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Everything posted by AJ

  1. Look! Scientific proof that these teams are all bitches. One point in it. So we might as well use Barca and ManU =\
  2. AJ

    FIFA 09

    I've edited my post like 40,000 times Just posting again to make you aware in case the last bits of info are important.
  3. AJ

    FIFA 09

    EA's servers aren't the best and they take them offline for maintenance pretty much every day, just try again later. And yes, go to a ranked match, it will tell you to download the latest squads, do that, then you can back out of the match at the team select screen unless you want to play the game. Go to My FIFA 09 and then save and overwrite your current squad file, should work. Still not worked...Any other ideas? Is there not an Adidas Live Season option on the main menu on the 360 version? On the PS3 I just select that. Normally it tells me I already have the latest squad update the first time, but then you select it a second time and it starts downloading the file. edit: Didn't read the last couple of posts before replying. You don't have ALS? Surely you can't get the transfer update then? :S This piece of info will be useless if you don't have ALS, but downloading through ranked match only updates your Online Squads, you have to download through the ALS link to update offline. http://www.eafootballworld.com/en_GB/news/TransferUpdate09 You should be able to re-use your code though. I've upgraded my PS3 hard-drive and had to re-enter my code and it worked fine.
  4. AJ

    FIFA 09

    Mehmet Topuz Not a spectacular goal by any means, but further proof power > placement when it comes to free kicks.
  5. I'll take Aston Villa. KOA said it was alright earlier in the thread. Like I said before I think Madrid/Chelsea/Inter are just as ridiculous as Utd/Barca to play against but I'm not great to begin with so I'm gonna struggle regardless.
  6. AJ

    FIFA 09

    Get Brad Friedel. Sure he's probably as old (if not older) as your current keeper but he's shit-hot. Not sure what Hunt is like in 09 but on 08 he was invaluable to my Darlington side with his pace even when I had better players in the team he was a good sub to have late in the game. Not sure if I mentioned before but after two successful seasons with Boro (2 Prem titles, 1 FA Cup, 1 CL), and one with Fulham (Prem title) I'm now at Notts Forest attempting to make them into a force again. I had little to no transfer cash and the cash I did have I spent on fitness coaching. The good thing about being 3 seasons into Manager Mode is that there are a load of quality free agents about. I think I got about 7 new players altogether. The best of which being Eduardo. Also, AD. I dare you to buy Tuncay. They've got Aliadiere in reserve just waiting to be the next one to screw you over. edit: And that replay really makes me want to play lower leagues.
  7. I'd have to say baseball. Sorry yanks In the early hours of the morning when I was wide awake I would put the baseball on channel 5 on to literally put me to sleep. Just so you don't think I have an irrational hatred of American sports, I don't mind watching American football, plus I both play and watch as much basketball as I can. Usually only college games on NASN (or ESPNAmerica it's called now) since there was some kind of monumental cockup and neither channel 5 or Sky picked up the rights to the NBA this season. I've really missed it. I refuse to accept darts as a sport. I guess that's for another topic though.
  8. You're not trying hard enough! Don't they have a SpeedyHire in Japan? I'm well pleased I discovered a way that I can watch DVD's through HDMI rather than going through the painstaking trouble of switching to component all the time. Apparently DVD's can't be upscaled to 1080i which is what my TV and PS3 are generally running at. So I just have to deselect the 1080i option in the display settings since they CAN be upscaled to 720. Hurrah. Just thought I'd share in case anyone else was having this problem. Think it may just be for certain types of television.
  9. I'm assuming he's referring to their 'Galacticos' era where they brought in a lot of older (some, arguably, over the hill) established stars instead of building a proper functioning team. I'm surprised with the history and everything Liverpool has that they're not higher in comparison to Chelsea and Arsenal but I suppose they haven't won a league title as recently. I was going to say any major silverware but I'm sure the backlash to that would be horrific (eehh we won tha champions league yeh know).
  10. I'm going on holiday on the 3rd of May. I hope I don't miss the start either.
  11. AJ

