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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Yeah, but that's what made the awesome! You have GI Joe, C.O.P.S., Ghostbusters, Transformers, MASK etc, each with identifable good guys and bad guys. With the GI Joes, you could see what they were trying to do on the show, then make it so that God forbid, Cobra Commander's plan ACTUALLY works. And on another note...who didn't use the GI Joes as pro wrestlers? I know I did. Gung Ho used the Razor's Edge
  2. "It's either blood, urine, or semen..." "...I hope it's urine...." (Y) Great episode.
  3. The Hunt for Red October: Alec Baldwin, Sean Connery, Sam Neil, Tim Curry, Richard Jordan, James Earl Jones, Jeffery Jones, Courtney B. Vance, Scott Glenn, Fred Thompson The Right Stuff: Sam Shepard, Scott Glenn, Ed Harris, Dennis Quaid, Fred Ward, Barbara Hershey, Kim Stanley, Levon Helm, Veronica Cartwright, Pamela Reed, Lance Henriksen The Royal Tenenbaums: Gene Hackman, Anjelica Huston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ben Stiller, Luke Wilson, Owen Wilson, Danny Glover, Bill Murray, Alec Baldwin, Seymour Cassel Suprised to see this one not out there; Platoon: Tom Berengerm Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Forest Whitaker, Francesco Quinn, John C. McGinley, Richard Edson, Kevin Dillon, Reggie Johnson, Keith David, Johnny Depp, David Neidorf, Mark Moses, Chris Pedersen, Tony Todd, Corkey Ford, Ivan Kane, Paul Sanchez, J. Adam Glover, Corey Glover, Bob Orwig, Keven Eshelman, James Terry McIlvain, Dale Dye Clue: Christopher Lloyd, Tim Curry, Martin Mull, Madeline Kahn, Eileen Brennan, Lesley Ann Warren, Michael McKean, Collen Camp,
  4. All NES: Blaster Master Metal Gear Ninja Gaiden
  5. Mick

    Weeds Season Two

    Those Jew boobs > *
  6. I don't really care for the font you used for "WrestleMania", mainly because when it comes to thinks like 'Mania I'm a traditionalist, and you really should've tried to align "awaits" so that it was centered right underneath the "greatness". Throwing in the RAW, SmackDown!, and ECW logos wouldn't have hurt either.
  7. Pretty interesting show. I love the Japanese dude, Hiro. I think I might be hooked on this show.
  8. What was the name of that one dude that was the star athlete? Chalky? I can envision a whole series about how someone raped Patti, with all the evidence pointing to Roger, only for it to be Chalky....
  9. Mick

    Star Trek

    Put him on a bridge and shoot at it....
  10. Mick

    Star Trek

    As far as the series goes, (Best to worst, IMO) DS9, TNG, TOS, VOY, ENT. DS9 had the unique characteristic of recurring characters. You had people like Winn, Rom, Nog, Weyoun, Martok, Garak, Dukat and Damar that actually did something. None of the other episodes really had that, other than "Black Female Ensign". It also had remarkable continuity. I never really watched Enterprise all that much, the reason being that halfway through the first season I had seen all I had cared too of it. While Scott Bakula did a great job portraying Sam as a Starfleet Captain, I felt the rest was boring and forshadowed too much. I was very displeased with the inclusion of the Borg in one episode, as well as Archer talking about a future "Prime Directive". TNG was great because every episode would focus on a single character of the main crew. I can't decide who had the best character development, Data, Riker, Picard or Worf. The women were really useless. Crusher never really showed innovation, while Troi was more or less there with a "Captain, blablabla.." "Yes, thank you Counselor. Mr. Worf, fire the torpedos". Pulaski....please. Dr. Pulaski was WORSE than Wesley. At least Wesley had a semi decent appearance in the episode where Worf jumps through alternant realties. Voyager brought back the Boldly Going aspect, but got a little more annoying. Chakotay pretty much did nothing but kiss Janeyway's ass, and the whole command crew was more meh. I enjoyed it though, mainly because I wanted to see more of the Borg. TOS was cool, because, well, it's TOS. New Worlds each week, same booming voice echoing from each one. It really didn't have any arcs, but it did get the groundwork going. I pray that perhaps they (Paramount), could perhaps do an enchanced version of TOS, reworking exterior shots, instead of getting the same 4 angles of the Enterprise. As far as Captains, well, IMO, Kirk wins. Picard just kinda sat on the bridge, and while his reasoning was above Kirk's....Kirk could just plain kick people's ass. Picard was more of a "By the books" type, while Kirk was like "Fuck it, let's get these motherfuckers". You notice Kirk rarely stayed on board while the away team went down to investigate. Sisko had his moments, Archer was bland, and Janeway was just weak.
  11. Captain N: The Game Master http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuyYdlVoOZQ
  12. Mask and Centurions for me, plus: G.I. Joe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT7GWPwhd40 The Real Ghostbusters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjtGzSANxHI C.O.P.S. All part of a massive morning lineup, on right after waking up to Winnie the Pooh...
  13. Seconded... Raiden looks like a VC.. The only decent looking costume was Kabal...
  14. Mick

