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Blue Rosler

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Everything posted by Blue Rosler

  1. For the League 2 idea: Only have two teams relegated from League One that year, Rangers + Celtic take up the other two spots. That way the Conference spot isn't affected. I just don't think it's fair that if they did ever move to the English leagues, why'd they deserve to be whacked straight into the Premiership? And moving them to League 2 would be accepting that whilst they are a big side, they still need to earn the right to be in the Premiership.
  2. The only fair way for them to be brought over to the English league would be to start them in League 2. To be in the Premier League, it is on merit grounds, nothing else. If they climbed from League 2 to the Premiership, then sure... they deserve to be there. It's like saying Cardiff and Swansea *need* to be in the Premiership too.
  3. And didn't ... Evans just kinda boot someone in the side and only get a Yellow? SAF just comes across more as a ridiculously bad loser, and the way Arsenal/Chelsea are playing, there's a chance that they could finish third. I just feel a bit with SAF that football moved on to a new stage, but he never did.
  4. They might as well call the show a day. Most of the acts are just diabolically bad. Why can't they just have an Olly/Lucie/Joe final next week? Olly is awesome. I really hope that he makes it huge, I think he will judging by the audience's reaction, since he's an entertainer. Each week I love his performances.
  5. What online betting sites can you do accumulators with? The closest betting shop is too far away >_>
  6. How I Met Your Mother Arrested Development Peep Show Teachers The Inbetweeners Always Sunny
  7. I watched: Kung Fu Hustle - 8.5/10 Yes Man - 7/10 Really entertaining light films.
  8. Week after week I get to like Olly even more, I'd want a Olly/Stacey/John & Edward final. Lucie, Joe and Danyl are technically the best singers, but fuck me they're boring. And Lloyd? Oh dear. He is dreadful. And Jamie's been screwed over. Miss Frank? Rapping in big band? What a fucking joke.
  9. It's for a commercial, it's not a real album he's releasing.
  10. Will edit more in later: Central Station The Orphanage Pan's Labyrinth Monsters Inc Mary Poppins Thank You For Smoking Cool Runnings The Goonies Office Space Mean Girls How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days None of them are "omgz the best film ever", but I'd be able to watch each and every one of them about a billion times.
  11. I'm watching it now, and Olly is really good. But how the fuck is Lloyd even on television? He can't even hold a tune.
  12. Honduras! Although I kinda feel sorry for Costa Rica, as they probably are out now. A 95th minute goal is a horrible way of losing (although they drew). They didn't have the best group stage, and lost 4-0 to Honduras so I suppose it's the fairest way. Now my Ramon Nunez shirt is so worth it.
  13. What a dull as hell England match that was Some posh guy asked me "So what area of business are you in?" He looked all depressed and walked off when I mumbled student.
  14. Lloyd - Hideous, but girls will get him to the latter stages. Joe - Pretty enough voice, but popstar? No. Gareth Gates Mk. 2 (will he sleep with Jordan?) Rikki - Eugh, I want to punch my telly. Miss Frank - They're good. I'm glad I put a bet on them. Kandi Rain - They were okay, but agreed with what Cheryl said. If you say "We want to move past our past" then don't dress as whores. John And Edward - I found them funny. Olly - He's okay, I like him, and think he's the real dark horse. Danyl - Oh fuck off, he's average. He said he was bisexual to the papers, so what's wrong with saying it on the show? It'd be different if Dannii had outed him. Jamie - Loved it, but he was really carried into the chorus by the backing choir. Stacey - Personality & voice? The winner. Stylists? Eww. Rachel - Who? She was good, but I've almost forgotten her already. Lucie - Average, overrated, will be the Laura of this year. With Jamie. Out in the early weeks..
  15. It'll be really hard for Louis to even appear on X-Factor tonight, in all seriousness.
  16. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8301187.stm
  17. Honduras now have to beat El Salvador (likely) and hope that Costa Rica lose to the USA (unlikely). Mainly since CR will be going all out for the win, whilst USA have already qualified so will care that little bit less.
  18. Blue Rosler

    24 Hour Project

    Requests Shaggy - Hot Shot Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix Amadou & Mariam - Welcome to Mali Noah & The Whale Jamie Lidell - Jim
  19. I'll start rescanning everything in at 500DPI this evening (Y)
  20. Basically blurb.com is just a website I am using, it's to organize photos and put them in snazzy photobook. I'm using the photos that I took with my camera, and adding the million little trinkets I've hoarded to basically make a section for each country and just a kinda ... photo diary of what I did, where I went. For the trinkets, I basically need them cut out, and I'm gonna use that website to make the layout - and I could just give you the password for the account so you can check the layout.
  21. It's just things like receipts, tickets, brochures I've got from the past year, and just cutting onto a background. And I'm saying about a cost - since there may be a couple of hundred things to do. >_>
  22. Hi, I've basically hoarded everything from the past year of travels, and now I'm scanning it in with the intention of making a collage book with blurb.com - but I was wondering if anybody could help with the Photoshop cutting of it? Since it's a huge amount, let's work out a price for the effort? Cheers guys.
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