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Everything posted by Mick

  1. In Shut Up and Dance by Aerosmith: Real lyric: And you shove your nose in your funky spot What I thought it was: And you shove your nose and you fuck your spot.... :ohwell:
  2. In Dragon Warrior II, it was the last boss battle that I leveled up for At least in Dragon Warrior I, you could reach the maximum level and still have problems with the final boss, but that was mainly because the whole game was based around having only one character.
  3. I saw that. At first I only saw the NCC part, then I rewinded the DVR back and laughed. Yeah, I think Sylar/Peter is inevitable. In terms of epic struggles, I think it will be better than Palpatine/Yoda. I think it's easy to say that Peter will win, not because of the "Good triumphs over Evil" part, but just passed on a tale of the tape. Peter absorbs powers, while Sylar has to literally eat a person's brain to take it. If the two faced off, Peter's power would only be augmented thanks to the power that Sylar already has. Actually, I take back the Palpatine/Yoda remark. I think it would be a no-contest, especially if Peter can absorb Nuclear Man's power.

  5. Damn.... Well....that changes the dynamics of the game. I'd hate to see TC banned, yet I don't want Kou to come back :ohwell:
  6. Holy shit... Fumblelia reigns....
  7. Fins cheerleaders? What? FUCK!
  8. A False Start is a penalty for the offense. Basically, the QB says "Set" before the ball is snapped, movement by any of the seven players on the line of scrimmage is illegal until the QB says "Hike". Players in the backfield may move, however, but must be set before the ball is hiked.
  9. Picked off! The plane has just crashed into the mountain!
  11. No, I'm the cool one.

  12. Amazingly, I don't see a single gold cartridge there to represent either of the Zelda games. And also, for someone showing off all the series of games (Dragon Warrior, TMNT, Double Dragon, etc), why would he leave out stuff like MegaMan and Castlevania?
  13. Mick

    The Sims 2

    Yeah, no shit. If we can discover this, I might just have a reason to play Sims 2 again....
  14. I went with Chigusa. I figure that she's the only person on the island to actually make a kill with a serious emotional meaning behind it. Mistuko just killed because she wanted to win, and Kiriyama just because he could. Chigusa made the only kill that had a strong emotional tie to it; it was the only "Meaningful" death to occur among the students.
  15. Mick

    The Sims 2

    Jesus Christ.........
  16. I'm no stranger to the classic RPG's of the old days. Final Fantasy, the Dragon Warrior NES series, D&D; they all had pretty tough bosses which would put you into a total fight to the death. I'm talking everyone in the party is dead except for one near death character that doesn't have enough MP to cast the spell that will seal the deal, and you scream "PLEASE GOD!" as you helplessly pick the "Fight" command, hoping to score the mortal hit. Games which have done this to me include Final Fantasy VI, Dragon Warrior II. Final Fantasy VI is the last Final Fantasy game I played. I didn't have a PS back when VII was released, and the PC copy my dad bought just didn't want to cooperate. The game was straight-forward enough, my first real test was against the Atma Weapon; I was in 5th grade at the time and was pretty much clueless about the various gitches in the game. Eventually I destroyed the foul beast thanks to Cyan, and ladda-dadda-da, I'm in the World of Ruin, going about collecting the characters so I could settle some unfinished business with Kefka. Even with my core 5 fighters (Sabin, Mog, Cyan, Gogo and Edgar), the second tier against Kefka was a bitch, usually taking 3/4 of the group out, leaving me with subpar people to battle the thrid tier and then Kefka. I did triumph sooner or later, and then put the game to rest knowing that I had beaten it. Well, I didn't take my eyes off the game. Through 6th grade I began reading up on it, learning various secrets, and took it out again, and proceeded to whoop ass, beating the game much more easily then before. Years passed before I played it again, this time on an emulator. Well, knowing just how tough it was, I set out to turn my group of 12 (soon to be 14) into the ulitmate group of baddasses that ever graced the World of Ruin. It was pretty boring. It wasn't challenging. Well, so much for that, and I'm not really one with the patience for the "Special Run-Through" type quests... ONTO: Dragon Warrior II Dragon Warrior II is arguably the toughest of the NES Dragon Warrior games; while the first is tough enough as it was, you were fortunate enough to fight only against one enemy at a time. Dragon Warrior II brought groups of baddies in. I remember this game as the bane of my existence when my dad bought a copy. Me, my brother, and my dad all cooperated together to defeat Hargon's minions. The Cave to Rhone was a bitch, the road to Hargon's Castle a pain in the ass, and strangley, the castle wasn't too tough. Even Hargon didn't put up much of a fight. Enter: Malroth. This motherfucker made me hate Dragon Warrior II. After tossing out Hargon, you get to fight this fearsome monster; the bout would be equaled in wrestling terms of Duane Gill vs Big Show. To be completley honest, nobody in my family could dispatch him. Dragon Warrior II beat us. No matter what you did, the monster would always get the best of you. It seemed that he loved to make you suffer, targeting the Prince of Cannock first off. This dude had the worst attack of your three (Seeing how the Prince of Midenhall was your generic 'Have Sword, chop motherfucker down' type, and the Princess had some serious offensive magic); ironiclaly, he was the only one that knew "Revive" that could bring one of your dead cousins back to life. Without him, you were pretty screwed. So, let's say that Malroth kills off one of the other two companions (or both ). You decide to cast Revive. Hurray, one of your buddies is back. Then Malroth hits his scorching breath, putting you both into the grave. Did I mention that Revive only gives the revived one hit point? So, recently, (the past couple days in fact), I get the ROM, and proceed to take on this monster of a game again. I know damn well what awaits me, and thanks to the world of the internet, I went though all the various little subquests, and took the time to reach the maximum levels allowed by the game. I wanted to teach this bastard a lesson, while still hoping for a battle to the death. Hell, he was tough enough. So, I get to him, and the battle goes through pretty quick. My jaw dropped at how easily I defeated him. In fact, right now I'll take a pause from this to see how many rounds it takes to kill this prick.... Five. Five rounds, with only the main warrior attacking. So, all in all, my suggestion to those of you that love the RPGs, is to enjoy the challenge of the game and not do excessive leveling up. Yes, it will make the game a lot easier, but you will not enjoy it as much. That said... I GOT YOU MOTHERFUCKA! I GOT YOU! WHO DA MAN? WHO DA MAN? MICK DA MAN! OHHHHH YEAH, SNAP IN TO A SLIM JIM, DIG IT!
  17. Mick

