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Status Updates posted by Tyrone

  1. Curious how much my WWF Smoking Skull belt is worth...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. brenchill


      Unless it's Steve Austin's... nothing.

    3. Noah


      What if it is Steve Austins, Steve gave it to Ty and now Ty wants to sell it?

    4. The Lusophone
  2. Just found out there are Ashmore twins, that explains a lot.

  3. Surprised how good Show's DVD was, very honest and informative on how he was treated in the early goings

  4. Watchin OVer the Edge 99..good opener with Kane/Pac against D'Lo and Sexual Chocolate

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 9 to 5

      9 to 5

      That tag match is a bit of a forgetton classic if memery serves. Nothing mind-blowing but certainly alot better than expected.

    3. Lineker


      Everything goes down from this point on.

    4. Tyrone


      After seeing Holly and Snow's great matches at SVDM and Backlash, I was hoping you were wrong...it really goes down after the opener.

  5. Just out of curiousity, for you NBA fans out there? What site do you get your jerseys from? Really wanna get the red and black pinstripe Jordan Bulls jerseys.

  6. Got MJ Fly 23's, just need me all 4 of his Bulls jerseys now..

  7. Working on a 2000 mod for TEW10

  8. Why did WWE bill Big Show as being 7'2" for so long? In some cases I understand them exaggerating, but I don't think Show being 7'0" was less impressive

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ol' Spanktooth

      Ol' Spanktooth

      Hmm. Not sure why my phone corrected "pounds" into "points" <_<

    3. Sousa


      I don't think he hit 500 pounds in WCW. He started out at something fairly modest like 390. Then he started smoking and got fat.

    4. Quom


      Did/does he actually smoke or was it to make him look 'cool'? Not that it makes any real difference, but it was odd enough to begin with. But even weirder if he was a non-smoker

  9. Tech N9ne was at RAW last night, pretty cool

    1. brenchill


      I have no idea who/they are but they sound DOPE.

    2. New Damage

      New Damage

      Not sure if Tech N9ne is a member of EWB and/or a rapper.

    3. bruiser


      According to Wiki he is a rapper,but it doesn't say if he is a member of EWB.

  10. Ya'll know who built this house.

    1. Noah



    2. Dingle
  11. Casual bomb threat at school.

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      Left a bomb in the cafeteria, NBD.

    2. KONGO


      Hey look, guys, this bomb threat is wearing little jeans and a polo!

  12. Ordered size 15 Jordan Fly 23s, can't wait!

    1. HC


      Size 15? You have some serious Sasquatch feet bro.

    2. =BK=


      Jesus. I thought my 13 and a half was a big foot.

  13. I wish more wrestlers were as green as the Natural Born Thrillers

  14. Beth Phoenix, spot caller extraordinaire

  15. Everybody listen, haha, to me. My name es Armando Alejandroooo Estrrrrada

  16. holy shit mr. belding

  17. Hope Cornette's 1998 Timeline will be coming out soon!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C-MIL


      I don't think he will be doing the 1998 Timeline. I heard tell Al Snow will be hosting that.

    3. Tyrone


      color me disappointed

    4. C-MIL


      I could be wrong about Snow, but only one person has done two years thus far and that was sold as a two-in-one type thing.

  18. Never wear white again Sin Cara

    1. Quom


      Have a spinebuster

  19. Wow, Michael Cole namedropped my disability last night...and didn't even say it right

    1. New Damage
    2. Tyrone


      (Right) Brachial Plexus actually...just felt the need to share

    3. Meacon Keaton
  20. November's going by fast!

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