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Status Replies posted by EddieG

  1. After being laid off since December 17th and the whole Unemployment mess I got offered a job today. It's a massive paycut but fuck it I want to work!

  2. is verry sick with bronchitis (spelling?).. as much as i know you've enjoyed your time with me gone I've missed you EWB!

  3. Dammit. I didn't see Benji's name change before I changed my name :(

  4. Would you like a normal justice, a Martin Sheen Justice or a Louis Armstrong Justice?

  5. Every time I trim my beard... it feels like part of me has died.

  6. Signing out, off to the airport, back to England.

  7. Tim Tebow Fact#117: Tim Tebow is so amazing, Sharks dedicate a whole week of TV just to him.

  8. I've never ignored a user, but who have you ignored?

  9. Apparel?!?! WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!

  10. there's a girl in the garden.

  11. I hate night shifts.

  12. Am I the only one excited that Shark week is about to start? Does this make me some sort of geek? I am ok if it does.

  13. NXT Season 2 pick: Kaval or Mike McGillicutty

  14. Can't wait until the new Linkin Park song is released

  15. You! Yes, you! Go sign up for the Pop Prom right now!

  16. So i just learned Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon are filming in my home town reallly close to my house.. So many people are freaking out -__-

  17. So i just learned Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon are filming in my home town reallly close to my house.. So many people are freaking out -__-

  18. is staying out of the mafia cube for a while

  19. Just downloaded NHL Eastside 2007. Any good?

  20. What is the Best NHL diary on here?

  21. You can not touch this, oh no.

  22. Is just watching WCW Superbrawl 2000. Vampiro just powerbombed Kidman. Twice! 0_o

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