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Status Replies posted by Sousa

  1. What if Flair owed WCW?

  2. Double J Jeff Jarrett once was super kicked by chuck Norris

  3. I bet Larz is really The Grog. Hard to trust a Dutchman.

  4. This guy. This guy for President.

  5. Who would have known that Darth Vader was Walter White's father?

  6. Drowning Pool has now run several unsuccessful Kickstarter campaigns. They keep being told to give up on it, but they're adamant that 1. someone's got to give 2. someone's got to give 3. someone's got to give.

  7. Drowning Pool has now run several unsuccessful Kickstarter campaigns. They keep being told to give up on it, but they're adamant that 1. someone's got to give 2. someone's got to give 3. someone's got to give.

  8. Do you like wrestlemusic? Of course you do! I have created a thread to catalog your preferences, and it HUNGERS for input:

  9. And Krankor blows up a potential tackler at the 40, now there's nothing but daylight.

  10. Regular size Mars bars make ideal snack-size Mars bars for giants.

  11. It's the same old theme since nineteen-sixteen.

  12. Sir, we're being attacked by an ugly CGI monster from a 90's movie!

  13. anyone remember that AndPartwayBack guy? whatever happened to him?!

  14. anyone remember that AndPartwayBack guy? whatever happened to him?!

  15. Anyone see the new Star Trek movie? It came out this week and we may watch it tonight. But I heard it kinda got some bad ratings by critics. If I liked the first one will I like this one?

  16. You have three days. If my twenty billion dollars are not delivered by then, the hostages will die, and the world will hold you responsible

  17. I think I like the new Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball" song. Someone end my misery now.

  18. I think I like the new Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball" song. Someone end my misery now.

  19. "I wonder what happened to M2M?" said no one ever.

  20. With their hippin' and the hoppin' and the bippin' and the boppin'...so they don't know what the jazz, is all about!

  21. Behbee, it's 3 a.m I must be lonely!

  22. Behbee, it's 3 a.m I must be lonely!

  23. Anyone got an invite to XWT or PWT? Please PM me!

  24. Watching my role die on West Wing, and still thinking 'It's Sousa's Fault!'

  25. Adam West must be rolling in his grave!

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