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Everything posted by HC

  1. Just got back from a special screening This is the End. Very, very funny movie. So funny that you actually feel a bit tired by the end of it. You can tell these guys just had a genuinely good time making this. The crowd ate it up as well, especially the ending. Also watched Hesher on tv last night. JGL was excellent and the acting all around was quite good. It's hardly a laugh riot, but there are a few really good laugh out loud moments. Still, it just kinda fell flat for me overall. Decent enough movie, though.
  2. Yeah, it's been known for a while now. I believe he got in trouble for beating up his boyfriend or something.
  3. Big Daddy V's moobs were the stuff of legend.

    1. JasonM


      Big Daddy V's man boobs turned Neil Patrick Harris gay.

    2. Chris2K
  4. If you still refer to your age as "and a half" then you're a child. As a 32 half-year old, I believe you are wrong. Why are you listed at 16?
  5. Will definitely be pulling for Packer alum in Oakland, Matt Flynn and Woodson.
  6. It definitely stung to see San Antonio hoisting their one zillionth trophy, knowing it would've meant so much more to the people here to finally get one. Props to them, though. They played lights out and earned it. Hoping they win it all so Pop and Timmy can finally sail off into the sunset.
  7. Since porn stars are allowed, I bet Kendra Lust would top Cena's list.
  8. Adding on here, watched The Game with Michael Douglas and was quite disappointed. It has so many nonsensical twists and turns you'd think Vince Russo wrote it. The acting was good, but the film itself is overrated.
  9. Adding on here, watched The Game with Michael Douglas and was quite disappointed. It has so many nonsensical twists and turns you'd think Vince Russo wrote it. The acting was good, but the film itself is overrated.
  10. Talk Radio was very enjoyable, and this is someone who typically doesn't enjoy Oliver Stone. The message was still poignant and relevant, even if the movie reeked of the 80s.
  11. I've heard nothing but bad things about Killing Them Softly. Most I talk to complain about the political message. I'll probably watch it once I see it on HBO or something.
  12. Well, I'm still proud of Memphis for having their greatest season to date. All the grit and grind in the world won't save us being down 3-0 against SA. Still, good things to come next season.
  13. On one hand, you'd like to have the ability to not loose your streak if you forget to predict. On the other hand, that rule would stop people from only picking on cards where they feel they have a sure thing. I'd probably be in favor of the streak resetting if you don't predict.
  14. The Hangover Part 3 was, in a word, meh. The plot wasn't so bad, but it was light on laughs and really was more of a thriller. Save seven bucks and Redbox it you want. Still better than Part II, and there is a John Cena/CM Punk spotting in one of the scenes.
  15. Are we talkin' a....CONSPIRACY?
  16. The Pacers honestly should be up 2-0 right now. I'm not foolish enough to write off Miami, but I will say Spurs/Pacers is the worst possible match-up for my entertainment.
  17. Ehh, maybe I just don't "get it", but I still think it's awful aside from the hot lesbian sex scenes. If that's all you took from the movie then yeah, it might not be the film for you. Yes, my joke obviously implies that I'm too "stoopy" to appreciate this high brow work of art. Nice try, though.
  18. Ehh, maybe I just don't "get it", but I still think it's awful aside from the hot lesbian sex scenes.
  19. Mulholland Drive has to be the biggest waste of almost 3 hours since December to Dismember 06. What a nonsensical, unrewarding, pretentious pile of bullshit. How could people enjoy that? Is hive mind that powerful? Fuck that blew chunks.
  20. For some reason, I'm picturing the nose tackle guy as that fat kid from Little Giants, the one who stuck the peanut butter and jelly sandwich in his helmet.
  21. Google "Spirit Squad Best Stable Ever" and Google will auto-correct to "Best Stable Never"

  22. I guess Harbaugh will be calling up Moss soon...
  23. My team is down 2 games in the WC Finals, don't get cute with me Plubby.
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