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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. Just picked up Yoshi's Crafted World, and there goes any plan of being productive for the rest of the weekend.
  2. I have a question for those who have seen the movie And
  3. IDOL

    Stephen King

    Yes, that’s it.
  4. IDOL

    Stephen King

    How does everyone feel about Stephen King and his novels? For me personally, I think he can build a story well when he wants to, but when it comes to the big reveal/resolution it’s almost always a let down or laughably bad. I think he’s one of the few authors I’d rather see the film adaptation over reading his book. Just the sheer size of IT made me say nope, I think it would be a less daunting task to read the entire New Testament! Stand By Me, Carrie, Shawshank Redemption and It were all such enjoyable films that I’ve never sought out the novels. Then there’s books that were so uninteresting to read like The Gunslinger and a book about aliens that I can’t even remember the name of. I read the entirety of Revival, one of his newer novels and it had great themes on religion, existentialism, traumatic life events, and substance abuse, but holy hell the big reveal was one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read: Am I alone in feeling like I’m probably going to steer clear of his stuff in the future?
  5. I’ve never seen The Increedible Hulk and don’t feel like I’ve ever missed out as Ruffalo is great in the role.
  6. My son is turning three this month and is obsessed with Super Mario Party. He's just getting to where he's able to understand the controls (especially the punching of the dice block) and we've been letting him play with his own character. He asks to play every night I'm off of work lately. So much fun.
  7. Shit, just picked up Splatoon 2 for $40 at the local used/retro shop, should have gotten this much sooner!
  8. Yeah, had a lot of reservations going in (not being sold on the casting, not really being too attached to the character) but damn, that was fun. Soundtrack is great too.
  9. A solo Black Widow movie is the thing of dreams. Lovely, lovely dreams.
  10. Is this really a complaint? What the hell are people expecting?
  11. Fighting With My Family is so cringe worthy when it comes to inaccuracies and the actual in ring stuff at times. They totally glossed over that Paige was NXT Women’s champion and the fact that the whole reason she was called up to lead the Divas Division/Start the Revolution was because of the work she put in at NXT.
  12. Am I in the minority in thinking Black Panther is just an okay movie? I’ve seen it three times now, and the pacing is pretty terrible.
  13. You would be hard pressed to find anyone even playing 2010 anymore.
  14. Here is the pdf file of Derek B's Mod Guide in case you wanted it. Forky pointed out that I hadn't actually linked to it in my post before: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9d8tyo3d4nja8sa/DerekB_Mod_Guide.pdf/file
  15. Holy Shit, Aquaman was a complete mess.
  16. IDOL

    WWE 2K19

    Fucking logo/image limit
  17. This game couldn’t be any duller
  18. Alita Battle Angel is going to BOMB so hard.
  19. The organic pics were actually a total changeover for the new TEW 2016 version. I included them in the pic pack here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/cdn798h58ri6mo1/012004_RA(PICS).zip And yeah, feel free to use anything from the data and graphics/pics I modeled the logos, events and broadcaster graphics after the C-Verse so they look pretty good in game.
  20. @Gabriel - Not sure if you know, as I saw you posting in the TEW graphics thread, but the picture pack I included with the 2004 mod uses an organic background and includes multiple agers for workers.
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