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Status Updates posted by =BK=

  1. EWR and my MP3 player all night again.

    1. =BK=


      I've started wearing pants instead of shorts but its still cold,lol. I've never played a split game before, could be interesting.

    2. Rocky


      maybe you 2 can exchange numbers and speak until one falls asleep :D

    3. EddieG


      Kirkland will fall asleep first, guaranteed

  2. Well now, that was something.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OctoberRaven


      Something out of nothing. All well as money for nothing, and kicks for free.

    3. Hornswoggle4PM


      I beg to differ. It was nothing out of something. And the line is "chicks for free".

    4. Rocky


      Not if he wants to kick you.

  3. I think I'm just gonna listen to White Noise and play EWR all night untill I go to bed, the city skin I made makes it so nice to look at again.

    1. DJ Ice
    2. Hornswoggle4PM


      Hopefully you mean the Living End album. Awesome band.

    3. =BK=


      Nah, I'm not too into them, I meant like hair dryer sounds, its relaxing.

  4. Its 32º outside I'm sitting in my room, in front of a fan, wearing shorts and my door is shut keeping the heater heat out. I think my idea of "Too cold" is different than everyone else's

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sousa


      It's 28 degrees outside, and I have an awesome heater, money, a job, a wife, and a microfiber blanket. Fuck yeah.

    3. Pesci
    4. Kaney


      Minus twenty here last night.

  5. Why the hell don't Pizza places have prices on their sites?

    1. Pizza


      Most pizza websites are national, while prices are set by region, or even individual store.

    2. =BK=


      makes sense I guess

    3. Kaney


      Ask Ruki. He knows. All of them.

  6. People in this house need to let me cook, after all I' the only picky one here, the rest will eat anything. I cokk and everyone gets good food, they cook and I end up with spaghetti with no hamburger.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rocky


      I want a spaghetti Burger.

    3. =BK=


      i've always had hamburger in spaghetti, just brown it, chop it up and mix in. I don't eat sauce tho, just noodles, hamburger, butter and salt.

    4. Sousa


      "Hamburger" means "ground beef," guys. He makes spaghetti with meat sauce.

  7. Damn it, I broke another computer chair

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slogger


      [insert post that EWB normally reserves for Ruki here]

    3. Hobo


      <instert TommyDemon reference>

    4. LL!


      Wow, almost as fat as Slogger's mom.

  8. New sigs up in the GFX forum

  9. Is wearing an Abyss costume right now

    1. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      No one wants to be Abyss. Chris Parks doesn't want to be Abyss.

    2. TGWL


      tell the truth, all you did was get a mask.

    3. =BK=


      i made a mask and cut the sleeves out of a black shirt.

  10. Sooo if the OMEGA guys open a school in NC I might go, I'm just afraid Matt might try to pull a Jim Jones on the students

    1. cactusguy


      He'll pass out poisoned rice krispie treats rather than the Flavor-Aid and he'll eat them all. OOPS!


  12. Super High Kush you've never done anything to make me dislike you but damn your posts make my head hurt....

  13. I feel like watching wrestling tonight. Which DVD set is the question. Steve Austin or The Undertaker.

  14. Well that was interesting...

  15. damp shirt, big fan and white noise. I just wanna roll up into a ball and sleep.

  16. New sig up in the GFX forum

  17. New sig posted in GFX.

  18. Who is your avatar?

  19. pissed, EWR run time error won't go away even after redownloading.

  20. What font did you use on the APWA logo on those two banners?

  21. Who is that in your Avatar?

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