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I've promised myself to never buy champs with real money. I'm not sure what to do about runes though. Seems a lot more efficient to drop money to build up a nice stock of rune pages for all your main roles/champs.

When I run out of skins I wanna buy, I'll buy champs when they are on sale. Or if I really want them at release.

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I've bought most of my champs with RP to be honest, and i've only ever bought one skin (Arcade Sona). Most of the skins aren't any better, or aren't better enough to justify the cost on the champs I play.

I think i've bought like..3-5 champs with IP. Caitlyn was IP, Nautilus which I just bought was IP and no doubt some others, I just can't recall which. I'm sure if I go back through my champ pool I could track down which champs i've bought individually and from there figure out which ones were IP.

I'm 86 EXP away from 20 so about to hit tier 3 runes. I dread to think how much I will spend on runes once I get there.

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I've bought most of my champs with RP to be honest, and i've only ever bought one skin (Arcade Sona). Most of the skins aren't any better, or aren't better enough to justify the cost on the champs I play.

I think i've bought like..3-5 champs with IP. Caitlyn was IP, Nautilus which I just bought was IP and no doubt some others, I just can't recall which. I'm sure if I go back through my champ pool I could track down which champs i've bought individually and from there figure out which ones were IP.

I'm 86 EXP away from 20 so about to hit tier 3 runes. I dread to think how much I will spend on runes once I get there.

You will spend a lot on runes. Far too much.

And only one skin? Psh! I have far too many.

3 on Sona, 2 on Irelia, 2 on Blitzcrank, 2 on Akali, 2 on Malphite, 2 on Garen (1 free, 1 mystery gift) and 1 on a whole lot of champs (Riven, Maokai, Vlad, MF, Annie, Veigar, Oriana, Vi, Tristana, Diana, Kat, Leona, Poppy, Teemo, Shen, Alistar, Chogath, Kayle, Hecarim, and probably more that I can't remember).

Some of those are mystery gifts, though. Man....I've spent a lot of money on this free game.

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"Group mid or Baron?" They said, with two inhibs.

"baron" said our tank and jungler. "group" said I. And Azir, who plowed ahead.

We got baron. Azir died to three of them. The remaining two backdoored us while we had a 10K gold lead, baron, and two inhibs.


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I am not certain at what level of play she becoms valid as you have to be sure your suport knows how to use the ult and all. Will be interesting to see. You getting five dragons actualy is a fear i had, not that the kill grands you perma buff i sort of saw ADCs crying for that last hit on Dragon comming on the horrizond.

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I think the ult is pretty easy....you get a little crosshair to use, aim it, click, win.

Why would the ADC want the last hit on dragon? Last hitting the dragon doesn't get you any kind of buff. All the 5th dragon does is make you super strong for 3 minutes. So, with that (and a baron), you have 3 minutes to win (which should be pretty easy)

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