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Everything posted by Mick

  1. "Masters of the Universe" by Juno Reactor. The "Prophecy Theme" from Dune
  2. What kind of vehicle are you driving? Basically, with GT4, you have to forget all the arcade styles, and realize that it's very similiar to real life driving. Also, how are you decelerating? Are you slamming the brakes or are you just pressing on them?
  3. Mick

    That's Not Funny

    I generally shit on all the sit-coms. I just don't find it funny. Performing it in front people loses its appeal to me, because you have them laughing at the stupidest joke, and when something I find funny does happen, I'll laugh, but the damn audience doesn't make a sound. Maybe that's why stuff like The Office/My Name is Earl appeals to me, because the shit that happens doesn't rely on a live audience; especially The Office. Just the subtle way people act, knowing exactly what they're thinking really sells it for me, as opposed to an Al Bundy sex joke. (Trying to lift something as Peg watches) PEG: You can't get it up! (Drops the thing, audience laughs)
  4. WhatyagottadoistakeherpantsoffthenyouputthethinginherandafterfifteenminutesBOOM! Wait a second.... Madden '06?! What a cheap ass uncle.....
  5. Mick

    South Park

    It wasn't Mr. Garrison, it was the shop teacher. The episode is Tweek vs Craig
  6. Mick

    Rocky Balboa

    I think the whole problem people had with Rocky V is the fact that there wasn't a boxing match for Rocky. I mean, yes, Rocky's a boxer, but it's not about boxing. It's about a guy doing the only thing he really knows how to do. And in Rocky V, there he is, suddenly broke, and discovering that the only way he could make a living was suddenly taken away from him. I just wonder, why the hell was Mickey's Gym shut down? That was willed to Robert, so you think that Rocky could've kept it going. Rocky was a hell of a trainer, look what he did for Tommy...
  7. Still, pretty sweet that you cleaned out Kevin Smith.
  8. I had Yoda Stories, and while it had a cute novelty to it, it quickly wore off. Doing the same thing over and over quickly got boring.... Although I was the shit. I got the Green Lightsaber
  9. Mick

    Strip Poker game

    You should be shot for this as well :pinch:
  10. He's still alive?!

