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Everything posted by METALMAN

  1. ARE THEY BETTER THAN BROKENCYDE #5 Brokencyde are these absolute jeb-ends from New Mexico who don't have a full set of pubes between the lot of them, who play a mixture of hip-hop, screamo and electronica and sing about getting KRUNK, shagging bitches and being ghetto as fuck. They are so terrible, it is fabulous. MYSPACE: Brokencyde are these absolute jeb-ends from New Mexico who don't have a full set of pubes between the lot of them, who play a mixture of hip-hop, screamo and electronica and sing about getting KRUNK, shagging bitches and being ghetto as fuck. They are so terrible, it is fabulous. MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/brokencyde THE COMPETITION MUSE In their defence I present: Their first three albums. However: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1viGgpwSY0. Whole album's a bit guff too. ...it's a tough one
  2. New Cribs is boring. But a bit okay. It will not grow on me though. I can tell.
  3. Have you listened to their new album?
  4. I support France because I like France and French people. No other reason really. >_>
  5. Are we out for definite then? Looks like I'll be supporting France for the sixth tournament in a row.
  6. Seems like a really good game so far. I wish I went. I was so close to going.
  7. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/blogs/football-manager-2010/Football-Manager-2010-new-features-blog-Day-2-exclusive-new-screenshots-and-backroom-advice-explained-article142307.html Could be interesting.
  8. At least you didn't download them all. The search continues... There is a guy at my uni who is a massive Beatles nerd. So much so that he bought Rock Band at 9am this morning. I am hoping that he will buy the remasters(which is a definite) and then I can copy them from him when he goes to uni. Actually, I hope to have got them before that.
  9. Oh fuck. Still an improvement over what I've got. :/
  10. Most played - Least played - 6115 items . Some of which I've listened to on my ipod, other media player, whatever. Some of which I've never listened to. Though I do the majority of my music listening on my ipod so I'm not surprised by that high number.
  11. I Saw Her Standing There is so much better. I wasn't sure the effects would be as great for their earlier releases but it's really fantastic. I had honestly never noticed sea effects in Yellow Submarine before. And the backwards solo bit in I'm Only Sleeping sounds wonderful. And She Said She Said is LOUD. Seriously.
  12. I actually think these remasters have been better for Ringo than anyone else. You can actually hear the drums now. >_> edit: There is like twice as much going on in 'I Want You (She's So Heavy)' than I was previously aware of. I love it. There is distortion in Here Comes The Sun! Oh and this might become one of the great clichés of our time but I can't wait to listen to 'A Day In The Life' remastered. It will be amazing! 'Because' is at least 100,000 times better. I could go on forever...it's all better. You Never Give Me Your Money is unrecognisable. In a good way.
  13. I've been listening to Abbey Road which I got just for a 'test', if you will. It's absolutely phenomenal. In all honesty I'm enjoying this album twice as much as I ever have before - and it's always been an album that I've loved. Bizarrely, it's the tracks I've often overlooked that sound the best. 'She Came In Through The Bathroom Window' sounds like a totally different song. The last four tracks sound incredible. As for the better known songs, 'Here Comes The Sun' isn't massively different but there's a notable improvement nonetheless. The drums sound incredible on 'Come Together' and 'Something'. Altogether it's brilliant. I want it so bad. I know what I'm going to spend my first pay packet from my new job on now I think. >_> EDIT: Oh and as for that common criticism levelled at the Beatles - "their music is has aged terribly" - it's no longer relevant. Not to mention I've always thought it's a pretty stupid thing to say in the first place. Oh and the hammer effect on 'Maxwell's Silver Hammer' . and it has acoustic guitar! i never noticed that before! Actually the best thing about these remasters may well be the drum fills on 'Oh Darling'. EDIT no 2. : Actually the drum fills on 'Oh Darling' may well be the best thing ever to happen to music.
  14. Yeah because everyone only cares about Lennon.

