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Watch Dogs


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If you progress through the story, the online contracts and invasions are a part of the story. Do one, then it unlocks.

Are they? Cool. I am barely into the main campaign...I just unlocked the first tower for the mission, now I gotta go drive a car for my friend or something.

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If you progress through the story, the online contracts and invasions are a part of the story. Do one, then it unlocks.

Are they? Cool. I am barely into the main campaign...I just unlocked the first tower for the mission, now I gotta go drive a car for my friend or something.

It's one or two missions after that.

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Sometimes it's further than others. I just think if they're going to instantly drop a car near you, you shouldn't have to run a few hundred metres before hopping in. Like Benji said, it makes the option of just stealing one all the more simpler.

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Seem to have lost all my save data, which is aggravating. At least I'd completed the story so I'm in no real hurry to start it again, but still, losing it all is annoying regardless. Not a bad game though. enjoyed it for what it was, even if it did take itself way too seriously. Although I love how they STILL fucking shoehorned in a load of the tedious Assassin's Creed tailing missions.

It kind of feels like (albeit a slightly better) Assassin's Creed 1, in terms of a new franchise sort of finding it's feet and suffering a fair bit of repetition at the outset. It did just become a bog standard sandbox shooter. Chase after these guys in a car! Tail this guy! Shoot through waves and waves of rent-a-baddie's! Didn't have anywhere near as much thoughtfulness or intrigue as they'd initially suggested. Or even the social commentary they were smugging on about in regards to technology and surveillance and all that to start with. Like it seemed this was being made out to be some revolutionary game or something and it's far from it.

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Oh my god I'm on act 3 of 5 and the story is just so fucking boring. I'm really only playing now because I spent £40 on this and I don't want to leave it unfinished.

It's unbelievable how much this games goes out of it's way to put you away from the high tech places, where you could do some interesting stuff with the hacking mechanics. It'd much rather put you in the middle of a gang controlled zone and task you with killing everyone. Stealth/Hacking is more fun at first, but after the like 10th mission like this I'm literally just running in with a silencer and killing everyone.

In the end it really is just another GTA clone.

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Oh my god I'm on act 3 of 5 and the story is just so fucking boring. I'm really only playing now because I spent £40 on this and I don't want to leave it unfinished.

It's unbelievable how much this games goes out of it's way to put you away from the high tech places, where you could do some interesting stuff with the hacking mechanics. It'd much rather put you in the middle of a gang controlled zone and task you with killing everyone. Stealth/Hacking is more fun at first, but after the like 10th mission like this I'm literally just running in with a silencer and killing everyone.

In the end it really is just another GTA clone.

I'm hoping they go Assassin's Creed with this....the first game is good, but gets old really fast. But then BAM! Game #2 rolls around and everything is awesome.

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What were people really expecting with this brand new franchise? I mean, aren't all video games pretty repetitive after a while? It's usally get from point A. to B. just with some variations on how you get there thrown in the middle. Watch Dogs can get tedious, but I've been finding myself saying that about just every single game I've owned over the past year or so.

Edited by Lj.
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What were people really expecting with this brand new franchise? I mean, aren't all video games pretty repetitive after a while? It's usally get from point A. to B. just with some variations on how you get there thrown in the middle. Watch Dogs can get tedious, but I've been finding myself saying that about just every single game I've owned over the past year or so.

What? That doesn't excuse a poor game at all... Should we just stop demanding more from games? :/ Being a new IP shouldn't mean it gets judged on a scale - they had the chance to really do something different with the sandbox genre, but they went with the exact same formula every other game has used. You're really playing the wrong games if you're finding they all just get repetitive.

There's been plenty of games over the last few years that haven't ended up repetitive after a while, that've stayed captivating right to the end. Heck, the most recent example, I don't think I've been bored for a single moment of Wolfenstein: New Order.

I pretty much called Watch Dogs being every other Ubisoft game as soon as we saw real gameplay, that doesn't mean it's any less disappointing. No one wanted a gaming revolution, I think it's pretty safe to say that sandbox games aren't going to be the genre that provides that, but it's really not that ridiculous to hope for them to have followed through on some of the promise that the game had, especially with the concepts of hacking.

Man, this is all coming from the guy that's called Ubisoft one of the most boring devs on the planet. I might be cynical, but you guys seem to have given up all hope on innovation in video games.

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There's something to be said about how games are forced to be developed these days - make it, get it out and don't fuck it up is pretty much the motto. I think it's fair, due to this to have that kind of outlook. It's also evident from history - I mean, look at the Assassin's Creed franchise. A great idea that was built upon over the years, finding its identity.

It's not so much that I expect a game to be bad and I accept that. When I say that Watch Dogs was good for a first attempt, I'm taking these things into mind. I'm still having fun, but I understand that the developers likely never had the chance to fully realize their vision. I build software for a living - I know the pain of having to make compromises on your original vision for something to get it in on time or under a myriad of other orders.

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