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Everything posted by TheRaySays

  1. Happy 21st, Thug! Boo-yah.

  2. Not trying to threadjack as I found FlashForward to be rather excellent, but V looks atrocious. The original mini was about a crusading reporter not willing to buy the government's official story and probing deeper. It was about the dangers of exchanging freedom for safety and would've been hella timely. Instead, our protagonist is going to be a priest and our theme has morphed into faith vs. science, which is a strange stance to take given that this is supposed to be science fiction. I disapprove. (N)
  3. Yeah, I don't understand people's need for it to be either the greatest movie ever filmed or utter chum worthy of derision. It's a fun little indy gem, and while I won't rush out to see the sequel, I can see myself Netflixing it and not regretting it.
  4. Kids line? Pfft. I sincerely doubt it.
  5. I have no idea why he'd be fired. There's a very strong argument that after Stan Lee himself, Joe has been the most successful EIC Marvel has ever had. He doesn't even have a New Universe fiasco under his reign like Shooter did. Marvel's growth in the past few years has been explosive, and don't forget that he inherited the creative keys to the kingdom with it on the brink of bankruptcy. I think it pretty likely he'll retire sometime soon, as that has been bandied about for a while now, so he can concentrate on writing and drawing again. It'd be a hell of a way to go out.
  6. TheRaySays


    My wife thinks this looks awesome. It's Tremors crossed with Demon Knight!
  7. TheRaySays