    The Beatles

    Seeing as all your favourites were later period stuff you might want to give this a shot - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967%E2%80%931970
  16. I thought it might have been the 40th anniverary of Abbey Road but it was released on the 26th September 1969.
  17. I didn't vote for Jimi Hendrix but I was right close to it. I will be sad if he doesn't get in.
  18. Oh good. I hope Muse don't win yet again this year. 1. Belle & Sebastian 2. Ryan Adams 3. The Beatles 4. Death Cab For Cutie 5. Bob Dylan 6. Neil Young 7. Bright Eyes 8. Idlewild 9. Frightened Rabbit 10. Nick Drake That was tough. And last year's for comparing: 2007:
  19. Paddy Kenny has been given a nine month ban for failing a drugs test. source

    Recommend me bands!

    These should fit in nicely with what you like - The Band - Folk rock - Indie rock - Folk Belle & Sebastian - Indie rock - Indie rock Death Cab For Cutie - Indie rock The Faces - Classic rock - Pop punk - Indie rock John Martyn - Folk - classic rock Leonard Cohen - folk rock The Lucksmiths - indie rock - indie rock Nick Drake - folk - folk - pop rock - classic rock Ryan Adams - country/rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlRhzRsAHQw - folk rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaOfLDYE5n4 - "baroque pop" Serge Gainsbourg - dirty french pop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nddD_zEVTDE - folk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQiy0dAhcvs - Zoeey Deschanel The Smiths - indie rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAxM9XVYGQk - rock/soul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbV3MxKe3OA - indie rock The Velvet Underground - art rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5ZhBAylbN4 - indie rock http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3h7nmL9PKM - indie rock Most of these are pretty well known so chances are you'll already have heard of a fair whack. I felt a bit stupid putting in the likes of the Rolling Stones but Beatles fans quite often seem to overlook them. I did myself until fairly recently. Enjoy!
  21. The Chelsea youth team turns out decent. For me, Jack Cork was in the first team for England within a couple of years although he struggled to get into the team at Chelsea. I sold him for about £20 million or so. Kakuta I've sold for about £10 million before. Mancienne has never amounted to much for me though. Oh and I was offered £28 million for Carvalho right at the start of my Chelsea game which I (stupidly) rejected. It took him about three seasons to lose his "wants a new challenge" thing.
  22. If we're just giving single song examples everyone's musical spectrum would be pretty wide ranging. Even the most casual fans I know that generally just listen to whatever's on the radio have a couple of bizarre songs on their mp3 player. I'll try this for a few categories. Just because something's non-commercial doesn't mean that it doesn't have a commercially friendly. Like, with the earlier person who mentioned Gorgoroth - their sound isn't at all friendly but they're a fairly well known band - mainly due to their frontman's extracurricular exploits but my point still stands. Conversely - there's a lot of very commercial sounding bands that can count their fans on their collective fingers. I find this quite often because wussy twee music is something I listen to a lot - and it is something I can imagine having mainstream popularity with the right advertising and improved production. It has plenty of catchy melodies, quite often a cheerful vibe and usually non-confrontational lyrics. I'm talking shite here. I just needed something to do while I finish my drink. >_> Anyway, due to what I typed about I'll go for a couple of different spectrums - Commercial to non-commercial - I have Michael Jackson's Thriller album, and sales figures show you don't get anymore commercial than that. I've also got a bunch of Madonna albums plus Beatles and and other stuff that sold millions. In a more modern context I've got Lily Allen and Calvin Harris plus anything that's been on a Now compilation recently. As for non-commercial - probably my own music given that like 20 people have listened to it. >_> "Mainstream sound" - Anything that I put down for commercial I suppose. Although probably stuff from the Now compilations as they feature the most mainstream of today's music. Non-mainstream - any scary metal band - most of which are actually too scary for me. Maybe Gorgoroth again or any of those other fancy dress church burning loonies. Or experimental Jazz - which is possibly a lot less mainstream because I've come across many a fanatical follower of black metal but comparitively few lovers of experimental jazz. Or that might just be because experimental jazz fans aren't as loud and irritating as metal fans. Old to new - Probably madrigals from the Renaissance period. Or if you're looking for oldest recordings I've probably got the odd jazz or blues track from the 1910s or 20s. As for newest - stuff like the Mountain Goats which hasn't even been released yet.
  23. That'll be Uprising I think. And yeah, it is terrible. I found it boring more than anything else really. I'd never noticed how alike it is to "Atlas" before. It's quite uncanny. Unfortunately with it being Muse it is also being hailed as the most amazing thing to happen to music ever and NO ONE ELSE has ever OR WILL EVER do music like that EVER.
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