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Everything posted by Pepsi

  1. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End 9/10 You kn ow I've read reviews like the one above that say they were confused throughout but I was never once lost or confused during the entire movie. It all seemed to fit together perfectly for me and I don't understand what was so confusing about the plot. I loved the movie and thought it was better then Dead Man's Chest. I was worried because all these recent trilogies have had pretty bad third parts. I thought the action was great, Geoffrey Rush made me remember that I missed him a lot in Dead Man's Chest. Overall, just an awesome summer movie and great closing to a great trilogy.
  2. Wow, didn't see two of those death's coming. Awesome show. (Y)
  3. The best thing is, Jeff Bridges is playing Iron Monger in the film. Anything is going to be gold when it's got The Big Lebowski in.
  4. Pepsi

    28 Months Later

    I just got back from seeing 28 Weeks Later....holy shit. I honestly have not been that scared during a movie for awhile, me and my best friend were sitting there holding each other like some 12 year old girls. I loved it and I hope it does really good at the B.O. because I would love to see a final "blow out" chapter in this trilogy. I can see why people who liked 28 Days Later wouldn't like this one though but I loved it more then the first one. It just had more "I can't look!" moments.
  5. Agreed with that. But if Raimi flat out leaves after pretty much confirming he's on board for #4, then it's pretty likely the movie will blow. I would be optimistic if Raimi was an executive producer and/or came out and said, "I had a really good time doing these, but I'd like to try something new and I'll remain on as producer." Unless of course he followed that up with, "Now please welcome the new head of the Spider-Man franchise, McG!" And wasn't Jake Gyllenhaal all but confirmed to replace Maguire after his back injury almost forced him out of Spider-Man 2? EDIT Nolan should never leave the Batman franchise, ever. He fits it so perfectly.
  6. I've lost respect for Hugar after not knowing the Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell connection. For shame Hugar! :thumbsdown:
  7. I didn't like it. I cringed everytime Aunt May came on the screen because any scene with her just dragged and dragged and dragged. The Venom stuff seemed really tacked on which pissed me off because I love Venom. Plus they screwed up his weakness.
  8. I wanted to see this but I'll probably wait until DVD. I love David Lynch movies but David Lynch working without a script scares me.
  9. I liked this show but didn't find it in need of a straight-to-DVD film as much as Carnivale needs one.
  10. I was literally floored by that episode. True that one of it really happenend technically but jesus christ that was fucking awesome! The Sylar/Peter battle is never going to live up to the expectations. And the scene in the preview with Hiro stopping time but Sylar moving anyways. Fuck.
  11. Yeah, but the seen in which Sylar killed the first guy didn't he only stick the crystal thing in his back, then immediatly have a trace of the powers? Nevertheless, the fight was dissapointing IMO. Was I the only one expecting this form of badass fight with both using a plethora of their powers? Hopefully they were just saving it for later.
  12. I'll do my best.

  13. Get some tequila in her and we'll see how it goes.

  14. Geez, at least wait for a trailer or for them to actually shoot something before you start saying it will suck.
  15. NINE INCH NAILS - YEAR ZERO 10/10 "The Greater Good" kicks so much ass. I've listened through the whole album 3 or 4 times now. I'm loving this.
  16. It is supposed to be more action oriented and less melodrama then Ang Lee's.
  17. Grindhouse - 10/10 Okay, I've seen it 4 times since it came out. I can't get enough of this movie. I keep switching which movie I like more. The first time I saw it I liked Planet Terror more. The second time I watched it I liked Death Proof more. I love this movie!
  18. Gum drops jelly beans

    lollipops and triple beams

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