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Batman: Arkham Knight

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I cracked it in the end and went on to finish the main story.

so far I have Two-Face, Penguin and Deacon Blackfire locked up and need a 4th to start the "Knightfall" story, where the hell is Man-Bat? I've already encountered him 3 times, I just can't find him for the 4th time. 

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As far as I know it's random but I honestly never knew where anything was. I found everything randomly or had Alfred tell me where to look :P 

I don't think he randomly spawns in places. The first time you see him he flies around in Miagani Island.The 2nd time he is in Founder's Island and the 3rd time in Bleake Island. Or it might be the other way around. He flies in circles.

Edited by Hellraiser
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I found him in the end, I'm 1 villain away from the Knightfall protocol but I'm so bored with taking down watch towers and disarming mines so I think I'll call this game a day.  I rarely play video games these days but I really enjoyed this, the only gripe I have is with the excessive Batmobile/tank battles.

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  • 9 months later...

So, obviously a little late to the party but... (Knightfall ending spoilers)


Seriously I was loving this game. Absolutely loving it, the story was excellent, the quests were quality, everything I really enjoyed. I thought the Batmobile handled excellently and had no issues with it like some people did but I did have one problem...that fucking Knightfall ending. It's not even the ending, it's the fact you have to get EVERY, SINGLE, FUCKING, RIDDLER, TROPHY. Seriously who thought that was a good idea? I mean I get the game reason but for the sake of a 5 minute cut scene you want me to spend hours upon hours wandering around Gotham trying to find over 250 trophies? No thanks, YouTube for me.

Before that I'd give the game a 9/10 but because that it drops down to maybe 7 or 7.5 purely because it's left such a sour taste in my mouth. Genuinely have never felt as disappointed in a game, TV show or movie before. That's quite impressive.


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Psh, I would have gotten them all just for the sake of it regardless. It's not even hard, if anything they should have had more of them, as they were the easiest in the series by far.

Now the fucking bombs, THAT was a pain in the ass.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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  • 7 years later...

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