    That trailer's fucking dire and destined to invoke inappropriate laughter when shown in theatres. Dennis Quaid couldn't be more awkward.
  8. I loathe Superman as well as Hulk Hogan. It's the whole invincibility, "you're supposed to like them despite them not doing anything remotely likeable" thing that pisses me off. I'd rather see an underdog character like Spider-Man, Batman, or Captain America overcome adversity than see Superman fly around the Earth backwards because he was too slow/retarded/arrogant to foil the villain the first time around. In short, fuck Superman and the little rocket he rode in on.
  9. I don't know. Looks pretty spot on to me. I still think she face turns by the end of the film to be another chick on the Avengers team.
  10. which is what hollywood has done with every single comic book/cartoon movie that have made. I dont know why it is so acceptable to destroy a story that has worked for decades and created generations of fans. They always abandon all their fans when something becomes a movie. The amount of innaccuracies in x-men, spider-man, hulk, iron man, fantastic four, transformers, etc is unforgivable. fucking ebay brought the transformers here...nice commercial placement there. umm...somehow they still did it. dont get me wrong it was a decent action movie until you remember its the Iron Man story they just butchered right in front of you. but like you said, its a re-imagining and wasnt meant for me, an actual fan. um, as if giving them decades of comics to reference was going to make them stay more true to the story and not fill it with hidden commercials? also they had much more than just one cartoon. there were alot of them and even more in japan. and they had a comic book too with that cartoon you mentioned. I also had a line of books and some were even "choose your fate" type things...so lets not say they didnt have much to work with, they just ignored it all. the only, and i mean only, thing about transformers that resembles anything a transformers fan might recognize is the names. GI Joe, I suspect, will be the same as all those that came before it. Wow. This rant doesn't do you any favors. You sound like some elitist ignorant crank. The Iron Man story was "butchered"? And you an "actual fan"? Wow. I'm pretty sure I could stump you with basic facts about Iron Man's less-than-impressive origin. Let's not pretend like it's something sacred. Go back and read it again, this time with some perspective. Let's face it. Comics are comics. Cartoons are cartoons. And movies are movies. What works in one medium doesn't generally work in another. Sure, a painter might be inspired by the symphonies of Beethoven, but you can't dance about architecture. And don't get me started on the "sold out" argument that's naive at best, sociopathic at worst. Nobody makes a film to NOT sell tickets, unless you're Uwe Boll. It's fine to take exception with the ham-handedness of the eBay product placement, or FedEx in Cast Away, but to paint ALL ("every single") genre films with such a broad brush makes you sound like a bitter douche. I don't mean to skirt so close to flaming, and I don't know you as a person at all. It's just your argument is tired, weak, and cliche, and it is SOLELY your point of view I take serious exception with. When you trim out the hyperbole, you actually have some pretty valid criticisms of Transformers the film. It's your fanboy frothing that obscures them.
  11. Sorry, I'm going to do just that. Foreshadowing, shock AND suspense in equal measure, and a family of genuinely memorable characters. The acting? Sure, you can slag on that, but the writing and directing? It delivers. Of the remakes, I've only seen Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hills Have Eyes, and Amityville Horror. All mediocre at best and Hills becomes downright laughable in its second half. To bother recommending the remakes in a thread devoted to 'Classic' Horror Films is a bit disheartening.
  12. Hot shit that's awesome! And crazy quick too! Thanks!
  13. Time for #4! As always, this will be used in my sig AND the diary in question and credit will be given in both places at the very least. Size - Consistent with the previous ones, 400x172 or thereabouts. Text - small font: "NWA: Mile High presents", medium font: "Deuces Wild", small font at bottom: "Bam Bam vs. Rotundo! * Nova Returns! * Tag Title Match!" and "April 29, 2007" Fonts - something old timey but bold, like Algerian, Bernard MT Condensed, Highlight LET, Playbill, or Wide Latin. The smaller text can use something basic and clean Images - I apologize if this is a bit complicated... Okay, for the central image, I want a five-card hand, fanned, with the 2 of diamonds, 2 of clubs, 2 of hearts, 2 of spades, and the ace of spades on top sort of example On the left, The Dukes of Hazard (Chris Hamrick and Tracy Smothers) On the right, Mile High's Most wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) I'm having the damnedest time finding Southern Comfort pics (Hamrick/Smothers) or AMW pics without the TNA Titles. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated. Colors - Following the playing card theme, red, black, and white. Thanks in advance for any attempts!
  14. Shocker?! For the record, I always liked Shocker too until he ended up sharing the name of a sexual maneuver. Too bad about Dirty Sanchez and Donkey Punch as well.
  15. If Todd Black's comments are reliable, it'll be The Lizard. The Lizard's gimmick is based on the classic urban myth of alligators in the NYC sewers, even tho his first appearance had Spidey and J. Jonah Jameson encountering him in The Florida Everglades. Link I think my perfect scenario, and the one I wanted for 3 instead of the Venom debacle, is to have Kraven show up in NYC to track down The Lizard with much hype and whatnot (like a sinister cross between Steve Irwin and Bear Grylls) and end up hunting Spider-Man for some other villain (J. Jonah Jameson?). It's a two villain concept that can has opportunity for 4 good fights (Spidey vs. Lizard, Spidey vs. Kraven, Kraven vs. Lizard, Spidey vs. Kraven vs. Lizard) without being overly cluttered. The two villain gimmicks support each other and set up a classic "hunter becomes the hunted" situation. I'm hoping Raimi just gets back to form and brings Spider-Man back to prominence in time for Marvel's big box office push. EDIT - And people's childhood recollections of Carnage are far more violent than the comics actually were. To the best of my knowledge all those early Venom/Carnage storylines were Comics Code Approved. Sure, there was the suggestion of crazy wanton murder, but you never actually saw any. When it came time to fight it was still all "rAWARAER!" kicky-punchy hijinx. The Death of Jean DeWolff, also Code-approved, was much more violent and bloody.
  16. How old is old? Bay of Blood a.k.a. Twitch of the Death Nerve by Mario Bava... Friday the 13th and every slasher flick after that owe their existence to this gem. The Thing by John Carpenter. Fuck that old black-and-white James Arness bullshit. Carpenter sticks much closer to the source material, the short story "Who Goes There" by John W. Campbell Jr. The Changeling with George C. Scott. Creepy supernatural mystery. Not a gorefest, more psychological. A Nightmare on Elm Street. The original with Johnny Depp. Forget all that Leprechaun smarmy bullshit. The original is still creepy as fuck-all. Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. Pretty uneven, but Nicholson is chilling and it has some amazing imagery that remains iconic. That should get you started...
  17. Check out Kurrgan in the Trailer! I think this will be fun and light and bear NO resemblence to the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories.
  18. Watched it from the beginning and really enjoyed it all the way through. It's VERRRRY reminiscent of a Role-Playing Game fave of mine, Delta Green. I thought it went kinda south when they came back from hiatus (filler episodes), but it finished strong. (Y) Definitely looking forward to more, and Walter Bishop may be my favorite character on television currently.
  19. That, my friend, is kick-ass. Muchas gracias! In case that link disappears, I'll link to it here:
  20. Seen either of these? Damnatus Inquisitor
  21. Saw it. Loved it. I had high expectations and they were exceeded. I'm even more excited about the prospect of more. It's not perfect by any means, but all of my quibbles are fairly minor. What it got right it got VERY right. What it got wrong is easily ignored. And Bumblebee didn't piss on anyone. (Y)
  22. JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof are supposed to begin work on the first Dark Tower movie in 2010 after Lost is finished. Yeah, I remember reading about that. It better be good. (Y) I'm retarded excited about this in any format. Supposedly, the rumor is that King let them have the rights for $19.
  23. Yay, we're on our third event and still going strong... Again, this will be used in my sig AND the diary in question and credit will be given in both places at the very least. Size - Consistent with the previous ones, 400x172 or thereabouts. Text - small font: "NWA: Mile High presents", medium font, 2 lines: "1st Defense," "Last Warrior" complete with superscript on 1st and the comma after Defense, small font at bottom: "bWo vs. bWo! * The Dukes of Hazard! * Último Guerrero!" and "March 25, 2007" Fonts - something overtly Mexican, like Burrito, Chimichanga, or Montezuma The smaller text can use something basic and clean Images - Flash Funk and Último Guerrero (these are just samples, use any appropriate to year 2007, no title belts please) Important: The Scorpio pic should NOT say "Scorpio" in the final product Colors - Mexican flag theme, with green, white, then red (perhaps meaning Funk/Scorpio should be on the right and Ultimo on the left with the hue adjusted to make him more green than blue?)
  24. It's a bit geometric and sterile for my tastes. It's the sort of thing you'd find on white coffee mugs, office stationary, and polo shirts. Very corporate. Mile High's also in "afterthought font", leaving NWA the anchor for the logo, which is kinda backwards since all the individual feds would be part of the NWA, but this is supposed to be Mile High's unique logo. Those criticisms aside, it's very well done with some nice gradient shading. Good job. (Y)
  25. In my opinion, one of the most fascinating historical figures you've never heard of, and someone who legitimately changed the world. An O.G. pimp before pimpin' was easy.
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