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How about you get BOTRK and three pink wards and not get so god-damn out of position :P:shifty:


(This is said entirely tongue-in-cheek, I know that Jinx actually needs the Life steal because she has no in-built escape like Cait or Lucian for instance, but still. Here in Wood sometimes the ADC rushes BT first even because they take so much damage and I just feel like saying STOP TAKING DAMAGE YOU FLAMINGO)

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4th game of the streak. Only died twice in each of the last 4 games, crazy.

BT was first build on some ADCs before it got nerfs at the start of last season (I think) but IE is always first choice now. If I'm really struggling to sustain I'll get a Vampiric Scepter first but that tends to be rare.

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For whatever reason, after getting Gold near the end of last season, I decided to keep track of all the ARAM games I play (I like playing with a lot of champions, even if I suck). If people have interest I can post some of the stats of the 200+ games I have tracked.

I tracked who I played, kills, assists, deaths, game time, ally/enemy champions, dmg, and more.

I have discovered that Sivir is the most common champion, Evelynn the least common. Sona, Nami and Blitzcrank are the most likely to win. I've also had games under 9 minutes and over 48.

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Gonna throw this in spoilers for size and for those who don't care. I have recored 216 games so far, but for this I will use just the 1st 200, and then possibly update at 300. Note that I didn't count games that had technical issues like disconnects or massive game breaking lag.

Any more specific request just ask and I'll see what I can do.

All Games are ARAM

Champions Owned: Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Brand, Braum, Caitlin, Darius, Fiddlesticks, Gangplank, Graves, Hecarim, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jinx, Kayle, Lux, Maokai, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nautilus, Nocturne, Nunu, Pantheon, Rammus, Renekton, Ryze, Shaco, Sion, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Taric, Teemo, Tristana, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Urgot, Varus, Veigar, Vicktor, Xerath, Zilean,

Other Champions Played: Ziggs, Corki, Syndra, Karma, Talon, Zyra and Rumble

Most Played:

1. Sivir - 38 Games

2. Morgana - 37 Games

3. Teemo - 34 Games

4. Janna and Tristana - 33 Games

6. Lux and Ashe - 32 Games

8. Fiddlesticks and Twisted Fate - 30 Games

10. Annie, Blitzcrank andGraves - 29 Games

Note: The most common champions I dont own are Ezriel (26 Games) and Nidalee (25 Games)

Least Played

Note: I do not own or have played any of these champions

1. Evelynn - 3 Games

2. Tryndamere, Vi and Udyr - 4 Games

5. Volibear, Shyvana and Shen - 5 Games

8. Aatrox - 6 Games

9. Kalista, Lissandra, Nasus, Trundle, Fizz, Quinn, Cho'Gath and Diana - 7 Games

Special Note: I have played Renekton in 3 of the 8 games and Hecarim and 5 of the 9 games they were in

Win Percentage

1. Rammus - 90% (9-1 - I am personaly 5-0)

2. Kog'Maw - 85% (11-2)

3. Sona - 84% (21-4, I am 3-0)

4. Nami - 83% (15-3)

5. Blitzcrank - 83% (24-5, I am 6-0)

6. Zyra - 80% (11-3)

7. Xin Zhao - 78% (7-2)

8. Amumu - 75% (12-4, I am 4-2)

9. Vel'Koz - 73% (8-3)

10. Sion - 72% (10-4, I am 2-0)

Worst Win %

1. Zac - 0% (0-7)

2. Aatrox - 0% (0-6)

3. Udyr - 0% (0-4)

4. Elise - 19% (3-13)

5. Shen - 20% (1-4)

6. Garen - 22% (2-7)

7. Mordekaiser - 22% (2-7)

8. Renekton - 25% (2-6, I am 0-3)

9. Yasuo - 26% (5-14)

10. LeBlanc - 26% (5-14)

Most Wins:

1. Blitzcrank: 24-5

2. Sona: 21-4

3. Fiddlesticks: 21-9

4. Sivir: 20-18

5. Ashe: 19-13

6. Teemo: 19-15

7. Lux: 18-14

8. Janna: 17-16

9. Master Yi: 16-11

10. Anne: 16-13

Most Loses:

1. Morgana: 14-23

2. Tristana: 13-20

3. Sivir: 20-18

4. Twisted Fate: 12-18

5. Janna: 17-16

6. Jayce: 7-16

7. Xerath: 9-16

8. Shaco: 8-15

9. Nunu: 11-15

10. Teemo: 19-15

Special Notes:

- It took 76 games to see all champions (not including champions released after I started). Renekton was the last

- I have played against all champions, Vi is the only champion that hasn't been on my team

- Zac, Aatrox and Udyr have not been on the winning team ever

- The following have a 0% win while on my team: Yorick, Sejuani, Diana, Renekton, Garen and Shen

- Hecarim and Viktor have now won as allies, but I have won playing them

- The following have a 100% win rate on my team: Kog'Maw, Zyra, Vel'Koz, Irelia, Evelyn, Poppy, Tryndamere and Cho'Gath

- Amumu, Nocturne, Maokai, Alistar and Rumble are 100% as allies, but I have lost with them.

