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TIW2 was mental. Jinx, Twitch, Victor, Mundo all off the chains. The rest really good. Except the two where they babbled on about not knowing who will lose/who will win.

TIW1 had that great Lux line: 3 skills to make you wary, 2 skills I need to carry, 1 skill hits like a truck...I'm giving 0 fucks.

Thoughts on best LoL song you've heard? (Non-Warriors division). I think I have to give it to Yordle's Paradise.

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I like what ThePopushi does...



Lunity is pretty cool too.


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It´s ok to be that guy. Sometimes the Matchmaking just decides to drop you hard. It seems rather unfair.

So PreSeason and the new Map role out on the 11th? I am kinda hyped for the new map, not hyped enough to get the public beta client but still hyped!

I bet i will be in bronze in no time since the change so much of the jungle that i used to carry myself up up and away.

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I was trying to climb back up to Silver but I seriously did have a terrible team in my series. This Vayne was 12 minutes late connecting so logically my Jinx should have had a huge cs advantage, but within a few minutes Vayne had caught up. Jinx seriously just went to totally passive against a level 1 Vayne and we lost bot lane because of it. That same game there was an excellent Ryze on the other team but I still would have liked to put up more of a fight.

2nd loss was just us having all our picks countered which happens but it's still aggravating whenever you get first pick to have it backfire. People at the lower levels don't own all the champs so you can't wait on picking your carry if someone wants to carry, and if that person has first pick it is going to get countered hard.

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I got a decent synergy with firstpick and wanting to play jungle to rise up. I rarly saw bad Vayne players during the last few month. She actualy issent easy to play but i ended up banning her sometimes just because vayne on the other team would mean that she´ed be ripping everything apard lategame.

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I'm salivating at the idea of Kalista in a lane with Taric or Leona.

Oh man, she will be great with those. I also like the thought of Malphite and Janna (as was the examples they gave). She might even work well with Sona....Sona's Q + auto combo will worth, and the two ults will be great.

She seems fun.

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Well, Azire fell of the bandwaggon rather quick.

I don´t think yasuo is broken, i got other champions causing me much more trouble. I played vs yas mid many times and it is ok, he is just one of those champions (and there are several) that can get back in the match if they roam a bit and get kills... i would see him just as problematic as Jax, Fizz, Akali, Kata, Fiora and many other champions that rely on heavy burst.

Randome site note. I must get a duo partner to go Galio Top Kata mid. Holy hell that teamfight overkill. His ult lasts so long and they can´t escape.

I actualy have a ton more problems with hyper mobile champions like fizz, Kassadin or tristana that if they dont burst you down will just be a million miles away before you kill them. (compared to yas)

Edited by Herr Matzat
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No one will ever replace Trist until she gets nerfed. Trist has a strong engage/disengage that resets. And while Yasuo is always banned, I don't think he's broken. Annoying? Yes. Strong if you know how to play him? Yes. Broken? Not so much. In our ELO, we don't really need to worry about him too often. I've stopped wasting a ban on him (my go to bans are Fizz, Trist, Morg).

And I think I've given up on ranked this season. 6 days to go, and I'm in Silver 4 with 30LP. I won my first three yesterday, but then lost the next three (lagging teammates, throws, and then toxic teammate + AFK teammate)

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Look at this game and tell me if you can see what's wrong.

The enemy team surrendered at 20, so my team did so too (it was 25-5)....both of our bases exploded. We got the defeat.

And this game:


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