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Everything posted by Steeb

  1. 10 on Everton 10 on Bolton 3-0 to Utd.
  2. 10 on Everton 10 on Chelsea 1-1 Blackburn/West Ham
  3. 20 on Everton Boro 2 - 1 Pompey
  4. Holy Mountain - SOAD This Is A Call - Foo Fighters Pioneers - Bloc Party Evenflow - Pearl Jam Zero - Smashing Pumpkins Some of these sound so, SO familiar, but I can't let myself Google it up. I WILL REMEMBER :@
  5. Steeb

    Favourite Fatties

    Isn't Charles his real name/middle name? I'm sure that's what I read in one of the books on him.
  6. We will always be OK. Mainly because, if I lose you, then what the hell am I supposed to do when I get to Canada? WHO WILL I STALK THEN?!

  7. 20 on Liverpool West Ham 0 - 2 Man City
  8. Steeb

    Download Festival 2009

    @ Summ: Fuhserial. Prodigy tickets for NIA/NEC/Whatever seem to be non-existant, anywhere, now. So Download seems to be the next best idea. Plus Emma's going to be away for a month/all summer, so I need something to keep myself preoccupied. >_>
  9. 10 on a Wigan/Boro draw 10 on Fulham Doubler: Villa 3 - 2 Chelsea
  10. Steeb

    Download Festival 2009

    It appears I may be going to this. Cool.
  11. I caught this when it was shown last month, and I have to say, I second the idea of everyone watching it. He really is such a fine showman. There's few, if any, quite at his level at the minute. Saying that, the Gorilla part was a real 'OK, what the FUCK?!' moment. The Oracle Act was really cool too.
  12. 15 on Villa 5 on Bet 4 2-0 to Everton
  13. Kalou's celebration yesterday apparantly was a 'handcuffs' gesture, in support of an Ivorian freedom fighter who was arrested, or something like that. So not a wrestling thing.
  14. 10 on Spurs 10 on 3+ goals in Liverpool/Chelsea Stoke 1 - 3 Man City
  15. 10 on Man City 10 on Blackburn Chelsea 2 - 1 Boro
  16. TOMMY REILLY WINS! TOMMY REILLY WINS! Edit: Ahahaha. (As confetti falls everywhere.) "I can't sing in this! What the hell is this?"
  17. Tommy Reilly is full on fucking great. I love common sounding vocalists, and I love 'real' lyrics. Therefore, I love him.
  18. YOU'RE AWFUL :@ Saying that, I still can't get into Bedlam.
  19. Thank you to Ollie and Liam for leading me to re-realise exactly how fucking immense both TMV's 'Amputechture' and Porcupine Tree's 'Signify' are. Fucking immense albums - although both are almost too long.
  20. They also apparantly rejected Saviola + 15m from Real, so it appears they reeee-he-he-ally don't want to sell.
  21. 20 on Villa to win. 3-1 to Man City on the Doubler.
  22. 15 on Man Utd to win 5 on five home wins.
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