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Everything posted by TheRossWalker

  1. What the fuck has Mikey done other than be blind? Oh, and arguing with everyone and generally being a prick. Yeah, I hate Mikey. Rex to win.
  2. Bet 1: 10 on Hull Bet 3: 5 on Draw Bet 4: 5 credits Credit Doubler: Chelsea 3-0 Tottenham
  3. Brian said it last night, they're coming back in December, but when I talked to him after the gig, he said they hadn't booked anything yet. Really nice bloke, stayed and talked to everyone for ages. Set was pretty much the same as the London one posted earlier, and we got about a minute of I'm On Fire somewhere near the end. Great gig, Gaslight were on top form, and Former Cell Mates were pretty good too.
  4. It's because you're shit and nobody wants to play with you.
  5. The Gaslight Anthem. I can't wait for tomorrow night. I don't think I've been this excited for a gig in... well, ever.
  6. TheRossWalker

    New music

    Our Finnish members will be along to assist you shortly. In the meantime, I'll recommend The Gaslight Anthem, as even though they're in no way similar to the bands you listed, there's a distinct lack of them around here with YI off at Leeds. When you say just about any type of music, what genres do you prefer?
  7. Fuck. I wanted to put all 20 on Sunderland, but I thought "No, play it safe." From now on, fuck playing safe.
  8. Bet 1: 10 on Aston Villa Bet 3: 10 on Sunderland Credit Doubler: Blackburn 1-1 Hull
  9. First 15, Coloccini looked like he was trying too hard, definitely, but after that, he looked solid. Gutierrez was superb, if he can create problems like that for defences all season, I'll be over the moon. Point's a great result, I'd have took that all day before the game started, but I really think if Taylor was on for Fletcher's goal, it wouldn't have gone in, and we could have took the three points.
  10. Bet 2: 10 on Tottenham Bet 4: 10 credits. Credit Doubler: Manchester United 3 - 2 Newcastle
  11. PSN: TheRossWalker Games: GTA IV Guitar Hero III FIFA 08 Resistance: FOM Smackdown vs Raw 2008 Ridge Racer 7
  12. I just looked through last year's thread about two hours ago, and almost proposed we start this year's early... Creepy. 1: Dropkick Murphys 2: The Gaslight Anthem 3: Strung Out 4: Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius Pip 5: Pennywise 6: Coheed And Cambria 7: Ignite 8: Less Than Jake 9: Pendulum 10: Rilo Kiley
  13. Manchester, and I'm not completely sure yet, but more than likely getting the train down. I say not completely because my parents are off that week, and possibly going to Manchester at some point, so if I can swing it so they go Tuesday to Wednesday, I can get a lift with them. I would just drive down myself, but my auntie's offering to pay for my birthday, and like fuck can I afford the petrol.
  14. As a fucking huge Flogging Molly fan, I'm ashamed to note that I didn't know they were playing the Academy until I saw them on your list here. Pendulum are also on the list now, I've been getting into them lately and know a fuckload of people who would go. That makes Gaslight Anthem, Strung Out, Flogging Molly, possibly Less Than Jake (depends on money, since I've already seen them twice), and Pendulum in the next few months.
  15. Someone shuld tell Luke how much of a cunt he looks in the small camera thing reacting to everyone nominating him.
  16. In non-Keane news, Diouf to Sunderland has gone through, and Everton have accepted an eight-figure offer from Fulham for Andy Johnson.
  17. '59 Sound video released. A few days ago, by the look of it. It's one of the featured vids on Myspace at the minute. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoID=39029183
  18. Possibly (read: definitely) more wishful thinking than anything else, but: 5 on Newcastle
  19. I'd actually recommend, judging from his musical tastes, getting Sink Or Swim before '59 Sound, mainly because when I've tried to get my mates into Gaslight Anthem recently, those more into heavier stuff seem to be more receptive to Sink Or Swim on first listen. No idea why, it just seems to be an ongoing pattern. Alternatively, just get both. And Senor and the Queen, for good measure.
  20. Yeah, I'm in. Forgot to PM you about it before.
  21. Needs more Modjo. Also, I haven't listened to Toploader in ages. I actually almost forgot about them.
  22. Even as a Newcastle fan, I can't see that happening, we still need more firepower up front, Owen is injury prone, Martins is inconsistent, Smith is unprofilic to say the least and Viduka's legs are going. We don't really have a central midfield either (I refuse to recognise the existence of Joey Barton), Emre is meant to be on his way out, but the deal has stalled either due to a hamstring injury / military call up depending on who you believe. We've got wingers coming out of our asses though! Defence is okayish, but I'd like to see some backup for Faye and Taylor, and a backup each for Enrique and Beye. All in all, we need 4 new defenders, 2 midfielders and another striker. Apparently were signing Aimar soon for £7m, can't say I'm majorly excited, as every South American we've ever signed has proved to be useless, without exception. How dare you besmirch this man's good name.
  23. Ronaldinho's apparently off to Milan, subject to a medical, of course. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/7505761.stm
  24. Nah, I think there's a couple more signings to go yet. With the size of our squad in comparison to most other teams in the league, we really need to.
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