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Everything posted by =BK=

  1. Watching the video for Stacy's Mom makes me feel old. that song was played at everything in middle school.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DMN in the House

      DMN in the House

      Man, Tupac was alive when I was in high school. Y'all are babies.

    3. Sousa


      Tupac was alive when I was in preschool!

    4. Damian WayLNKe

      Damian WayLNKe

      Trick question. Tupac isn't dead.

  2. I swear I heard The Shore theme playing in the next room

    1. Rocky


      And you got excited, ran in only be greeted by a room full of people who mocked your excitement?

    2. Hornswoggle4PM
  3. Just signed up for Netflix, never realized I could find wrestling with it!

    1. TGWL


      the first time after I signed up, I searched for adult films.. there selection of wrestling films arent that good.

  4. Just signed up for Netflix, never realized I could find wrestling with it!

  5. As much as I love Winter and cold weather, I want it to get warm again so I can keep doing miles, I've lost 30 lbs and I'm looking to double that, not gain it back.

    1. =BK=
    2. Rocky


      Run in the cold :| Man Up...

  6. When I was a child I wanted to be an Archaeologist or paleontologist, now I want to be a professional Wrestler, seems a bit backwards doesn't it?lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gazz


      Combine them all

    3. Sousa


      He's the white redneck-looking Brodus Clay!

      Is Brodus Clay black? I THINK Brodus Clay is black. He's blackish. I bet he's Puerto Rican.

    4. Ruki
  7. Why does it always have to be my neck that hurts, I swear I'd take a broken leg over neck pain sometimes.

  8. Is thinking about doing a diary.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meacon Keaton

      Meacon Keaton

      Dear Diary,

      Jeff Hardy rawks.

      Love, Kirkland.

    3. Olive the other Jiberdeer

      Olive the other Jiberdeer

      Turned out well for Ann Frank.

    4. brenchill


      But not so well for Hitler.

  9. stevev10,almost all your cuts are squished or stretched looking
  10. David Boreanaz on KyKy pls? http://www.blogcdn.com/www.tvsquad.com/media/2010/02/booth.jpg
  11. That banner you're using is awesome,Rocky. I think I might try one like that for my game.
  12. I have a trial of WinRAR, it asks me to update and pay but it never stops working if i don't
  13. can I get this on KyKy? http://www.wfxwrestling.com/Portals/0/Thorn.png I'd do it but I don't really feel like loading GIMP for one picture so whenever someone does a few they can slap this together for me.
  14. After reading Marvel Zombies in the past and now reading Civil War I can say the people at Marvel know how to make comics slightly disturbing to look at.... This comic book reading is monopolizing my reading time, I checked out three books from the library the day before I stated reading Civil War and I haven't touched them at all hardly.
  15. So for the 1st time in a long time I watched "Angel" this morning and now its on my list of shows to watch again, plus I'll watch "Buffy The vampire Slayer" since Angel is a spin-off. Add the fact I also wanna start watching "Bones" and that a whole lot of David Boreanaz.

    1. hugobomb


      you can never get too much of David Boreanaz

    2. Molly
  16. I had Test win MITB. I didn't even want him in universe but I forgot to move him to the ECW brand. Had him cash in on Christian and challenge for the IC title, turned out to be a great match Christian won.
  17. No need to create a new thread for this..... Anyone know what that font is?
  18. New sig up in the Graphics forum.

  19. Cap has always been my favorite Superhero behind Batman and Spiderman so I'm sure I'll get some enjoyment out of it.
  20. Thanks! i figured I'd have to use the net to fill in the blanks a bit, hope I don't get too lost,lol
  21. OK I need some help putting some things in order chronologically. I'm not too big into comics but I've....acquired some stuff to see if I can get into it. I'm familiar with the plots kinda due to wiki but I just wanna make sure I read in order. Captain America Reborn The Siege Secret Invasion Dark Reign Civil War
  22. Ladder match secret. when the opponet is hurt, knock em down, set up the ladder, toss them out of the ring, climb, do one pull, maybe two if the opponet is slow getting back in ring, jump down and repeat. MITB is harder, I just kept climbing and pulling whenever I got a chance and made sure no one else climbed the ladder
  23. So Universe's next WM is looking like... WHC:Jeff Hardy vs The Undertaker WWE:Samoa Joe vs RR winner Daniel Bryan Tag:Primo and Ted jr. vs AJ Styles and Hayabusa
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