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Everything posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. That feel when you realize that your favorite TV shows consist primarily of shows intended for pre-schoolers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skummy


      The word is feeling. Stop it.

    3. SRN


      I agree with Skummy.

    4. SRN


      Unless of course we are talking about that Tom Waits song.

  2. We don´t know yet. But if you consider that there are already... 4-5 pices of DLC depending on if you preordert the game or bought the collectors edition there might be a ton of stuff coming. (most of the fear here is directed by The Sims 3 which is very much loaded with rather expensive DLC. - We don´t know yet how many city sets or superhero building alike gimmiks there will be and how much they´ll cost. Thanks anyway. Looks like I'm gonna go find a copy of SimCity 4 then.
  3. Question to anyone who has this: How bad is the downloadable content in a "This really oughta have been in the game to start with" sense?
  4. For whatever reason, I have developed an irrational fandom for Margus Hunt.
  5. I second LL's notion that blitzball can go have sexual relations with itself.
  6. If elected Pope, I promise to banish Rob Dyrdek to the lowest rung of the firey pits of hell where his kind belong.

  7. Roses are red, so is the state. Let us be comrades, because I think you're great.

  8. The announcement of Bruno Sammartino going into the WWE Hall of Fame apparently so freaked out my laptop that it contracted the FBI Moneypak virus. Everything's working fine now.

  9. *insert obligatory Prime Time Players/Flacco joke*
  10. All of a sudden this is much more interesting.
  11. Maybe by then I'll actually have the money to buy it.
  12. I shoulda put on a tinfoil hat before logging onto Facebook today.

  13. Santa Claus, all I want for Christmas is for the Patriots to not win the Super Bowl.
  14. Question time! Reading TEOL's Crusader Kings II diary thingy in The Cube has got me interested in playing this game. I'm curious as to how long it'll take someone who normally doesn't play strategy games to understand the game to a reasonable level? a.k.a "How long will it take me to understand and master the basic mechanics of the game?"
  15. Squeenix is only going to get me to buy Lightning Returns is if they finally announce a release date for the HD remaster of Final Fantasy X.
  16. I thank thee. On a side note, the Raven's losing to a backup quarterback's backup quarterback actually made me throw up in my mouth a bit.
  17. What exactly determines which team gets the #1 draft pick next NFL Draft if two or more teams tie for the worst record? Curious about it, seeing as I've literally just started to care about football this year.
  18. "I think about baseball/I swing all night, yeah" from "Cherry Pie" by Warrant.. OK, the whole song is a series of sex metaphors, but I find this metaphor particularly stupid for whatever odd reason. Still love the song, though.
  19. I think literally the only way to lose is to either Zombify or Petrify yourself. Either way, it's absurd that I have to go so far out of the way to lose a final boss fight.
  20. The fact that you have to go out of your way in order to actually LOSE the fight doesn't help matters any.
  21. I dunno. Emmure and Fuck The Facts give them a very good run for the money as worst band to ever exist. MAKE IT SO!
  22. Even someone with as little knowledge of football as me can clearly tell that TD shouldn't have counted. Maybe I have a shot at being an NFL ref, seeing as knowledge of the rules doesn't appear to be mandatory.
  23. Somebody pick what game I'll be watching tomorrow.
  24. What the deuce, Ravens? 41 seconds in and you're already down by 7.
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