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The Dominion
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Everything posted by RPS

  1. Kim seriously did have an incredibly sharp mind. She was so smart in every thing she said, you could tell she was thinking about every single word, every single bit of punctuation, every pause. She was exceptional. I just mean, people are putting her in the upper echelons of winners, like among Brian H and Tom. She was fantastic though. A lot of people complained she was boring as a winner, but I find her to be reasonably entertaining. Than again, I liked watching Sophie. It's fantastic that Survivor had back-to-back strong female winners. Sophie and Kim did fantastic in the social, strategic AND, probably most importantly, physical game. Both of them had multiple IC/RC wins under their belt and were serious contenders for every challenge post-merge. Sophie freaking knocked challenge God Ozzy out of the game, which is probably a big part of why she won and Kim dominated the last immunity challenges, which probably helped in getting her jury votes.
  2. Good bye 24, hello 25. I'm not down as much on this season as much as the others, but it's still middle of the pack for me. For me, the top 5 will always be Borneo, Amazon, Pearl Islands, China and Micronesia. They just had really strong seasons, not necessarily strategically, just in terms of overall entertainment. From this season, I really am only interested in seeing Kim (is she really that good?) and Kat play again. I'd guess that Kat (barring any huge health problems) and Colton are probably most likely to appear on upcoming seasons, just to see if they mature as individuals and play the game differently. I think One World's reputation will improve in the long run. I think this will probably be the last Survivor season with an entirely new cast and that is a bit of a bitter sweet moment and will make people reflect a bit more positively on the season.
  3. Exactly. People need to see that NBC moving to Community is a very wise move. It has a small, very dedicated fan-base, which is exactly the type of program that is put on and succeeds on Friday nights. The ratings expectations are significantly lower on Friday and there is significantly less competition on television, but significantly less viewership. If Community moves to Friday and actually improves in ratings (which is my prediction), than it might actually get renewed for a 5th season.
  4. Simian Mobile Disco's new album, Unpatterns. Definitely album of the year contender. Seriously addictive stuff. Not overtly poppy like their first two albums and not too tech-house like their last album, it is definitely a merge of their two identities, having equal parts pop and electronic/tech/house on the record. High recommendation from me.
  5. Midnight in Paris. Really good flick. I enjoyed it. Owen Wilson was cast perfectly, probably one of the best roles (outside a Wes Anderson film) that he could have been put in.
  6. John Carter from Mars. I felt like there was two problems with this movie - it should have been a trilogy as opposed to one whole movie and that it was way to child orientated. Was decent enough though.
  7. Great electronic releases. Lone, Squarepusher, Shackleton... this has been a really strong year for electronic releases.
  8. Alicia seems to be the complete opposite of Tarzan - she lacks perception. In the Aras Podcast with Rob C, Aras hit the nail on the head - the key to winning Survivor is perception. Alicia lacks perception - she talks that she is making moves and quite possibly, she thinks she is making moves. But she is not. She is rolling over, allowing Kim to call the shots.
  9. Yeah. Tarzan seems like a weird, fascinating, potentially brilliant guy. He seems so self-aware that he is a nut bar but doesn't really seem to care enough to curtail his behavior as not to make others feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure if he'd actually win jury votes if he made it to the end or if people hardcore hated him.
  10. Good bye Tarzan. What a freaking nut job. Alicia screwed the pooch there. The girl had the chance to situate herself to win the game and she decided to trust Kim. Alicia, Christina and Tarzan final 3 and Alicia wins. Instead she took out the guy who wore panties on his head and was the laughing stock of the game.
  11. I think in Survivor, it's REALLY hard to tell who a goat is before the final 4-5. Natalie, Bob and Fabio were people who could have conceivably been seen as goats and they won with stellar performances near the end. I think that's why Kim might have gone along and voted for Kat in the end. If Kat got an immunity run, I don't doubt for a second that she'd pull a Fabio and probably end up winning against Kim. Tarzan I think is a huge risk to take to the finals. There are 5 guys sitting on the jury and Tarzan lived with these guys longer than the girls. Stubborn alliances voted out in succession have been known to vote along party lines and ensure their tribe wins, aka Gabon.
  12. Yeah that was great. Kat was complex and interesting. It's funny how it appears neither Sabrina nor Kat knew about their potential impending eliminations. With 6 left, it's fun thinking about who Kim is going to bring along to the finals. I thought Kat was one of the better people to drag to the end. Sabrina is smart, well-spoken and knows how to be diplomatic. From the editing, Kat holds none of those traits and would be a huge liability to herself in a jury situation.
  13. Joe Strummer. Everything was perfect: the live vocal performances, the persona the guy created, his experimental and fantastic solo career, the fashion, and, my favorite at least, the road stories of how they'd let kids who came to their concerts sleep in their hotel room if they didn't have a place to go after a show.
  14. Dunno. Just felt you would? haha. I think I was high at the time.
  15. Nah, the whole episode was really really really bad. Like, I've enjoyed this entire season - nothing has been overwhelming amazing or horribly bad, in my opinion. That episode though... was very bad. This season has seen the characters leave the Office so much that you can tell the writers just don't know what to do anymore.
  16. Tristy, I think you might like the Clubroot album.
  17. Oh no, you are right in that scenario, my head was in the clouds. Had Troyzan talked to Kat to flip given how the votes were falling, it would have been easier, but would have put Kat in an even worse position. Alicia still remains the swing vote at 7 (like she would be now that Troyzan is voted off) - the question becomes who would Alicia be more likely to join in a voting bloc - Troyzan, the perceived threat to win the game, or Christina, the all-around non-threat/floater? And would Alicia join up with Kat after Kat pulled a fast one and voted against Alicia to keep Troy around?
  18. Kat would have a much harder time convincing 2 other people along with her and Troyzan to flip, force a tie, and draw rocks at 8 than she would convincing one other person to flip at 7 to vote with Tarzan/Christina with no threat of elimination for that player. In addition, Tarzan, Christina and Alicia, who are the "floaters", are probably going to be more likely to flip now that the biggest threat remaining, Troyzan, is eliminated.
  19. In Kat's defense, making a move on an even number is really difficult because it there is a threat of a tie and purple rocks. A tie is not a desired outcome when you are trying to blind side/take power in the game. If you wait till 7, she's just has to convince three other players to vote with her. With Christina and Tarzan probably feeling on the outs, she has a much better chance of flipping the game now than she did before.
  20. Bahaha, I love how the Survivor editors were totally looking at our thread. "Wait, wait, wait. People think Christina is a good player. OK, let's remedy that situation with Wednesday episode..." EDIT: And I'm kinda happy Troy went. I think he was a good player, interesting character and lots of potential, he just got stuck with some of the dumbest men that Survivor has seen. But him being gone after this week's challenges is perfect. The game is shaken up and a handful of players are not so secure with their place. I am hoping Kat takes the reigns and takes Sabrina out next.
  21. My thought was that it a) people either wait too long and hold onto their money for too long or b) that it is edited to make it look like they didn't get food when they in fact did.
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