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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. Super Mario Party is a lot of fun, love the streamlined interface too. This will definitely kill mine and the wife’s free time for a bit.
  2. Haven't forked out for the online yet, how is the NES stuff?
  3. Steam Workshop if you’re on PC
  4. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1508845361 Haven't been able to find The Dupps, a 2002 era Low-Ki, or many of the women who appeared in the first few PPVs.
  5. Had a hand at editing if anyone is looking for an NWA TNA era Ken Shamrock https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1508388502
  6. I've been able to find quite a few. There's an awesome Shamrock circa 98, but nothing for his TNA look with the all black shorts and sideburns.
  7. Discovering that a lot of the old Country Western songs my Grandparents were always listening to were actually pretty damn good lyrically...

    1. Draevyn


      Old country is the best. I enjoy pretty much all of it except for dancy country.

  8. I LOVE this game. One minute you're the Flying Elvises or AJ Styles in 2002 NWA TNA and the next you're Cody taking on Dalton Castle in ROH.
  9. I’d gladly pay again to have it portable on the Switch.
  10. IDOL

    WWE 2K19

    How does that happen? 😂
  11. If this game never makes it to the Switch, it will be a crying shame.
  12. I've managed to figure out how to add custom wrestlers from the Workshop, but how do I find the arena's I've downloaded? Also, the title belts are limited in looks - are there any mods to get WWE looking title belts or is that a no go?
  13. Running pretty great on my laptop, might run an HDMI to the TV when the wife and kid go to bed. I finally put my XBox One PC adapter to good use and got my controller synched too. This game is fucking awesome. Just had a 20 minute back and forth as Ziggler against Orton and he put me down with a RKO after eating about 6 superkicks.
  14. Bit the bullet and purchased this on Steam. Hoping my laptop can handle it as the processor is nowhere near an i5.
  15. I may be selling my copy of Madden as well. I don't know what has changed, but I'm complete trash at it. Can't play a game without throwing 4 interceptions or being sacked for a fumble. I think it's reached a point where its too complex just to pick up and have fun with it
  16. I’m weird. TEW on the computer is fine, but something like Fire Pro, I want it on the TV and play from the couch.
  17. I want a PS4 just so I can play this. Bastards.
  18. IDOL

    WWE 2K19

    Though I'm having fun playing WWE 2K18 right now, I really can't believe how many things they have taken out of this series over the years. Remember that awesome create your own storyline feature they used to have? You could download storylines people had created, or make your own. I think Zero on the board even won something from his Zack Ryder/US Title storyline. Then there's the Showcase stuff they used to have with different big matches that you could play through to unlock certain people. There's no Career mode of any sorts anymore that doesn't involve making a CAW. Even something like No Mercy's set up is sorely needed. Basically all we have now is a Broken Universe mode, VC that takes forever to earn to unlock the whole roster, and cash grab DLC. It's kind of sad.
  19. You could use decals, I printed out stencils and hand painted.
  20. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    👀 I'll be damned... I missed it haha.
  21. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    How did you resist the shot at Matt Hardy?
  22. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    It also appears you can’t change anything about the in game superstars physical appearance like cutting their hair? I downloaded what I thought was a great alternate attire for Ambrose’s new look but it appears as if I have to use him as a CAW instead
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