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Mx. Canadian Destroyer

The Dominion
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Everything posted by Mx. Canadian Destroyer

  1. Bandwagonners are fine. People should embrace bandwagoners. The 2015/2016 Jays run was seriously so fun and some of the people I watched the games with were people who were self-proclaimed bandwagoners.
  2. A spoiler thought from episode 1.
  3. Never thought I'd be actively rooting for the Rays but here we are.
  4. I liked it but it was not what I thought I was sitting down to watch. The first season was much scarier. I think the storytelling in season 2 was better but there were barely any moments that got me, horror-wise.
  5. If you have any stubs you can increase your payroll cap.
  6. Yeah, I am in a discord with a bunch of television fans who seemed pretty bummed it was cancelled. Hudson, my podcasting co-host also said he was never interested in wrestling and his only two references for pro wrestling were the GLOW tv show and the GLOW documentary.
  7. Wait... the two warring families are called Cannon and Fada. So many of them are going to die. They're Cannonfada.
  8. I think I disagree, but I think Han is going to win this poll by a landslide. Luke is way cuter. I think Han is not very attractive in the original Star Wars, though he looks pretty good in Empire Strikes Back. I think he's way hotter in Indiana Jones than he is in Star Wars, though.
  9. Not sure if you're a Fargo fan @Adam but Timothy Olyphant plays a US marshall in the newest season.
  10. I find it funny that after a year of only playing against teams in the same division that all 4 division series games are intra-division.
  11. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88928230426 @damsher hatfield
  12. Oh crap! I accidentally removed you from the meeting. Can you try joining again?
  13. If anyone wants to play with my brother and some friends, we are zooming while we play. We'd love to have enough people where we can chat during meetings. Zoom is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85229716396 Room is NASLQQ
  14. I have a work thing until 8 that might go late but I'm down to jump on as soon as it's over.
  15. Hey @Mr. Meacon Moneybags, apparently the last time the Yankees won by that many runs, they then lost 3 straight to the Red Sox. Just wanted to put some knots in your stomach after that blowout.
  16. How is your stomach in knots after that Judge first inning bomb!?
  17. I don't see anything. It's entirely possible that you sent an invite to an old account.
  18. I don't think I'm in the EWB discord. Can someone send me a link?
  19. I would be down to play. I have some time after finishing work (4-7pm EST).
  20. Yeah, I sort of like the betting system but it's super hindered by the fact that you're player isn't active until the third day. Like, when you're competing at the end of the season and your ace ends up getting sat, there's like nothing you can do. The Astros announced Framber Valdez was sitting at like 11pm Saturday night.
  21. What if we remove the bid system though? Does that change anything?
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