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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. Finding someone to make you an up to date TEW 2013 mod is probably less likely than you winning the lottery. There is no way to "make a quick one" that would be worth playing. Everyone has moved on to TEW 2016, and you should too.
  2. Seems to be par for the course for people who like physical copies Picked up Zelda Breath of the Wild today as I said I would wait until I completed Odyssey. My body is not ready for this.
  3. Is it that there’s more enemies to fight? Haha, I’m lost here. My wife is playing world 3 right now and doesn’t seem to have noticed, or at least she hasn’t complained.
  4. I’m still not to the part of the game that has everyone so frustrated with it here I guess, because I’m still having fun with it. I finally finished Super Mario Odyssey this morning. I honestly can’t remember the last game I played all of the way through. Definitely ranks up there as one of my favorites.
  5. It means what it said, I’m not doing the EWR from scratch update.
  6. I should note it’s not a “this or that” type of thing. I won’t be doing the EWR update from scratch with the general consensus of people wanting to have promotions outside the realm of North America included. Anyone is welcome to take up that project though.
  7. To me it’s like adding the UFC and its fighters to the game because I like it and want to play it regardless of the fact that the game isn’t built to accommodate it. But i won’t keep harping on it. It’s just not for me.
  8. if the only way to get NJPW to work as it should is to run the events exploit a bunch of times, it’s really head scratching as to why anyone would want it in a regular stat update.
  9. Another question; can you even run an NJPW type schedule in EWR?
  10. Is the push to add NJPW solely because there are a few EWB people that regularly keep up with NJPW now? I just don’t personally see how not having NJPW in the game in 2003 is any different than not having it in the game in 2018? It’s always been there. It’s always had its own stars and foreign workers touring there. What makes it less of an accurate reflection?
  11. Do we really need another thing to make EWR out of whack?
  12. You will then have the Japanese workers floating around with inflated overness as free agents, being signed up by North American companies
  13. I’m out if promotions outside of North America are added too. I understand why people support that, but if that’s the case, TEW 2005 is freeware (and built to accommodate that.)
  14. It still has an effect on how overness effects Japanese workers though.
  15. You would have to set them as located in the US, Mexico or Canada. And how would you even balance popularity? For guys that show up in Ring of Honor there’s some crossover but the majority of their roster shouldn’t have high popularity
  16. He’s talking about when people post news on who has left promotions, title changes, and that kind of thing.
  17. Yeah I really am thinking a small core group of the major promotions that people follow so that we can have accurate updates.
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