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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Hiro Nakamura Andy Botwin 'nuff said.
  2. It was mainly with the older games, but poor translations. You would think that if you were releasing a popular game in a foreign country, you could at least beta test it with people from that country. (Metal Gear, I'm looking at you). "I feel asleep!" What the fuck does that mean? You FEEL asleep? Couldn't they have just replaced it with some simple "Zzzzzzz....."s or something? It's pretty much the same story no matter what game you play. Kill bad ass motherfucking baddie and/or his boss. What's wrong with leveling up to the max? You hear people bitch about how hard a game is, then you go and get ready to hunt bear. How many RPGs are the same, basic storyline? It's either 'this chick is special because she can help us', or 'We're a kingdom, but we have no standing army, and stood to get our asses kicked. Go get those motherfuckers. Oooh, there's Jesus and Biggie". And another thing, it's pretty much the KOEI games. Yes, they're fantastic simulations, but come on, how many times can you release Nobunaga's Ambition or Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Couldn't they concentrate on other ideas? How about fiction? (well, they *DID* do Gemfire...but that died a quick death). How about this one. Bots. Maybe they could improve the AI a little bit more, instead of always having the damn things move on the same fucking path. One last thing, commentary in sports games just drives me nuts, always has. Today, if it's using people's "real" names, would it kill the voice actor to say the whole line, instead of just recording the name, then putting it into another sentence? Example, World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions. Lon McErahan "(dryly)Hachem....(ecxitedly) IS GOING ALL IN!" That and when they fuck things up, this was mainly a nuisance in the older Madden Games. I call a fake punt, and right when they line up, before the ball is even fucking snapped, Pat Summerall just goes "It's a fake". Good call Pat. Ruin my play a little more, would you?

  4. Then again, I just realized that the comic book told them to
  5. It's a shame that Hiro doesn't speak English. He only told Micah his secret.... I wonder if Claire's little brother will reveal the whole shebang. Also, I wonder if Mama Patrelli has a supersecret of her own, or if Papa P (as I like to call him ) could fly. I mean, perhaps he had Peter's power of absorbtion, and after seeing Nathan fly, maybe Papa P tried to, only to go splat. He did commit suicide.... Still, as I stated above, the lack of Hiro kinda made me upset with the episode. Just the brief appearance in the begining. The only thing I would've really done different is have Hiro freeze time right when DL had his hands through the glass. Also, more on Hiro... Am I the only one that's a little upset that he only uses his powers right now to freeze time? I mean, yeah, it's cool and all, but in the first two episodes, we saw him with the ability to teleport and slow/speed up/reverse time....why doesn't he do more of that? Would it really be that hard for him to grab Ando and treleport right to New York, instead of having to drive all the way across the goddamn country?
  6. Yeah, but a guy in that role would've been creepy...
  7. The lack of Hiro dissapointed me. I was also pissed about the fact that they did nothing about Matt passing out with the gun at the Stop-N-Rob. Still, I now believe that it's not a bomb that goes off in New York, but Atomic Man gets short changed at the fruit stand while on vacation and doesn't get his money back. Other than that, the episode seemed pretty bland.
  8. ER Star Trek: TNG Star Trek: DS9 South Park Weeds Heroes The Office (US) Family Guy American Dad Beavis and Butthead CSI My Name Is Earl The Simpsons Star Trek Star Trek Voyager
  9. Mick

    South Park

    Ex-Lover? :blink: I wonder if it'll be Saddam or that other fag...
  10. That's about as funny as a screendoor on a battleship
  11. It's not a split personality, it's a doppelganger. Perhaps Ali Larter does not have superpowers, but her alter ego does. I find it funny that you have the Indian guy, who after finally finding someone to believe him, when he gets told of something amazing that just happened, he's all "Meh, I'm going home."
  12. I prefer Lee van Cleef myself. Although Fistfull of Dollars > *
  13. Hiro can manipulate the space time continium. He can go anywhere he wants in time. So, knowing you have to avert a major disaster (such as New York going Nuclear) and being in a land where you can't speak the language, and having said power....what does one do? Just go back to like 1994, rent a shack, and start studying. Then, go, try to stop the events or live through it. I'm pretty sure he wasn't in New York when it happened (Well, at least when the blast wave would've hit him...). It's pretty obvious that he can go pretty much anywhere he wants. Oh, and Biggz, I was right. The black guy IS DL.
  14. Mick

    Weeds Season Two

    Tonight's episode was okay, I felt it focused way too much on sex though. That is not good. Maybe if Yael was in it Although Celia and Doug watching the tapes > *
  15. Tonight's episode was fucking cool. Yea Hiro and Ando cheating. Boo Hiro and Ando getting mugged. Yea Claire showing the QB how you get away with murder. Yea Hiro from the future.
  16. Mick

    Weeds Season Two

    He's been absolute shit since he broke up with the deaf chick.
  17. Mick

    South Park

    You think dropping a duke in the urinial is funny?!
  18. I thought it was November 5th, but 6th would seem right considering it is a Monday
  19. Mick

    Weeds Season Two

    Good episode tonight. It was nice to see the focus taken off of Celia for a change, and focus more on Nancy. I just wonder if her and her husband are going to be forced to draw a line. Plus, Nealon interrupting the meeting was awesome. "READ THE PLANS, you don't need concrete floors and a garage door opening for a living room!"
  20. If the previews for next week is any indicator, Hiro is my new god. USING HIS POWERS AT THE ROULETTE TABLE > * Think about it, 35 to 1 payout if your number falls. Somehow I forsee him and Ando getting kicked out of the casino, though. Even though they probably won't pursue it on screen, I hope to God they nail that asshole quarterback to a cross for attempted rape and manslaughter. All in all, good show. I'm going to assume that not only was that black dude with the "S" necklace Sylar, but I also think he might infact be DL. It would certainly show why the little ring was at the graveyard, and how just someone can disappear after stealing two million dollars.
  21. Mick

    South Park

    I love the dance the guy dies hen he first show up, straight out of Saturday Night Fever.
  22. Mick

    Weeds Season Two

    Tonight's episode seemed kinda 'meh' to me. I was wishing it would've gone into further detail about Yael and Andy, but it was more Celia being a bitch. Although the "MILF Weed" was a high point on an otherwise dull episode.
  23. I was suprised to see that Issac died so fast, considering it was the second episo... Hmmm Seeing as that was obviously the bomb going off when Hiro left, and considering that 3 other main characters are in New York, I think that Hiro's going to go back to October and try to stop it. I mean, he can shift time 5 weeks, so who knows...
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