  11. Mick

    RIP James Brown

    Going to be with angels, I feel dead! :ohwell:
  12. Mick

    RIP James Brown

    Nope. Took my grandpa in '83, and my grandma in '98. How's that for freaky? Yeah, sucks that Brown's dead....
  13. What did video games ever do to Jack Thompson? I want you guys to do me a favor. If I ever kill (or get killed by) someone in a kitchen with a knife, lobby to have Clue (or Cluedo ) pulled, saying it promotes murder.
  14. Everyone knows that wrestling has people becoming invincible and on fire after hitting 3 big moves in a row, not to mention those damn big head matches. Just wait until Jeff Jarrett comes out dressed as Ed Boon, and Sting as Sub-Zero
  15. So, the shit doth hit the fan. Sylar escapes, Hiro sees what he's up against, Eden dies, and Nikki turns herself in. Decent episode, I was thinking it was going to be one of the more major characters, but didn't really see Eden dying. I just wonder if the whole time Sylar was just playing them for fools. Boo on Mr. Bennet for having BHD (Black Hatian Dude) erase people's minds, especially Zach. That was mean So, yeah, I'm looking forward to see Hiro vs The T-Rex.
  16. Well, to be fiar, they said "one of the heroe's". That suggests somebody that can do something except exploit their friend . As far as Ando goes, I think the has the potential to be a hero, but not in the "oooh, superpower X-Men" category, but the "Look at me, I am a human and I kick ass Bruce Wayne" category. Considering future Hiro, complete with fluent English and lack of accent, as well as Katana, will have incredibly honed skills, it is possible that Ando can develop his human skills to an impressive level. Hiro's bound to have a training partner, and Hiro literally has nothing but time. So...go back to the 90s, intergrate yourselves, and viola. Ando can now use a katana with surprising skill. Double fun, they can pull a BTTF and bet on the Super Bowl or something; maybe abuse Vegas. Get a shitload of money, and viola, take care of the bills for a decade and train. It's not personal gain if you use your power to help develop yourself, is it? Especially if it's done in a remote area where nobody was around anyways....
  17. I'd be more interested in something based more on poker. Rounders was great, but the movie focused mainly on underground and otherwise illegal (limit wise) games. I mean, would it be so hard to transform Tin Cup into a poker movie? Instead of golf, it's poker. They go to the World Series, or World Poker Finals, or something like that. Hell, golf has four major championships, just look at all the big tournaments in the US. WPT, WSOP, etc. They go on the road, racking up cash, play in a satellite, etc. Although I'd probably remove the romance aspect from it. Some how "Tin Holes" wouldn't really work...
  18. I really don't care who gets "Shot" next week. I mean, I think the best character to kill off would be Issac. If the nuclear attack thing in I believe the second show is/was true, he's going to bite it anyways. Hiro sees him with half his head cut off, so Issac is just doomed anyways, and Mr. Bennet has certainly used him the best he can. Issac really hasn't had that strong of a role lately, he did earlier, but that was the whole "Save the cheerleader' story arc. I suppose that, seeing how Sylar's power is the ability to literally absorb people's power, if Sylar did in fact absorb Claire's, he would be invincible, and nothing could stop him (short of a very close quarters high-grade explosion, vaporizing the fucker). So yeah, that makes sense. It's kind of sad to see Hiro have his heart broken, he's the strongest character on the show. I guess that girl was just doomed to die anyways, so I suppose the timeline has been 'restored'. Great moment though, after talking with his other self, just that "Great Scott!". The only thing that I wish they would show is that Hiro has to accept that dispite his great power, he cannot save everyone. Hell, Superman couldn't save his dad, and if Hiro is as big a nerd as he appears to be, he should've known that. So, next week, here's to Issac dying. Nikki, okay, DL, well, it can be expected. Peter, doubtful, he'll live (thanks to Future Hiro saying 'You look different'. Micah, possible that Jessica misses. Nathan, a dark horse. Claire, no chance in hell. Michael, he's kinda in Issac's boat, hasn't been featured much, and he does for for the LAPD. With knocking out the guy that fucked his wife, it certainly gives a motive for murder.
  19. 1. Gene Hackman 2. Robin Williams 3. Sean Connery 4. Samuel L Jackson 5. John C. Riely 6. Robert De Niro 7. Antonio Banderas 8. Michael Caine 9. Alec Baldwin 10. Harrison Ford
  20. Actually, all you need to do to is enter a PAR/Game Genie code that changes the color of the sweat. Nothing really remarkable, seeing how it won't change the fact that everyone except Scorpion and Sonya originally had a gory finisher. Of course this was back in the day when the general conscience on such devices was something along the lines of "They fuck your machine up." so that was never gonna be much of a goer, for me anyway. Emulation, my friend. I know you still own the original catridge, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  21. Actually, all you need to do to is enter a PAR/Game Genie code that changes the color of the sweat. Nothing really remarkable, seeing how it won't change the fact that everyone except Scorpion and Sonya originally had a gory finisher. As far as Urban Legends, Final Fantasy VI (3 back in the day), there was so much rumored shit on that. Swords strong than the Illumina, ways to bring back Gereral Leo, who is Gogo, etc.
  22. It is a shame that Hiro never saw Bill and Ted. Imagine what control he could have if he used the properties of time travel as portrayed then. Then again, logically, Hiro should've looked at his whole problem from last week like this: This girl is nice and has a crush on me. Unfortunatly, in the greater scheme, the Cheerleader is the one that really matters. Thus, I will use my powers to save the cheerleader (and the world), then go back to earlier in the evening and save the waitress, then if I have to, go save the cheerleader again (Since I know what's happening anyways). As far as Ando not having any power, I wonder if Hiro can somehow take people through space time with him. I forget if it was in an earlier episode where Hiro proved it, but if he did indeed have that power, then he could just take Ando back ten years with him, and they can begin some heavyduty training. While Ando wouldn't have a superpower per se, he could be more than formidable for Joe Human that stands in the way. Unless it's the Joe from Family Guy, then he wouldn't stand. It is also nice to see Claire's eyes open and discover that it is us geeks that truly rule the world.
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