    FIFA 09

    I love taking free kicks in my BAP mode as my player has 99 accuracy and 99 power. When they go in it nearly takes the net off. I wonder though, why he doesn't have the long run up that players who have a powerful shot do. Perhaps that has to do with the long shot stat? Even that's not bad at 75. I haven't played FIFA in like 3 and a half days. Feels like an age.
  12. AJ

    FIFA 09

    I feel your pain but also look forward to your next installment of Reading Goals.
  13. AJ

    FIFA 09

    Yeah... EA... great. How about stop working on pointless shit add-ons and fix stuff people actually WANT (like yannow, trophies for the original game and squad numbers amongst other things). Ugh *is not amused*.
  14. Nah this is the newer one. I think it's better than Something Wicked (the one with the broken glass). TSSTB, yes! I was gonna mention that but didn't wanna spoil it in case no-one had seen it. Since I watched it on catch-up I went back the few seconds to watch that again. Blatantly obvious on second viewing but still, loved it. There are a lot of theories and discussion floating around about how he did it all. Even when you're in the know (which spoils it a little, I guess, like when you first learned about behind the scenes in wrestling) it's still damn impressive.
  15. I took it to mean a new album release into Rock Band. So it'll only be stuff you know if you know the new stuff. Or did I read that wrong? I'll never get to see stuff I know unless they start pumping out early 2000's DLC from limp bizkit, Sum41, AAF and Papa Roach Still, least I've got my Oasis.
  16. My brother says he'll play. PSN Username: muzzy4 EWB Username: littlemus
  17. Just watched this last night on C4's watch online and thought it was brilliant. I enjoyed the first half of his Something Wicked that he did a year or two ago but the walking across glass and the nail up the nose was a little weird for me. I enjoyed the whole of this show though, even the moving table thing which I've seen all before. He seems to have really upped his game on this one. He talks at 90 miles an hour the entire show and you just don't have time to figure out what he's doing or how he's doing it. I know there's no real psychic or magic ability but his showmanship and unique skills have to be admired Has anyone else seen it? If not, I'd deffo recommend it. It's still on there at http://www.channel4.com/watch_online.
  18. AJ

    FIFA 09

    Does anyone use manual aiming when passing? I'm getting more and more infuriated by wayward passes. For example in my last game against rvdwannabe my right back had possession. One of my midfielders was unmarked yet my pass went toward my central defender and straight to his forward which could've gifted him a goal. It's also a big problem when I make a decent run into the box from the wing and want to cut it back to a surging midfielder but the auto aim sends it to the nearest striker who's heavily marked and it's cut out.
  19. AJ

    FIFA 09

    That is still a beautifully taken goal. I'd be proud of that one. I've scored quite a few similar to that during my time at Fulham. Johnson is real quick and has excellent finishing.
  20. AJ

    FIFA 09

    The lofted through ball was a major part of my arsenal when playing offline (any excuse to re-post this replay ) but online I don't tend to use it that much. Defenders always seem able to catch up before you can get it under control. I've slowed my game down a lot and try to opt for careful passing over fast breaks now but if the opportunity's there for a quick counter attack I'll try it.
  21. I've edited the first post with the Sky Sports News story. They reckon they're lining up Hiddink and Grant as a two man team. With one in the managerial role, and the other as director of football. Well, we all know how well that always works out.
  22. Just a generic statement released from Chelsea. The key point being "in order to challenge for the trophies we're still competing for, it was important to make the change now."
  23. Breaking news on Sky Sports right now. I know they've had a dip in form especially at home, but bloody hell I didn't see that coming. I'll post up a news story when one's up on Sky News/BBC.
  24. If I see it in Grainger Games for £8 like Uncharted I'll probably get it. That'll be a while away I imagine, which is a good thing I suppose as I have this awful habit of jumping from game to game without ever actually completing them.
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