contract." said a frustrated Kaney.

"I can assure you it is." replied Priest.

"No, it is ne'."

"I pay your bloody wages and I say it is." snapped Priest. "Now, everyone out of the fucking bus and get the stuff out too."

"I can understand jogging but what are all these shovels for?" asked Dan.

"And these torches." Summers added.

"You're not paid to ask questions, just get a shift on, the lot of you."

"What about him?" Afro Man asked, pointing to wee Jimmy Dean, laid out under some coats, sucking on his thumb.

"Leave him, he'll only get cranky if you wake him up."

Sometime later the team arrived at a familiar grave, that of Adam Dawson.

"What are we doing 'ere?" asked Ellis.

"We're going to say hi to an old friend. Get shoveling."

"Bloody 'ell..." exclaimed Hughes "This is disrespecting the dead. Not cool."

"You should all be happy..." explained Priest "You need all the help you can get if you're going to make it to Division 1. I thought you'd all like having Daws around again."

"I do not want Daws back." Larz piped up "I am the midfielder now, he will just steal the ball from me and shoot from 50 yards."

"Good times..." Gazz sighed contently.

After they'd cleared away alot of dirt, the clang of spade hitting coffin rang out in the cool, night air. Everyone stopped suddenly, exchanging quick glances amongst one another before eventually turning to the chairman. He pointed at the lumbering, 6 foot something, 200 pound target man Ellis.

"Big man, lift him up."

The Dragons leading scorer and assister obliged before Priest barged past, pushing Ellis aside before getting up close to the coffin. He lovingly cradled the coffin in his arms, dirt covering his tracksuit as he gently strokes the lid.

"He's just resting, waiting for a new life to come..."

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