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Everything posted by Steeb

  1. Awesome album. Just awesome. Not so keen on some bits, and think a better song than Concertina should/could have been chosen, but still very, very good.
  2. The LCD Soundsystem album is good too (Y). Some interesting stuff on there.
  3. I was just about to make this topic. I got hold of it this morning, and have been listening to it since. The Romantic Rights remixes are fucking blinding. I never would have thought a remix album could be good, but this is awesome. Seriously, get it. Anyone fancy recommending any other remix albums, while we're at it? (If anyone says the Limp Bizkit one, I shall not be happy....)
  4. Mmmm....Saul Williams.... I'll get it later. Thankyew.
  5. Peep Show rocks. Don't know what the theme is though. Really good show though.
  6. Steeb

    Arctic Monkeys

    Well, most people on here accept that, but its also safe to say that they were the closest to making a big shift in the UK music industry since Oasis.
  7. Yeah, do songs. Although I'm not sure it'd be very definitive/it'd be very close all the way through, to be honest. Then after Liam's done songs, I'll do that Band Tournament thing that was spoken about in here earlier.
  8. The newer the stuff, the deeper/thicker the sound, in my opinion.
  9. I was actually re-reading an old edition of Kerrang! the other day, with an interview with Tarja in, and I thought to myself, "With this attitude, how much longer can the band stay together?". I could care less, as I don't personally like them, but still, it's to be expected, when the vocalist of a band says they want to leave the band at a certain date, that the band gets in there first, if said vocalist is being bitchy about it. God I hope that made sense. Oh, and:
  10. You bastard. Giving me more to think about. Who gets No. 5? Who gets No.6? Or should they be the other way round? CHOICES, CHOICES! Yes, you should definately do Albums though - although I can forsee Zepplin, 'Tallica or Beatles coming top.
  11. 'Rolodex Propaganda' - At The Drive-In Always seemed political to me anyway, due to my interpretation.
  12. Cuts Marked In The March Of Men, Neverender, Backend Of Forever, The Light & The Glass, Crossing The Frame and Apollo II:The Telling Truth. And 'nuff love to Kinderwhore, of the Shabutie days.
  13. But not everyone agrees with them. Not that everyone would agree with the outcome of a tournament either.
  14. A board I used to post at done this with wrestlers. They got 32 nominations for wrestlers (or in this case, bands) and done a poll with "Wrestler A" vs "Wrestler B" for all 32. Then they just worked in a normal tournament. I wouldn't imagine it would be that overly difficult done that way
  15. First off, great music taste. Right, if you like DCFC and stuff like Zero Seven, try The Postal Service, get 'Natural Anthem', 'The District Sleeps Alone Tonight' or 'Nothing Better' for a good taste. Seeing Sigur Ros, try Mogwai. Also check out, as just general recommendations, Iron & Wine, Gratitude (although they are fairly emo, so you know) and At The Drive-In.
  16. This makes me a sad panda
  17. Dear god yes. I must get this. I have tickets to see them now, fucking finally, so I have to buy this too.... ¬.¬
  18. I haven't listened to the album yet, but I want to. I keep hearing 'Photograph' on the radio, and as much as I want to hate it, I can't. So yeah.... Oh yeah, the drums being kicked up might have something to do with the new drummer guy. He used to be in 3 Doors Down if I remember rightly.
  19. You're great too for those selections. Any why disappointed Cloudy McCloudison?
  20. 1. The Mars Volta 2. Coheed & Cambria 3. Jeff Buckley 4. The Postal Service 5. Pearl Jam 6. At The Drive-In 7. Sigur Ros 8. The Blood Brothers 9. Iron & Wine 10. SiKth
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