    The Sims 2

    I tried to, once. The whole problem is that there's a hallway that run's next to a a diaganol wall(sorry for the spelling, it's late damnit ); while this isn't too much of a problem, it is when on the otherside of it is the kitchen and the counters. Thus, it's impossible to turn the counter's so they'd be the right way without throwing off the balance of my family room. One thing I DID do, though, is actually made real houses into Sim versions. In November of '05 my sister handed me a couple of Better Homes and Gardens magazines that were nothing but layouts for homes, so I decided to start making those. That worked out pretty well.
  18. Mick

    The Sims 2

    I tried to, once. The whole problem is that there's a hallway that run's next to a a diaganol wall(sorry for the spelling, it's late damnit ); while this isn't too much of a problem, it is when on the otherside of it is the kitchen and the counters. Thus, it's impossible to turn the counter's so they'd be the right way without throwing off the balance of my family room. One thing I DID do, though, is actually made real houses into Sim versions. In November of '05 my sister handed me a couple of Better Homes and Gardens magazines that were nothing but layouts for homes, so I decided to start making those. That worked out pretty well.
  19. The last one by far, although I would use the lettering from the first one, mainly because I'm a sucker for having correct logos and such. The problem with the second one is that it's Shawn from 1992/93, when this is obviously late '97; given that he has two title reigns, holding the IC title doesn't make much sense. Also, the Bret pose used in those two seems to be an older picture as well.
  20. Good call... Who would've thought Akamatsu would've been given flashbacks?
  21. Myself, I have to go with Kiriyama, but only in book/manga form. I just find him a completley fascinating character, doing whatever he wants, literally, and thinking nothing of it. My personal favorite description of Kiriyama's genius came when he killed Oda, and the book just says something like "Little did Oda know, Kazuo had already suprassed him in violin talent." Just brilliant. I think the movie didn't really do him justice, as he just wandered around with his MAC putting holes into people. Not much development.
  22. Pretty funny stuff tonight, with Hiro stealing the fake sword and then running into Nathan again. I wonder what exactly Mr. Bennett has in mind, giving Suresh his card, and judging by next weeks preview, it's pretty obvious that Mohander is going to call him... Still, not enough Hiro for my likings....
  23. ....Because it came out on the PS1 first?
  24. I just thought it was great how Michael didn't play off of Andy at all. The whole time, Michael's just sitting there with a stone cold face, unamused. I suppose if that were any other office, Andy would've been out the door... Should be interesting to see how Michael will react to Andy screwing over Dwight....
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