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Status Updates posted by GRIFT

  1. Not digging the new trend in The Ring where people reword the same two points of argument so we get 3 pages of derivative gruel to wade through... wait... maybe that isn't so new after all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sweet Holy Moses

      Sweet Holy Moses

      That's Nathe spelled backwards, Mike!

    3. Draevyn


      Who's been to jail?

    4. ndqw


      @Sham It's on the first page of the October TNA News thread.

  2. Really? No birthday thread... :(

  3. Sadly someone removed my avatar... but hey, that leaves room for more Townes Van Love.

  4. Sooooo... I got stabbed last night.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      A quiet night for a change then Grift?

      Seriously, glad you are alright and your lass is too.

    3. EddieG


      Dude needs to write an autobiography. Glad you're well.

    4. GoGo Yubari

      GoGo Yubari

      holy shit, dude. Glad you're okay.

  5. The only Libyans I'm interested in seeing be brought to justice are the savages who gunned down Doctor Emmett Brown. NEVER FORGET.

  6. There seems to be some sort of secret coordinated effort to turn the initially wonderful Degrees of Separation thread to absolute dog shit.

    1. C-MIL


      You're not a donator, are you?

  7. To the gentleman who first referred to childbirth as “going number 3”, a tip of the cap.

  8. Today I learned that when I was born, I was roughly the 4,944,483,094th person alive on this planet, and that I am, again roughly, the 79,815,588,257th person to ever be alive-- but I am pretty sure I am the first person to always carry an old Nintendo controller with me so that when death finally arrives I can counter with the Contra cheat code.

  9. Ugh. Working, very hung over on my birthday.

  10. Was Fabulous Moolah ever young? Even the oldest footage of her looks like a leather faced harpy from hell.

  11. Well, wont you lend your lungs to me?

    Mine are collapsing

    Plant my feet and bitterly breathe

    Up the time thats passing.

    Breath Ill take and breath Ill give

    Pray the day aint poison

    Stand among the ones that live

    In lonely indecision.

  12. Whenever someone talks about how big Shaq's dick must be I always switch topics and talk about the length of Rebecca Lobo's vagina

    1. C-MIL


      Calling her Lisa's probably a good way to never learn such measurement...

    2. ThrillhouseMAX


      I <3 Rebecca Lobo. <_< K, I'm gonna go ahead and leave now.

  13. Why did Garfield hate Mondays so much? What the fuck did he even have to do?

    1. Olive the other Jiberdeer

      Olive the other Jiberdeer

      Mondays were the no-lasagna day?

    2. Mick


      If you had to watch Jon Arbuckle's weekly decent into madness, you'd hate Mondays too.

    3. Benji


      Because he leads a double life as Bob Dylan.

  14. Would have been a lot different if Ziggy had played banjo, jamming good with Beard and Willie, and the Snyders from Nashville.

  15. Yikes, definitely just caught my house mate watching me comb my hair without a shirt on in the bathroom. The give away? His heavy breathing. If I don't make it to work tomorrow someone check to make sure he hasn't made me into a skin suit.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GRIFT


      We all have our crosses to bear-- mine just happens to be being manlier than the brawny man in a chainsaw juggling contest.

    3. LL!


      I wish I was half the man you are!

    4. Sousa




  16. You'd be about a billion times cooler if you were Cloud Barton.

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