    Shadow President

    Well, my first experience was interesting. Ordered Saddam's assasination, that didn't work too well. Tried to overthrow the Soviet Union with a coup, that failed... Then said fuck it, and nuked Iraq. France's coup in the US failed, China nukes me, the USSR nukes Iraq, I nuke China, China nukes me (again), France nukes me, I vaporize France. Eventually the US realizes I'm a bad leader and takes me out of office
  15. For me, it was when Sherry Stringfield left ER for the second time. She was in the Season 12 opener, then after that, her character wasn't mentioned again, save for some "She moved to ____". That was just totally sorry. I mean, come on, some characters on the show had good reason sendoffs. Mark, Good send off. Doug, Good Send off. Then they had shit, like Romano So...the way they had Susan Lewis disappear the second time really sucked
  16. Mick


    5 Words.... "HI FOLKS, BILLY MAYS HERE!"
  17. Blaster Master Metal Gear Double Dragon In my humble opinion, these are probably the most difficult NES action games I have ever played. All three are equally hard. I think what contributes to Blaster Master and Double Dragon is the limited amount of lives you have to complete it, while Metal Gear is just a pain in the ass to do. I beat Blaster Master in '01, DD probably in '97 or '98, and Metal Gear just last year.
  18. I remember that game. Actually, it's a continuation of a series of Arcade/NES games called "Hiryu No Ken". The first one made it onto the original NES, called "Flying Dragon" ; it was a fun but difficult game, featuring two modes. One where you journey to a tournament, then fighting in said tournament. It was followed up with two sequels in Japan, one of which made it to the US (called "Flying Warriors") My "Let's fuck the Rebels" fleet was generally a SSD and 6 ISD2, an interdictor, a few lancers, 4 escort carriers (2 with Interceptors, 1 with Bombers and 1 with Defenders), and of course, the Death Star (Loaded with Interceptors). I would usually always have Thrawn as the Admiral of the fleet (Who else would it be ), and then go on a sight seeing tour. It's amazing how fast loyalty shifts when you blow up the Rebel HQ. Also, another fun thing I loved was making a rim sector into my industrial zone. One planet for Training, One for Ships, one for Construction; all advanced yards. Then, I'd have one planet in said sector as a super prison. A shitload of shields, lasers, and Dark Troopers. Good Times.
  19. Rebellion > * I could never really play as the Rebels. Such goody two shoes. My favorite tactic was to put a Death Star over Coruscant, put up the Death Star Shield, and then it just became a waiting game.
  20. Mick

    2006 WSOP

    Earlier this morning, Phil Hellmuth won his tenth bracelet, winning the $1000+1000 Rebuy NLH Event. So, I heard that the Main Event was going to be live, I mean LIVE LIVE, on PPV, well, the final table. I'm not too keen on ordering it, considering how long the final tables usually last. And also, I suppose you could call him a rookie sensation, but Jeff Madsen, the youngest bracelet winner in history (Currently with 2 Bracelets, and another final table appearance at this year's WSOP), has just made ANOTHER final table, this time in Stud 8/B. Where did this kid come from?! Also, in the NL 2-7 Lowball event, 19 players remain, among them David Williams, Greg Raymer, Tony G, Men the Master, Allen Cunningham, and Mike Matusow. I'm pulling for a final table with Matusow, Raymer, and Williams. I think that'd be a fine battle, and hopefully we'll get Raymer/Mike heads up.
  21. Mick

    2006 WSOP

    Shit is going to hit the fan today in the $1000+1000 Rebuy No Limit Hold 'Em event. Sitting at the final table is Phil Hellmuth (With the chip lead, 786K) and Tony G (Shortstacked at 77K). I think I'm going to root for Phil on this one. Yeah, he talks a lot of shit, but he's arguably the greatest tournament Hold 'Em player in history. I'd like to see him pick of the 10th bracelet just to tie Chan and Brunson.
  22. Mick

    2006 WSOP

    What's his name?
  23. Mick

    2006 WSOP

    Good luck. I'm heading to Vegas next year on my vacation time. I might just spend a weekend in October over at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa playing in one of there more expensive NLH games. Oh, and Pepsi, doesn't the Main Event end on the 10th? You should be done by then, even if you win. Yeah but we're staying for our anniversary which is on the 11th. Well, more good luck, and here's to hoping that Norman Chad doesn't find out about the anniversary
  24. Mick

    2006 WSOP

    Good luck. I'm heading to Vegas next year on my vacation time. I might just spend a weekend in October over at the Hard Rock Casino in Tampa playing in one of there more expensive NLH games. Oh, and Pepsi, doesn't the Main Event end on the 10th? You should be done by then, even if you win.
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