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Everything posted by Steeb

  1. Best sub 3 minute song: Ambulance Vs. Ambulance - The Blood Brothers (2:52) Best plus 7 minute song: Cassandra Geminni - The Mars Volta (32:32) Best use of guitars in a band: The Mars Volta or Coheed & Cambria Best use of drums in a band: The Postal Service (Although it's a drum machine (I think), it works) Best Lyricist: Ben Gibbard (The Postal Service, DCFC), Cedric Bixler (The Mars Volta, ATD-I) Best Vocalist: Cedric Bixler (The Mars Volta, ATD-I), Claudio Sanchez (Coheed & Cambria) Best Dark Band: The Smiths, The Blood Brothers Best Light Band: The Postal Service, Iron & Wine Best use of emotion: Jeff Buckley, The Mars Volta, The Postal Service, Iron & Wine, Coheed & Cambria (Sorry, but I couldn't just choose two)
  2. Lightning Bolt. Haven't heard a lot of their stuff, but what I have heard is kinda like what you're asking for. You should check them out anyway. And I always hear The Melvins named whenever Sludge is mentioned, so they may be worth checking out, I-unno.
  3. Where motherfucker? I swear, if it's near here....
  4. 5. De Stijl 4. The White Stripes 3. Get Behind Me Satan 2. White Blood Cells 1. Elephant I can't be arsed writing explanations right now, I might edit some in later. Elephant comes top though, as it rocks f'n socks.
  5. 3 Libras - A Perfect Circle The lyrics to this song relate really heavily to a certain point in my life. On top of that, I adore the music. Velorium Camper I: Faint Of Hearts I love everything about this song. The progression, the vocals, the lyrics, the guitar, the bassline....everything. Halleluljah - Jeff Buckley I love the vocal-line on this track, it's just so beautiful to me. Cygnus...Vismund Cygnus - The Mars Volta What is there to hate about it? It's incredibly catchy for a prog. track, and extremely intricate too.
  6. Steeb

    Piano Songs

    I'd forgotten about The Dresden Dolls. Only a piano and drums in the songs, along with vocals. Well worth checking out. Try 'The Perfect Fit', 'Girl Anachronism' and 'Jeep Song'.
  7. Steeb


    Stereophonics can ride the big one....in a bad way. They're too generic for my liking. Although Dakota was way too fucking catchy to hate entirely.
  8. Steeb

    Piano Songs

    'Black Stacey' by Saul Williams has at least some piano in, if not more - my memory fails me.
  9. I'm currently loving 'Such Great Heights' by Iron and Wine, and the cover version by The Postal Service. They do it justice, and change the style of the song at the same time. Awesome.
  10. Gratitude are wicked. Didn't see them, but listening to their stuff, it's cool.
  11. Ooh Daddy FC - Late I know, but I'm bored Cech Terry, Carragher, A. Ferdinand Okacha, Lampard ©, Gamst-Pederson, Campo Harewood, D. Bent, Baros Subs: Taylor, N. Jensen, Benayoun, Yobo
  12. Ooh Daddy FC Cech Cordoba, Sylvinho, Hyypia, Ooijer Luis Garcia, Kaka, Makalele, Alex Rae Shevchenko ©, Adriano Subs: Van Der Sar, Manucharyan, Mehmet, Kyrgiakos
  13. That song rocks, and it rocks hard. Why? The title is my birthday. I need to get my hands on it.
  14. The Crow is my personal favourite, due to the great songs on it. Trainspotting is great too though.
  15. Rich Hall is amazingly funny too. Again, I've only seen him do Otis Lee Crenshaw stuff live, but he writes books too. 'Things Snowball' - I might be wrong on the title - but that's a fucking amazing book. Every page made me laugh. Jack Dee is funny too. Also, there's an Iranian guy...second name Djalili I think? He's fucking balls-out funny. Try something by him.
  16. Bill Bailey. That's all you need to know. Although Ross Noble, Al Murray, Lee Evans and Phil Jupitus are all worth checking out too.
  17. Yeah, but then you lose all satisfaction, and that's the main reason for doing it. Plus warmth. Because, you know, you can never get too hot in with thousands of bodies....
  18. Do they plan to bring it out as a console game? I didn't really pay much attention when the last one came out. But if they bring this out for consoles, me be a very happy man indeed.
  19. Then when I donate, can I get in? If not, I'm still walking
  20. I want in. If not I'm walking with Reily...
  21. Anything by Iron And Wine The Crowing and Time Consumer, by Coheed & Cambria, sound amazing acoustically. Everlong, by Foo Fighters, sounds good too, as does most of the second disc of 'In Your Honour'.
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