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Everything posted by HC

  1. Will there ever be a Mrs.Headcheese? At this rate, probably not.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DYSI


      I guess not everyone is for sarcastic jokes tonight.

    3. Hobo


      Those aren't there as an aspirational tool.

    4. Sousa


      You lovable scamp.

  2. So close to graduation that my 47 percent F in Math at the moment means nothing.

  3. In TEW 13, how do I change the show/match ratings from letters to numbers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HC


      Mick Foley it is.

    3. LittleDaniel


      Settings (the crossed hammer and wrench button) ==> "User Preferences" ==> Uncheck "Show stats as grades rather than numbers" and save.

    4. HC


      Thank you, kind sir.

  4. Refs pretty much hand the game to Louisville at the end, no surprise there.
  5. HC

    RIP Roger Ebert

    I've had a habit the past three years or so of always checking Ebert's website before viewing a film. I'm going to miss being able to read his great reviews.
  6. RIP Roger Ebert.

    1. Tyrone


      Just like Siskel :(

  7. I am never....EVER eating Taco Bell ah-gain,

    1. ROC


      Seems like a good idea.

  8. DMN will always be remembered as one of the biggest busts in NFL history. :/
  9. Have avoided a haircut for six months. Time to clip the shag for graduation or keep growing to a hobo-esque level?

  10. Wishing Flynn all the luck in the world as a Green Bay alum. If he can perform half as well as he did during his two starts for us, then he's gonna surprise a lot of folks. Besides, the bar has been set pretty low by Palmer.
  11. Why doesn't USC go after Howland? He seems like a perfect fit there, and both parties can stick it to UCLA at the same time.
  12. Wichita State is headed to the Final Four, and somewhere a solitary tear of joy trickles down Paul Wight's face.
  13. Men at Work looks like the worst show ever.

    1. EWB's Best Poster.

      EWB's Best Poster.

      So... you'd rather see Men at Play?

    2. HC


      Kid n' Play is more of my style, actually.

  14. Florida Gulf Coast is still awesome.
  15. Maybe Dallas feels that if they pay Romo elite money, then he will suddenly become an elite quarterback.
  16. Iowa State is hanging tight here with Ohio State at the end. Rooting for any and all upsets at this point that will cause further chaos. My bracket is dead, so everyone else's should be as well.
  17. It's almost 2015. Where in the blue hell are my flying cars and hoverboards?

    1. TEOL


      With your physics degree.

    2. CobraKaiEnTai


      Probably in the same place the Cubs' World Series ring is

  18. Well, with Gonzaga about to go down my bracket is pretty much dead. I had a pretty good first round all things considered, but these upsets this year are unreal. See you all next year.
  19. Well I just lost a Final Four team. Fuck you very much, Georgetown.
  20. I had to give a 15 minute oral presentation on Things Fall Apart in English last year. Great novel, and I'm sad to see him go.
  21. I was doing pretty well until fucking New Mexico lost to Harvard. I had them in the elite eight. 13 of 16 right on day 1.
  22. I called the Oregon win and predicted Cal to take it as well. Hoping they can hang on here against UNLV.
  23. My bracket was dangerously close to being busted right there.
  24. Well Memphis finally won our first NCAA tournament game in the Pastner Era. We played like total shit, almost blowing the game, but a win is a win I suppose. I fully expect to get slaughtered against the Spartans.
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