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An EWB Film Watch-A-Long thing?


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I do have the Blu-Ray boxset of his which I've basically not watched outside of The Shining.

Of course, it doesn't have Spartacus, Dr Strangelove or anything before Lolita so that's an issue, almost as big a one as the mother fucking packaging.

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I voted for an overall theme but I'm generally pretty okay with all of them. My only concern is that there might be little interest from the board to watch some older movies so the one from every decade may not work.

My hope would be to try and help some members get over that. And I guess people aren't obliged to watch every film, they could happily jump in when they get to a decade they're okay with. But you're definitely right. If we can get anything between 5-10 people who will see it through, I'd be pretty happy.

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Kinda bummed that it's likely to be every member chooses a film just because I did kind of want a loose theme, but that's still cool. I'll leave it open a little longer, but I can't see it changing much, so in a few hours I might just crack on with that being it.

If it does end up being every member chooses a film, do you want each member to pick one film which we definitely watch, or pick like 5, which we then vote on to watch?

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Might as well just move on here, really. We'll do every member chooses a 5 films, and then we vote on which one we want to watch. If everyone who definitely wants to participate, who I haven't already put in the first post, could comment here, I'll get the final number and create a random order so we can get going.

How long does everyone think we should have to watch the film? I was thinking 4/5 days? I didn't know if a week would be too long?

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I think I have a set of 5 in mind now, if not multiple sets. :shifty:

And 4/5 doesn't seem too bad. That's always the trouble with these things, too short and people complain that there's not enough time and too long and people will end up just drifting away. That and if you spread it across upwards of 10 people then, yeah, do the math. I think having things running that long will only add to the whole 'drifting away' thing, people have short attention spans around here.

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Kinda wish I went with Films Linked by Theme now. It is difficult to pick 5.

What sort of thing is everyone hoping for? Films you've never seen before, or films that you may have seen but would be interesting to talk about? Both I guess. Hard to choose.

What are your stances of documentaries? I've got a couple in mind.

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I love a good documentary.

I have no idea what I'll choose, but I'll choose 5 that I haven't seen before, just because I'm more interested in watching stuff I haven't seen. That being said, I'll more than happily watch something again cos I'll probably see it in a different way. People don't have to pick their five till it's their turn to pick a film, so you can adapt your choices as the films go on.

Shall we get cracking? Then everyone who joins after this can just go on till the end of the queue? Or shall I give it 12 hours or whatever? I'm pretty easy, just want to get going.

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