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Everything posted by tenaciousg

  1. It's nowhere near as big a deal as it apparently seems to look like I'm making it. I've gotten used to it now.
  2. I don't understand this. There has never been a game in which I've even contemplated the text font, let alone found it to affect how enjoyable the game is. Benji: TWO MORE DAYS! Maybe the sore throat I'm beginning to feel at work today is the start of my body subconsciously contracting a strategic illness... I never said it affected my enjoyment of the game, just that it's kind of weird to see generic-looking text.
  3. I feel like X - at least, haven't tried the X-2 remaster yet - lost a bit of its flavor in the upgrade; all of the text looks samey now instead of having its own look about it. It doesn't even feel cool to get an Overkill anymore.
  4. Kimahri's, I think. If there was ever a time to do it, at least it's one where you get a meaningless virtual box permanently checked if you manage to do it.
  5. Eh, given the eighteen-month turnaround, I think reusing X's assets is forgivable considering that with the (admittedly fuckhuge) exception of Wakka and Lulu, every central character received some sort of update to their model. If they weren't clothed differently, they looked clearer/better. Part of me's hoping that they fixed Wakka and Lulu's models to fit their circumstances, but I'm not holding my breath. And yeah, anyone who takes X-2 too seriously is giving way too much credibility to a series full of weird stuff. Do they forget that IX featured a short segment where you controlled Regent Cid - as a frog - to complete a weight puzzle so you could disarm Kuja's Bond-villain-caliber trap? Or that VIII - as much as I love it - featured the protagonists surviving an apocalypse with the power of friendship? The Final Fantasy series isn't exactly a beacon of self-serious gameplay. X-2 just jacks that up to eleven. I've never beaten it, but I've never had a bad time with it either.
  6. Part of me can't wait to watch -Will- or whatever that crappy interlude/X-3 tease thing is.
  7. I'm glad I read this. I am about to do that part and probably would have had no idea what to do
  8. First things first: I didn't add Miz, Mysterio, or AJ to the banner because I couldn't find anything decent that was anything similar to the good cuts that Bryan had.
  9. I think bringing Joker back from the dead would be an even bigger cop-out than following up the game Joker died in with a prequel where Joker's still alive to be the main villain.
  10. They just finished, about five minutes ago. I have to admit, it's pretty cool.
  11. My brother lent me his account info a month or two back. The character creation system was nice, and I feel like if I knew anyone else that played it, it might have been worth it, but... eh. Every server I was on was filled with people spamming stuff.
  12. Oh my god, there's an honest-to-god album of songs sung by Terry Funk. Why wasn't this in my life sooner?

    1. Skummy


      I've been looking for it for a while, I have one of the songs, I think. I also have Roddy Piper's single, and the original Tiger Mask theme on Picture Disc, where the B-Side is him singing "Can't Help Falling In Love With You"...

    2. Noah


      I want all of these.

  13. I've gotta agree with Benji. I, personally, would wait out the PS4/One 'til they see a Black Friday-caliber sale or an official price drop, and for the time being find the cheapest PS3 I could.
  14. Hasn't the series been making less money in recent years, though?
  15. how How. How is this the same company that got me liking Final Fantasy games in the first place?
  16. Yeah, online play in the WWE games is literally the worst unless you're doing it with friends or joining a match a streamer (like newLegacyinc) set up.
  17. No, that's a hacked moveset. I know because I downloaded it (though I've never used it online, 'cause anyone who does that is an assbite). The taunts are replaced with the Brogue Kick, a running STO, a Jackhammer, and a glitchy-ass roll-up.
  18. It's not necessarily because Demon's Gate is hard, but because he (and the Temple of the Ancients in general) are, to use a TVTropes thing, a wake-up call for FFVII players. He deals just enough damage in just the right kind of ways that players who aren't quite ready are gonna get whomped. That's why it tends to be a sticking point for me; I tend to be underleveled in practically every JRPG I've ever played. I can't honestly remember the last time DG gave me any actual trouble, but I can definitely see why some people are challenged by it.
  19. Demon's Gate is one of two bosses in VII - the other being Carry Armor - where I batten down the hatches and go all-out to beat it as quickly as I can. I never want to risk them getting any serious traction.
  20. Because I barely see suggestions for 3/4 of the people I suggested, I've said to raise AJ's Overness to 90 2 or 3 months in a row now, and the other ones are workers people generally don't care about and just don't edit for 6 months so I thought I'd suggest changes to them, half of the changes are by 1 or 2 anyway so it's nothing major Can I please ask then, what's the point of changing them by 1 or 2? I've gotta agree. There are a few decent cases for changes in your list Modest (most notably with the likes of Sin Cara or Magnus), but I don't really see a point in raising one's overness by 1-2 points. Nothing really changes with a down/uptick that small.
  21. I'm pretty much a-okay with everything from IV to X. XIII was passable, but everything since, to me, is just an obnoxious Latin-infused mess of a franchise I used to love.
  22. I feel like the Junction system is good in concept, but it's just a bit too easy to completely shatter. Oh, and good news, Final Fantasy VIII fans (like me): it's officially on Steam, and available to buy for $11.99. However, bad news, Final Fantasy VIII fans (like me): the FMVs are low-quality and the music is not only the same MIDI-quality ass it was in the original port, but you can't fix it like you could with FFVII.
  23. So, according to Steam, Season 2's first episode is due out on the 17th.
  24. Yeah, one of the achievements is to beat Taker with Bundy, Diesel, Kane, Triple H, Big Show (or Tensai), Orton, Henry, Batista, Edge, HBK, and Punk. It sounds daunting at first, but it gets a little easier when you start realizing the limits to Streak-Taker's abilities. Stay outside the ring unless you're looking to hit the match-ending finishers, try to perfect your counters, don't be afraid to use Resiliency, remember that catch-finishers are extremely hard (if not impossible) to reverse even for the CPU, etc.
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