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Everything posted by EddieG

  1. Just 'cause I don't wanna jump on the bandwagon. Arsenal.
  2. Yes, and I refuse to watch anymore after the 2 Dutch guys were already eliminated.
  3. I have 29 points on my bench. His name's Tom Brady.
  4. So what grade did people's draft get? I got an email from Yahoo saying I had a B grade draft.
  5. The difference between the UFC doing an investigation and the police, is that the police have a lot more tools at their disposal, the UFC just have one (Dana White ).
  6. Suspending him was wiping their hands clean? There's a case going, outside of UFC's control. They suspend him. Said case clears him of any wrong doing, they unsuspend him. If they fired him, they fired an innocent man for no reason. Same with Browne right now, it's under investigation, it's out of UFC's control, they are not a judge or juror. UFC do plenty wrong, but if these people get found innocent, or a case is dropped in a court of law, they aren't doing anything wrong in that aspect, except hiring assholes, but hey, assholes get hired in every business around the world. Well, with the Browne case they said there was insufficent evidence, despite his wife submitting photos of injuries, timelines of instances of abuse and a written statement. It's a police matter now as she's pressing charges, if he gets found guilty, UFC are going to look even more shady than usual. If he gets found guilty, then he gets released. As far as I'm aware, America still works on "innocent until proven guilty"
  7. Suspending him was wiping their hands clean? There's a case going, outside of UFC's control. They suspend him. Said case clears him of any wrong doing, they unsuspend him. If they fired him, they fired an innocent man for no reason. Same with Browne right now, it's under investigation, it's out of UFC's control, they are not a judge or juror. UFC do plenty wrong, but if these people get found innocent, or a case is dropped in a court of law, they aren't doing anything wrong in that aspect, except hiring assholes, but hey, assholes get hired in every business around the world.
  8. One hell of an episode of MOTD.
  9. Better than his name is a shop. edit: inb4banned My 2nd literally die of the night. No U edit: thank you rich
  10. Nothing is Better than his name is a shop.
  11. It's not really a slight competitive edge, it's a massive difference. Cristiano Ronaldo could make me look like a tit whilst wearing a pair of flip flops even if I was wearing the best pair of football boots around. Having these high-end controllers with all those extra buttons and paddles is noted advantage. I don't think chess is a sport either. It's a board game, just like COD is a video game. Sport by it's definition is a competitive activity that involves physical exertion. I don't think there's anything wrong with playing either competitively or that it doesn't require a high level of skill and dedication. Just that, it's certainly not a sport to me and it never will be. It's a game whether you play it competitively or not. I could have all those extra buttons and paddles, and probably still get my ass kicked at COD against one of these guys using an atari controller. Whoever sniffed their nose at "professional gaming" They're gaming, and making a living out of it, that defines a profesionnal.
  12. A fun nascar tidbit, starting last year drivers got to pick their own numbers. Ricciardo picked the #3 as he used to be a huge fan of Dale.
  13. https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/3hi20q/good_news_everyone_i_created_a_new_stat_that/
  14. I'm a bit busy, and we're at a depth where I'm not sure who's who, I'll take a BPA. And unlucky HC.
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