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Just now, Kyle said:

The lack of people focusing on getting rid of the healers is what's bugging me currently as well, spent a whole push game targeting a Reinhardt with a permanently attached Mercy and couldn't do a thing about her because she was flying out of reach of my bombs. All I ask is for the guy playing Hanzo to maybe TRY to take out the flying menace.

Switch to solider and destroy her. i know it means switching off your main, but if it gets you the win? Hopefully others pick up on what you do and do similar. 

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5 minutes ago, DFF said:

Switch to solider and destroy her. i know it means switching off your main, but if it gets you the win? Hopefully others pick up on what you do and do similar. 

Expecting me to do the logical thing here is your downfall. :shifty:

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I would wait a few months to weed out the new players or get them used to the game. There is people new to the game because it is F2P and there is a whole new base of players. Overwatch by the end had great matchmaking and the player base really understood the game. OW2 will get there in a few months. 

Also, in my experience, the player base on PC is infinitely better than console. So if you can play on PC I would recommend you to do so. 

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7 hours ago, Igwollie said:

I'm personally hoping it doesn't get like that because I'm having a blast playing and I'm absolutely rubbish at it.

You'll get better as you play, Ollie! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey we got the the first big balance patch of OW2 coming up this week, and we'll bring Mei back in with it.  Scheduled on Tuesday the 15th, tell your friends.

Oh wait, ummm we just realized like an hour before it goes live that it has a critical error in it.  Whoopsies, we'll get around to fixing it and implementing it eventually.

Everything related to this game continues to be an embarrassment for Blizzard.

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  • 5 months later...

They killed development on OW1 to start on OW2, mainly for it's big PVE component they had planned.

Then they released OW2 as a free to play game, without the PVE element, but promised it would be added soon.

Now the PVE element has been cancelled.   Fuck Blizzard, and very specifically the god awful OW2 team.

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Yeah, I've been reading about this. I get the impression they promised too much prior to actually getting to the nitty gritty, and now that OW is promoted as a live service game, they are too stretched to work on, what would essentially be, an entire new game (mode). 

I will say, I am enjoying OW2 in general. It's still flawed as heck, but still fun. 

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On 16/05/2023 at 16:03, Maxx said:

They killed development on OW1 to start on OW2, mainly for it's big PVE component they had planned.

Then they released OW2 as a free to play game, without the PVE element, but promised it would be added soon.

Now the PVE element has been cancelled.   Fuck Blizzard, and very specifically the god awful OW2 team.

I understand people being upset, but if I'm being honest, I had zero interest in PVE Overwatch. I'd rather them focus on PVP. 

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They didn't even focus on the PVP.  Their focus was making the game free to play and monetizing the shit out of it, while stopping development on OW1, a game people paid full price for.  It all looks even worse when you reflect on the incompetence of the dev team, breaking the game constantly when they add things to it, having to take out heroes from the game entirely for a month or longer because something they changed messed things up.  One could forgive that if it was all done in the name of creating the PVE mode, but now that's not the case.  We got Overwatch 1.5, hyper monetized and constantly broken.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like crowd control features will be returning (albeit not for as many characters as we had previously). 

Mei, who already has the slow ability, is getting a buff to it where if she locks it on for long enough a super slow happens for 1.5 seconds. 

The other one is Cassidy. He's not getting flashbang back, but the grenade is being re-worked. It's damage is getting nerfed but will do two things - 1. It will cause the opponent to slow and 2. It will block that player from using movement altering affects (e.g. Hanzo's dash, Ganji's dash, Moira's fade, Winston's leap, Tracer's blink, Reaper's wraith form etc) for a short time. 

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  • 3 months later...

Illari is such a cool new character. I'm actually having fun playing as support. Anyone else given her a go? 

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