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Status Replies posted by EddieG

  1. F1 2010 is an immense gaming experience which you need to try.

  2. Just went to a sale at a book store. "Fill your bag for only £5" Bought 70 books for a fiver

  3. Fucking Butters or Cartman or Stewie Griffin are going to win that animated characters poll and you guys are REALLY going to get to see what a pissed-off Sousa looks like.

  4. WRESTLING TRIVIA QUESTION! Identify all the wrestlers.

  5. I am officially starting the campaign for the return of the negative rep button. Because we need it so badly.

  6. How the hell are you going to have one good song on an entire cd? I'm looking at you Linkin Park.

  7. i met this american man today. he was bald with a tattoo on his head. i hated him.

  8. boss when your ex work tries to con you out of the money they owe you

  9. Anyone else ever been playing with your kids and all their toys and have so much fun with the toys you didnt realize the kids stopped playing with you like a half an hour ago?

  10. Most annoying faction... Straight Edge Society vs. Right to Censor?? Sousa and Zero should have a field day with this one... in theory

  11. I wish I still had a VHS player; I want to watch Break Down 1998/

  12. I wish I still had a VHS player; I want to watch Break Down 1998/

  13. I wish I still had a VHS player; I want to watch Break Down 1998/

  14. I vote myself as EWB's village idiot, anyone agree?

  15. I vote myself as EWB's village idiot, anyone agree?

  16. Buying XL polo shirts that end up being too big FTMFW!

  17. Spoiler: Horatio Caine dies...

  18. I watched all the episodes of Modern Family today.

  19. Just bought "The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin". Any Good? Oh and this 4 hour DVD on CM Punk

  20. "Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"

  21. iDol's clearly on a mission to rape every thread in donators

  22. iDol's clearly on a mission to rape every thread in donators

  23. After being laid off since December 17th and the whole Unemployment mess I got offered a job today. It's a massive paycut but fuck it I want to work!

  24. What happened to that year 2000 Scenario floating around in the EWR section of the boards?

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