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Had a very wierd moment in ARAM last night. I was Hecarim and went tanky because my team sorely needed a tank. Two team fights in a row the only people to be left alive was me and an enemy Singed. Since neither of us could really hurt each other other we just walked off to kill each others inhibitors. I at least had Iceborn Gauntlet and 40% CDR so I managed to destroy theirs and get away, but it was just wierd having that moment of...we shouldn't even bother fighting.

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Meanwhile i got a classic Matzat team. I play supp as sona, no biggy, don´t take lasthits, only do dmg to corkie, we almost kill him once. The enemies tgeam jungler comes in, we run, vayne for some reason stays in way to deep, dies while i get away with a hairline of HP. Vayne decides not only to blame me but also to tell me that i have to go leave botlane or she will leave botlane (yes, after one death!). Not only dos she now hijack Midlane but she also tires to not help in every teamfight i am involved in - this causes irelia to go afk.

Ranked LOL everyone.

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Top lane? I now have Maokai (who I'm boss with), Vlad (got a new skin for him yesterday), Volibear, Lissandra (just bought her yesterday), Poppy, Gangplank.

Mid lane? Vlad and Lissandra, since they both work there. Annie. Ahri (got the popstar skin for her, since it was on sale).

Jungle? Let's not talk about that lane (although, I DID get a new Vi skin)

....and I guess not much has changed for ADC (Twitch, MF, and Jinx are my go to) and support (Sona, Leona).

Also! I contacted Riot to find out how much money I've spent on the game. It's a lot. $170 Canadian (they just recently started offering RP in Canadian dollars) and $220 USD. Almost $400! But, I don't feel so bad, since this is a game I've been playing CONSTANTLY for the past 2 years and probably have close to 1000 games played (if not more)

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After laning v Blitz all week as I learn Thresh, I get a Thresh v Thresh matchup.

*Enemy throws his hook at me, misses as my ADC tells me to be careful*

*I instantly hook thresh in response, flay him backwards, escape*
Me: I know, I just wanted to style on this Thresh

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Step 1: Take early lead through top and bot lane takeover.

Step 2: The Silver V mid starts snowballing...nay, avalanching...once we start grouping.

Step 3: Lose an inhib, things look grim.

Step 4: Shotcaller Plubby decides "enough of this bullshit. We are not throwing THIS lead away." (9.5k gold down to 800 gold) Calls LB and Kat back to defend, takes ADC for damage, JG for Smite, and self to tank up to Baron. We take Baron, use turbo recalls to heal (admittedly I had to ALLCAPS at Elise to get her to do it) - then we shove the midlane, get three vital kills onto their Azir, Jax and Fizz (the only ones threatening) and we take the game.

Step 5: ?
Step 6: Profit!

The team started to get a bit anxious briefly around the nexus turrets, but I was like "PUSH PUSH PUSH! NOW! These are MASSIVE deathtimers!" and eventually I just waded in, tanked the nexus turrets myself (With the help of my FOTM active) and the team followed in behind me. I died less than a second before the last turret went down. But they'd not have gone in without me tanking that turret aggro. As soon as the game finishes, three of the four players I played with INSTANTLY friendlist me and I bask in the postgame plaudits. I was so happy that we managed to not pull of the 20 minute throw, and that my team trusted my shotcalling enough to actually listen.

I can't say with any degree of confidence that I have played with EVERYONE on Oceania, but in all the games I have played since I got back from my holiday, I am pretty sure I am the best shotcaller on OCE that is not currently on a ranked team :shifty:

That's not pumping myself up btw, that's a sad indictment on everyone else.

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Well Jax and ONE OF Azir/Fizz would make sense, because Jax is a toplaner :P I was briefly in a champ select with that Heimer and Fizz before someone Q-dodged and I can say with utter certainty that Fizz and the Heimer on that team would have picked those champs regardless of anything, and the Heimer would have instalocked and hoped to get botlane.

We laned against Fizz and Heimer. Hence why we rolled them, really :P

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Ruki: Training Maokai under you turns into OCE Maokarry. Basically the only one winning lane (I basically had his CS doubled until 20ish mins, when he started splitpushing. Poorly.), kills, game-changing ults, including exploding Tristana out of the air (Rocket Jumping) by premature R detonation. Another massive win on the back of Shotcaller Plubby's baron call >_<

EDIT: Oh, and they killed four of us down and pushed at the end. Blitz recalled and defended until XZ was up, and they were all like "DEFEND!" because we had so many dead and I saw our double-super waves pushing in and was like "I got this, I have TP" and then the BACKDOOR WAS REAL. xPlubbe.

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Ruki: Training Maokai under you turns into OCE Maokarry. Basically the only one winning lane (I basically had his CS doubled until 20ish mins, when he started splitpushing. Poorly.), kills, game-changing ults, including exploding Tristana out of the air (Rocket Jumping) by premature R detonation. Another massive win on the back of Shotcaller Plubby's baron call >_<

EDIT: Oh, and they killed four of us down and pushed at the end. Blitz recalled and defended until XZ was up, and they were all like "DEFEND!" because we had so many dead and I saw our double-super waves pushing in and was like "I got this, I have TP" and then the BACKDOOR WAS REAL. xPlubbe.

Who the hell was their midlaner?

But, a very good game by you! Although, against that team comp, I likely would have skipped Spirits Visage and went for Sunfire or Thornmail.

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Ruki: Training Maokai under you turns into OCE Maokarry. Basically the only one winning lane (I basically had his CS doubled until 20ish mins, when he started splitpushing. Poorly.), kills, game-changing ults, including exploding Tristana out of the air (Rocket Jumping) by premature R detonation. Another massive win on the back of Shotcaller Plubby's baron call >_<

EDIT: Oh, and they killed four of us down and pushed at the end. Blitz recalled and defended until XZ was up, and they were all like "DEFEND!" because we had so many dead and I saw our double-super waves pushing in and was like "I got this, I have TP" and then the BACKDOOR WAS REAL. xPlubbe.

Who the hell was their midlaner?

But, a very good game by you! Although, against that team comp, I likely would have skipped Spirits Visage and went for Sunfire or Thornmail.

Blitzcrank was their midlaner.

I responded to his AP items with Visage as he was getting good hooks in. I probably overestimated the impact he was having, but I wanted to augment my passive heals. Maybe I overthought things - it was probably even better to get Zhonya's (which is what I was aiming to build at the end) instead of Visage.

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