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Everything posted by IDOL

  1. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    2K really likes their limits, eh? Kind of weird to limit the images when I have 300 GB open on my console. Ugh.
  2. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    The CAW community has come a long way. I’ve been able to pretty much fill out my rosters with realistic looking CAWS. when did they add the functionality to download and use alternate attires? So awesome. Updated Ziggler’s look, and once my downloads reset, new looks for New Day, Bludgeons and The Bar are waiting
  3. IDOL

    WWE 2K18

    Picked this up used at GameStop for $15 after not playing the series in a few years. why is the 20 download limit still a thing? Infuriating! my best match so far is one that I accidentally selected in Universe mode playing as Naomi against Tamina that reached 4 1/2 stars. 😯
  4. Movie was terrible. theres a pie eating scene that lasts TEN FREAKING MINUTES! Ten minutes, fork clanging off plate, nothing else happening.
  5. Thanks! Didn’t even think of looking for a demo
  6. Watched The Incredibles 2 and Ant Man and The Wasp last night. Both were outstanding.
  7. Yeah, that mid credits scene... fuck me! 😢
  8. I’m talking about locating the version that aren’t corrupted. If you guys are interested in helping, we can get something going.
  9. I’ve thought about doing this for a while now. Finding the corrupted files will be a pain though
  10. I feel like people lose sight of this with this type of thing with these cases. I too have had beloved friends and family members do dumb, horrendous and often times unforgivable things - but when you are that close to the wrong-doer, you want to look past the incidents and still see some good in that person. It's hard to disassociate. At the same time, they are human and if they can prove to have learned from things don't they deserve a chance to prove they can change and continue their lives/professions?
  11. I was never really into Marilyn Manson when all of the hype surrounded him in the late 90's, as I was just entering my teenage years and my parents would have fucking died if they had found a Manson album in my room. But the more I listen to his stuff and watch his videos, the more I appreciate him as an artist. He damn near perfectly used the shock factor/controversial nature of his music and presentation to get exactly the reaction he wanted. He also didn't go to the cliched extremes like Howard Stern and those types went to. He also seems like an intelligent dude in interviews, and he's absolutely schooled the likes of Donahue, and O'Reilly in interviews I've watched.
  12. Second season of 13 Reasons Why worth a watch?
  13. Between Dez leaving and Witten retiring, I no longer own a Jersey of an active Cowboy
  14. 😂😂😂 Best Easter Egg ever! Holy Shit!
  15. I should probably have picked it up for the $40 used at my local GameStop then?
  16. Farming Simulator is way more fun than it has any right to be 😂
  17. My reaction: To further elaborate: SPOILERS: seriously, do not open if you haven’t seen the film
  18. Brie Bella's contract should allow for In-Ring usage as well since she has competed in the Women's Royal Rumble.
  19. Zelda has taken up way too much of my life over the past few weeks. Im looking forward to Kirby, Donkey Kong Country and Smash Bros once I finish Zelda.
  20. Since I've received my Switch on Christmas, it has quickly become my favorite console. The last time I fired up my X-Box One was to use Netflix, I can't remember the last time I used it for gaming. I also barely play my 3DS anymore. I really wish we could get a port of Fire Pro World though!
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