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Everything posted by Pooker

  1. I agree. I guess I just think of a QB being a product of a system and a system QB as two different things. To me, Brady is a product of his system because without the Patriots system, he's not the best QB ever. Where I view a QB like Alex Smith as a system QB, somebody that you can plug into any system and get good results.
  2. I think that is true to an extent, @DMN. But a QB can also make a system better. Where would the Patriots be today if Brady wasn't there and they stuck with Drew Bledsoe for a few more years? How about the 49ers if they had somebody different backing up Montana instead of Young? Would the Chiefs be in the AFC championship game this year if they kept Alex Smith instead of going with Patrick Mahomes? What about the Broncos before and after Manning?
  3. Brady is a product of the system. Don't get me wrong, he's still one of the greatest QBs of all time, but I don't know how great he would have been without that system. You put them in any other system for the last 16 years and he will probably win a Super Bowl or two. And if you put any other good QB into New England's system and they probably win a Super Bowl or two. But its them being combined together that makes them into an all time great QB and an all time great system.
  4. Went and saw The Upside last night. I usually don't like Kevin Hart and tend to avoid most of his movies but I love this one. We thought that the ending felt a little rushed but other then that, it was enjoyable.
  5. Beating the Lakers is awesome. Beating the Lakers on national TV is even better. Better the Lakers without Lebron kinda sucks, but whatever, I will always be happy beating the Lakers.
  6. I bet a lot of people can kick a 43 yard FG. Now if they can do it in a playoff game, with a shit ton of fans screaming their lungs out, and with people twice their size rushing at them, that's a different story.
  7. Sucks to beat a team by 22 points and than get fired but I think he had it coming. Even with the disaster that was Jimmy Butler, the Wolves have vastly underperformed. Besides Derrick Rose. He's back!
  8. While i do agree that the lottery is rigged when it suits the needs of the NBA, I believe that Lebron is done with Cleveland and the NBA has no reason to help them get another Superstar. If there was a chance that Lebron would be going back there soon, maybe. But not this late in his career.
  9. The Jazz run at the end of the NBA season was pretty awesome. The Jazz run to start the new NBA season hasn't been very good. The Orioles are being called the worse team in professional sports, ever. The Utah Utes got destroyed in their bowl game yesterday. So, not a very good year, overall.
  10. Nah, "It's Only A Paper Moon" was one of the better episodes so far. I'm not a big fan of the Vic Fontaine character but that episode was really well done.
  11. Maybe Brown wanted Bell to be the MVP?
  12. That's the thing with Quin Snyder's system...he barely uses Rubio as the playmaker that he could be. Running his system is why Rubio, not known for his shooting, averages ten shots a game. If we were to trade Rubio for Beal, Mitchell could slide into Rubio's spot and there wouldn't be much of a change in our playing. Had it been possible a few weeks ago, I would have done the trade in a heartbeat. Losing Favors would hurt a lot, but like Rubio, he's being wasted in Utah. If he played 30 minutes a game at center, he would be a borderline All-Star. As is, he's only better 23 minutes a game and is never on the court at the end of the game when he could be making an impact. As a Jazz fan, I can see the flaws in our system with the players that we have and I also see why our front office is hesitant to change anything. A solution to fix our flaws would be to trade Rubio and Favors for Beal and try to sign a better stretch four over the summer. A backcourt of Beal and Mitchell, Gobert manning the middle, a stretch four on the outside and Ingles doing his thing is a scary team, to me.
  13. Arizona has fired Steve Wilks and Denver has let go of Vance Joseph.
  14. Season six of Deep Space Nine was just as good as season five, if not better. But season seven...geez. I'm ten episodes in and it's like its the first season all over again. There's been two episodes so far that I really liked but the rest of just kind of been there.
  15. I'd be shocked if both Beal and Potter aren't traded by the deadline. A few weeks ago, I would have loved to see the Jazz make a run at Beal. Something like Ricky Rubio and Derrick Favors for Beal and Jeff Green. Jazz would probably have to throw in another player or picks, but pairing Beal up with Mitchell, with Exum off the bench would have been awesome. Now tho, I'm not sure I would do it.
  16. Probably the best type I've ever made. In other news, Nick Young has been waived by the Nuggets after having only been signed three weeks ago.
  17. John Wall is having season-ending heal surgery.
  18. Is it hysterical because they used to say the same thing about the Lakers when y'all had Kobe and Shaq, or Kobe and Gasol? It's always made me laugh, because it's such a cop-out answer. And, I agree, nobody wants to see the Lakers in the playoffs. Especially if they add another Star. Those young players aren't going to scare too many teams in this league.
  19. Its only December. Everybody knows the Warriors don't care until March and April.
  20. Congrats @HC on winning the title! I gotta step up my game next year.
  21. There was an article posted somewhere here in Utah last week about trying to get the Raiders to play here next week. They could play in the University of Utah's stadium, which is fairly nice. With them moving to Vegas, and already being one of the closer teams to Utah, they have a built in fan base here, plus would have a good chance to add more fans to their base. Not an entirely bad idea, but I doubt it will happen.
  22. I wish the Jazz would protest the game to the NBA. The refs admitted they were wrong, the L2M report put out by the league admitted it was a missed called. They should get to replay the game from the spot of the travel. But, I doubt that would happen. Kinda shocked the Suns waived Rivers. Wasnt the whole point of the trade was for the Suns to get a point guard so that Booker could move back to shooting guard?
  23. So, last night, James Harden got away with a blatant travel, doing a double step back. He missed the shot, but the refs called a foul, awarding him with three free throws. It essentially cost the Jazz the game (lots of other stuff actually made us lose, but this was the icing on the cake.) Today, the NBA referees association came out on Twitter saying that they missed the call. I just have one question... HOW THE HELL DO YOU MISS A BLATANT TRAVEL CALL LIKE THAT AT THE END OF A CLOSE GAME!? What was the referees looking at? Does Hardens beard distract them from watching his feet? Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the refs for us losing last night. Hell, I hope we keep losing until these players wake up and start playing like we did last year, but that is one of the worse missed calls I've ever seen.
  24. The best one was the mom who had no idea how to even turn off the TV.
  25. Probably one of the greatest things that has ever happened in the NBA. A team not knowing what player it was trading for? Brilliant.
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