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Everything posted by Pepsi

  1. Nice too see a good looking female character who isn't just a sex object in the show. Loved the party stuff, especially with the Sky Vodka bottle. Also looks like E and his girlfriend might be having troubles coming up too.
  2. Because Saw 4 will be released on Halloween and will probably be another hit so why even compete?
  3. I also though kids smoke because they're friends/parents smoke. It's just how it is, there are enough anti-smoking stuff out there that if the kid smokes he/she knows what they are doing. Still to this day find it funny that at 16 is most states you can drive a car and possibly kill someone and yourself yet you can't purchase cigarettes until 2 years later.
  4. Hopefully they fix the online. I hated SvR 07's online. Everyone creates a CAW as a superheavyweight just so they can bump up they're stats. Also people would edit real wrestlers like Khali and give him Hogan's Drop or Shooting Star Presses. I hate hate hate hate SvR online.
  5. The art in Dark Tower is some of the best art I've ever seen in a comic.
  6. 1) Album's The Crane Wife - The Decemberists The Fragile - Nine Inch Nails OK Computer - Radiohead Good News For People Who Love Bad Nes - Modest Mouse Electro-Shock Blues - The Eels 2) Books Watership Down Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Good Omens Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism The Daily Show: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction 3) Games Chrono Trigger Earthbound Secret of Mana 4) Food Pizza
  7. Only time I ever got chill's was during a Nine Inch Nails concert when Trent was singing "Hurt".
  8. That's him, he's been in a bunch of stuff but never as a lead. I just watched his latest stand-up too, it was really funny.
  9. 300 - 9/10 I loved this movie. I felt like I was watching a movie like I haven't seen before. I was really only worried that I'd feel like I was watching a music video but instead I was really blow away. Only thing I didn't like was the last monologue, it was a little long. But my complaint is small compared to how much I loved this movie.
  10. Oh wow, we have to wait til the end of April??? NOOOOOO!!!!!!
  11. You do know lost wasn't the first show to have flashbacks right? And I have to completely disagree with you I thought this was one of the best episodes yet and made Mr. Bennet one of the shows greatest characters. I will miss him and I hope he comes back.
  12. I cried at the end. I'm such a girl.
  13. If anyone wan ts to play hit me up with a message. AngryMidget5 I love this game!
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