- I have not lost a game against Hecarim as well as the 3 who have never won a game

- I have not won a game against Rammus or Nami


Personal Records:

Most Kills

1. Varus - 85 Kills - 6 Games

2. Xerath - 85 Kills - 7 Games

3. Shaco - 78 Kills - 7 Games

4. Morgana - 71 Kills - 10 Games

5. Graves - 70 Kills - 8 Games

6. Tristana - 62 Kills - 6 Games

7. Darius - 62 Kills - 6 Games

8. JInx - 56 Kills - 4 Games

9. Hecarim - 56 Kills - 5 Games

10. Jarvan IV - 56 Kill - 8 Games

Most Kills per game: Ziggs (15.5) and Urgot (14.3), Least Nunu (3.4)

Most Deaths per game: Kayle (13.7), Least: Ziggs (4.5)

Most Assists per game: Taric (35.5), Least: Twitch (12)

Best KDA: Sona (6.8), Worst: Twisted Fate (2.1)

My total record is 117-83 (58.5%)

Kills: 1774

Deaths: 1698
Assists: 4318

KDA: 3.6

Shortest Game: 8:45 (Morgana, Vladamir, Lulu, Sivir and Xerath def Miss Fortune, Ezriel, Tristana,Elise and Annie)

Longest Game: 47:31 (Zilean, Zyra, Cairlin, Gragas and Pantheon def Taric, Lucien, Teemo, Xerath and Lux)

- I've had 2 games with 0 kills, as Taric and Nunu, both were wins.

- Most kills in a game is 23 with Rumble (I do not own) and was a loss. Teemo scored 22 in a win

- I've had 2 games with 1 Death; the sub 9 minute game as Morgana and a 15 minute game as 2-1-41 Taric (also my best KDA of 43)

- Most Assists in a game is also Taric with 49 (the 47 minute game)

- Least assista in a game are Xerath, Nunu and Annie with 6, all games were a loss.

- My worst KDA in a single game is 1.2 as Fiddlesticks (4-10-8) and somehow I got a 4 kill stream

- As mentioned my best KDA is 43, by 2nd best is 18.5 is Tristana (11-2-26)

- My longet killing spree is 7 with Urgot, Graves, Jinx and Ziggs

- Pentakills: 0

- Quadrakills: 1 (Master Yi)

- Triple Kills: 22 (3 with Varus and somehow 1 with Braum)

- Minions Killed: 10,538

--- Most Total: Graves - 633 / Single Game: Zyra - 175
--- Least Total: Nautilus - 27 / Single Game: Taric/Soraka - 12

- Damge Dealt: 4,825,641

--- Most Damage: Varus 229,613 / Single Game: Jinx 63,685 (34 min loss)

--- Least Damage: Nautilus - 7461 / Single Game: Taric - 2863 (13 min win)

Below is the win-loss record of every champion, listed alphabetically

Aatrox 0-6

Ahri 4-9

Akali 10:8

Alistar 9-8

Amumu 12-4

Anivia 8-10

Annie 16-13

Ashe 19-13

Azir 5-8

Blitzcrank 24-5

Brand 10-12

Braum 9-19

Caitlin 14-11

Cassiopeia 7-7

Cho'Gath 2-5

Corki 10-10

Darius 10-7

Diana 2-5

Dr. Mundo 9-11

Draven 5-12

Elise 3-13

Evelynn 2-1

Ezriel 15-11

Fiddlesticks 21-9

Fiora 3-5

Fizz 2-5

Galio 8-5

Gangplank 7-7

Garen 2-7

Gnar 4-9

Gragas 8-10

Graves 15-14

Hecarim 3-6

Heimerdinger 12-9

Irelia 6-3

Janna 17-16

Jarvan IV 9-13

Jax 3-5

Jayce 7-16

Jinx 10-12

Kalista 4-3

Karma 10-14

Karthus 9-6

Kassadin 5-8

Katarina 8-10

Kayle 9-6

Kennen 3-8

Kha'Zix 12-9

Kog'Maw 11-2

LeBlanc 5-14

Lee Sin 9-6

Leona 10-8

Lissandra 4-3

Lucien 11-13

Lulu 11-10

Lux 18-14

Malphite 7-12

Malzahar 8-8

Maokai 6-7

Master Yi 16-11

Miss Fortune 13-11

Mordekaiser 2-7

Morgana 14-23

Nami 15-4

Nasus 4-3

Nautilus 5-4

Nidalee 14-11

Nocturne 7-6

Nunu 11-15

Olaf 5-6

Orianna 7-10

Pantheon 12-5

Poppy 5-5

Quinn 2-5

Rammus 9-1

Renekton 2-6

Rengar 4-6

Riven 6-10

Rumble 5-5

Ryze 10-12

Sejuani 3-5

Shaco 8-15

Shen 1-4

Shyvana 2-3

Singed 5-5

Sion 10-4

Sivir 20-18

Skarner 3-6

Sona 21-4

Soraka 10-10

Swaine 5-5

Syndra 10-10

Talon 8-8

Taric 8-8

Teemo 19-15

Thresh 10-7

Tristana 13-20

Trundle 3-4

Tryndamere 2-2

Twisted Fate 12-18

Twitch 7-5

Udyr 0-4

Urgot 5-7

Varus 15-11

Vayne 9-6

Veigar 12-10

Vel'Koz 8-3

Vi 2-2

Viktor 3-7

Vladamir 6-8

Volibear 2-3

Warwick 8-10

Wukong 8-4

Xerath 9-16

Xin Zhao 7-2

Yasuo 5-14

Yorick 4-4

Zac 0-7

Zed 10-6

Ziggs 9-14

Zilean 12-10

Zyra 12-3

Edited by Azazel
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